TradPrt / TradPrt
Esta é a lista dos tradutores de português. (A mais antiga lista de tradutores de língua portuguesa da internet - Fundada em 15/10/1998) Ponto de encontro dos tradutores profissionais que tenham o português como um de seus idiomas... e dispostos a colaborar um com o outro. Quando todos os recursos se esgotam, a gente diz: preciso apelar para alguém que entenda mais deste assunto! A lista te...
1,825 Members, 147,192 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
shadowgram / ShadowGram Dark Shadows Newsletter
ShadowGram is the Official Newsletter and News Source for both the 1966-1971 ABC TV series “Dark Shadows” and all subsequent versions. I receive information directly from Dan Curtis Productions, the cast and crew, and other key sources. This list is not a discussion list; rather, I use it to send out time-sensitive news. Updates can include the latest information about cast and crew projects...
1,818 Members, 383 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
Unofficialnicanon Yahoo group is changing to an email list by Dec 14th, 2019. In order to preserve the group the group was transferred to The name was changed at the same time to Nicotine Quit buddies as some had issues with the name "Unofficial". We are here to help each other stop smoking, chewing, vaping, and stay stopped through the Nicotine Anonymous 12 step program. Indivi...
1,818 Members, 77,786 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
femm / FEMM (Finite Elements Magnetic)
This group is for users of software Femm ( Finite Elements Magnetic ). This group is for users of Finite Elements Method Magnetics (FEMM). FEMM is a Windows program for solving 2D and axisymmetric problems of AC and DC magnetics, electrostatics, heat flow, and current flow. . Home page:
1,812 Members, 2,756 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
holidaymysterygifts / Holiday Mystery Gifts KAL
A forum for those who enjoy new knit and crochet patterns designed by other group members. The focus is on smaller projects that not only create beautiful or fun pieces for gifts at all holiday times, but also a place to ask questions and learn a bit more about your chosen craft. Our designer and pattern testing teams are continuously working on new patterns for our members. SHARE your photos ...
1,810 Members, 11,000 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
Support for all NBEMS users. Windows, Linux, Unix and OS X. NBEMS is a suite of General Public License programs distributed by W1HKJ & Associates. It consists of fldigi, flarq, flamp, flmsg, flrig, flwrap see
1,809 Members, 6,883 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
rifegroup / The Rife Group is for all those who wish to discuss the treatment, invented by Royal Raymond Rife
This Rife Group is for all those who wish to discuss the treatment, invented by Royal Raymond Rife, that uses resonance frequencies to treat a wide range of diseases. The Rife treatment is best known for the treatment of everything from Flu to Cancer and arthritis. In this group, we discuss suitable Rife equipment, your experiences, frequencies and reactions as well as the related microscope tech...
1,807 Members, 11,563 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
NewCyberQuilters / New CyberQuilters
Are you a quilter who loves finding free quilting information, quilt patterns, instructions, and designs that are available on the Internet? Do you like to discuss techniques, tips and what you are working on? Would you like to be part of a wonderful community of quilters who share your interests? Then you will enjoy Cyberquilters. List rules include (but are not limited to): No religious, poli...
1,807 Members, 5,819 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
twomorrows / TwoMorrows Publishing
Sign up here to receive periodic updates about what's going on in the world of TwoMorrows Publishing, the folks who bring you Back Issue!, Alter Ego, Jack Kirby Collector, DRAW!, Comic Book Creator, BrickJournal, RetroFan, and a host of books that are The Future of Comics, LEGO, and Pop Culture History!
1,805 Members, 209 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
Steel-Detail / Steel-Detail Discussion Forum
The Steel-Detail discussion forum is an online forum where individuals in the steel detailing industry can communicate and exchange ideas, information, and best practices. It is a platform for steel detailers, modelers, fabricators, estimators, project managers, erectors, engineers, architects, and other professionals involved in the design and construction of steel structures to discuss industry-...
1,801 Members, 37,901 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
FlexRadioSmartSDR / FlexRadioSmartSDR
This Discussion group is for FLEX radios using the SmartSDR architecture. The new hardware architecture has multiple processors including a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). The FPGA supports direct Digital Down Conversion of the signal and provides tremendous processing power in the radio. SmartSDR is the software running on the radio controlling it all. The user interface is thin client and ...
1,800 Members, 3,327 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
For those interested in receiving and mapping ship position reports transmitted using the AIS protocol under the Safety of Life at Sea regulations. Specifically for users of the ShipPlotter decoder program to share techniques, logs, charts and to report bugs and to request new features.
1,794 Members, 6,528 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
vintagesewingmachinerepair / Vintage Sewing Machine Repair
Vintage sewing machine collectors, repairers, and users group. A member of the Vintage Stitchers Family of Groups. This is a forum for collectors of antique and vintage Non-Singer sewing machines to get together to discuss recent finds, ask questions, and share resources. We cover model identification, maintenance, adjustments, repair, restoration, accessories and attachments - everything you nee...
1,793 Members, 1,622 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
MCneeds is a grassroots organization that advocates for the improvement in the quality of life for individuals with disabilities and their families in Montgomery County, Maryland. Its membership includes parents, advocates, lawyers, teachers and many others. While its focus is primarily special education, MCneeds advocates for and addresses all issues that impact the lives of individuals with disa...
1,791 Members, 40,980 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
On30conspiracy / On30 Conspiracy io
For model builders working in On30.
1,790 Members, 25,198 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
brcoachingstock / BR Loco-hauled Coaching Stock from 1948
A group for railway enthusiasts, professionals (past and present) historians and modellers to discuss and share information about the locomotive-hauled coaching stock of British Railways from nationalisation (1948-present). Multiple units are outside the scope of the group. The group covers pre-nationalisation and pre-grouping designs of hauled coaching stock operating in the BR era and hauled sto...
1,789 Members, 5,031 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
MagLoop / MagLoop
THE NEW HOME OF THE MagLoop Yahoo Group. Magnetic Loop or Small Transmitting Loop antennas are nothing new, however there seems to be an increased interest in these highly misunderstood antennas. Some seek these antennas out of necessity due to their local housing restrictions, or because they don't have the area available for larger, more conventional antennas and are therefor limited b...
1,789 Members, 1,867 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
American-Coach / American Coach Owners Group
This group is made up of members who share a common interest in American Coaches (Heritage, Eagle, Dream, Tradition, Allegiance, Revolution and Limited), and interact to promote an informative exchange of ideas, as well as, a place to 'just get together'. This group is not affiliated with, or sanctioned by, REVGroup or it's American Coach Division. However, many of it's members b...
1,786 Members, 69,611 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Treadleon / TreadleOn
A group for people-powered old sewing machine users and fixer-uppers. We cover all makes, both treadle and hand-crank. We share practical stuff about sewing, technical help about our sewing machines, and social messages connected to events and activities. NO politics, religion, or rabble-rousing, and please play nice...
1,784 Members, 7,374 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Elecraft-K4 / Elecraft K4 Direct Sampling Transceiver and then some!
This group is formed to assist others and exchange ideas and experiences with the Elecraft K4 transceiver. The group is not owned or moderated by Elecraft, or any of its owners/employees. This is a restricted group by membership only. It is a discussion group as it relates to the Elecraft K4 transceiver. You are welcome to join the group. This is a moderated site. By applying for membership, you...
1,778 Members, 5,845 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post: