Gemini_usersThis group gives users of Losmandy's Gemini system a forum to discuss its capabilities.Created:
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KRYPTOSKryptos is a sculpture located at CIA HQ containing an encrypted message. Three of the four parts have been solved. This group is for people interested in working together to find a solution to Part 4. Our goal is to provide a comfortable environment for the open exchange of ideas. This can be difficult to achieve when one of the individual goals has always been to be "the one" to crac...Created:
1,730 Members,
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larrys-list / Larry's List FYILarry's List is a group of Amateur Radio messages. This is the main group. There is sub-groups for specific topics. This group is for topic not listed as a sub-group.Created:
1,729 Members,
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RealSTMFCThe purpose of this list is to discuss all aspects of North American freight cars of the steam era [ 1900-1960 ]. The objectives include the sharing of information about railroad freight cars including their operation and various techniques of building models of them. Emphasis is to be placed on the study of the prototype with a goal of producing models of them with as great a degree of accuracy a...Created:
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ColonialWars / ColonialWarsA mailing list devoted to Colonial Wargaming and warfare in the 1800's. Suggestions for sources, terrain making methods, miniatures, and rules will be common, as will discussions of games played and scenarios... wargame, wargames, war, battle, military, simulation, hobby, model, modeling, models, modelmaking, Victorian bla bla blaCreated:
1,725 Members,
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NCYIjobs / National Council Young Israel Jobs BoardNational Council Young Israel Jobs Board The National Council of Young Israel has set up NCYIjobs as a free e-mail based employment bulletin board to assist those in the Jewish communities in the United States, Israel and around the world in seeking employees and employment. If you are an employer please list the position by job title, provide the location of your firm, the experience that the ...Created:
1,723 Members,
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inklingoThis Inklingo group is the place for quilters to discuss Linda Franz's method of printing templates directly onto the wrong side of fabric with an ordinary Inkjet printer for hand piecing, machine piecing or appliqué. It was previously on Yahoo.Created:
1,712 Members,
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handinhanddiscuss / Hand in Hand Parenting Discussion GroupThis is the migration of Hand in Hand Parenting's Yahoo GroupCreated:
1,711 Members,
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TacTAudioUsersGroup / TacT Audio Users GroupThis discussion group is open to anybody interested in TacT Audio products (e.g. RCS, TCS, amps, and speakers) and issues related to room/speakers correction and digital amplifiers/crossovers.Created:
1,709 Members,
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TheDailyDXThe Daily DX – is a text DX bulletin sent via e-mail to your home or office Monday through Friday and includes DX news, IOTA news, QSN reports, QSL information, a DX Calendar, propagation forecast and much, much more. With a subscription to The Daily DX you will also receive DX news flashes and other interesting DX tidbits. You can see a sample. Read the reviews at Eham.netCreated:
1,705 Members,
380 Topics,
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JacobsenFordGardenTractors / Jacobsen Ford Garden TractorsWelcome To The Jacobsen / Ford Garden Tractors Group This group was created for those members that like to talk about and work on Jacobsen Garden Tractors ...Created:
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SonyICF20102001Dusergroup / Sony ICF2010 / 2001D radio user groupExchange of information and user experiences pertaining to the now discontinued Sony ICF2010/2001D shortwave radio. Discussions on (but not limited to) radio repair, modifications, antenna topics, SW, MW and AIR band DXing etc. This group's Files section has a list of Sony ICF2010/2001D serial numbers contributed and maintained by members. The Files section also has user and service manual sca...Created:
1,701 Members,
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AncientArtifactsWelcome! This as an open forum for dealers and collectors of ancient artifacts. Now, seeing what has happened to Ebay's Antiquities category, let me define what that means. In this case, an ancient artifact would be any collectible item of 800 years of age (or so) or older. This includes Greek, Roman, Egyptian, early Islamic, Celtic, etc. Dealers should feel free to make the group aw...Created:
1,700 Members,
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perfumemakingPrefume making community sharing resources and knowledgeCreated:
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NWNonprofitNetworking / Northwest Nonprofit NetworkingWelcome to NORTHWEST NONPROFIT NETWORKING, an email group (i.e., listserv) moderated by 501 Commons as part of its free Information & Referral Program. WHAT TO POST: This group is for messages that advance nonprofits. You can include web links and files in your posts. Use it to:· Ask questions, request information, and search for information on people or organizations· Announce...Created:
1,698 Members,
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ic756pro3 / IC-756PRO III (PRO3) HF/6m TRANSCEIVERInformation, tips and user comments on the ICOM IC-756 PRO III and IC-756 PRO II Amateur Transceivers. Although we have renamed the group to reflect the replacement of the PRO II by the PRO III, we wish to reassure all members that PRO II-related postings will always be welcome, as will postings on the 756Pro. Spam, racism, name-calling, vulgarity, religious or political propaganda, personal insul...Created:
1,698 Members,
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sheldonlatheSheldonlathe is for sharing information about Sheldon, Sebastian, and Vernon machine tools. The Files, Photos, and Links sections contain basic information. Members may upload machine photos to the Photos section. For a manual or parts for your Sheldon, check the Files for "Sheldon Parts FAQ" and the Links sections for sources. The FAQ is updated regularly so check this file for new inf...Created:
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k9epiglobal / K9-EPIGLOBALThis self-help group is for caregivers of dogs with Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency (EPI). This is the original group started fifteen years ago on Yahoo and has moved to because of changes made to the Yahoo group. This is a restricted group. A completed application, which you should have received when you requested membership, is required. Because many conditions other than EPI can hav...Created:
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OddballHFSSBRadio / Oddball HF SSB Radio EquipmentThe above pictured radio is a Stephens Engineering SEA 222 HF/SSB Marine transceiver. It is mounted in a naval 20mm ammo can. This set is a permanent fixture on my picnic table where it is used to scan the below listed frequencies. This group is dedicated to the collection, restoration, historical documentation, and use, of oddball HF/SSB radio equipment. These types include military, paramilit...Created:
1,682 Members,
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Freecycle-BCC-MD / Freecycle-BCC-MDBethesda/Chevy Chase Freecycle began in October 2004. We have kept tons of stuff out of the landfill. BCC FreeCycle is open to all in the BCC, Potomac and Kensington areas who want to Freecycle; something rather than throwing it away. Whether it is a chair, a fax machine, piano or an old door, feel free to post it. Or maybe you want to get something that someone else is sending to the landfill! No...Created:
1,682 Members,
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