Freecycle-BCC-MD / Freecycle-BCC-MD
Bethesda/Chevy Chase Freecycle began in October 2004. We have kept tons of stuff out of the landfill. BCC FreeCycle is open to all in the BCC, Potomac and Kensington areas who want to Freecycle; something rather than throwing it away. Whether it is a chair, a fax machine, piano or an old door, feel free to post it. Or maybe you want to get something that someone else is sending to the landfill! No...
1,682 Members, 15,801 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
k9epiglobal / K9-EPIGLOBAL
This self-help group is for caregivers of dogs with Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency (EPI). This is the original group started fifteen years ago on Yahoo and has moved to because of changes made to the Yahoo group. This is a restricted group. A completed application, which you should have received when you requested membership, is required. Because many conditions other than EPI can hav...
1,681 Members, 36,623 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
BKradio / BK / Bendix King radio owners & users
This group is for owners/users of Bendix King radios to share knowledge, tips, programming info, questions and answers, etc. with others. This isn't intended to be eBay, but a few trading or buy/sell ads will be allowed, but no reposting. To stay under the space limit and keep this group free, no attachments may be posted in messages, but can be posted in the "Files" section. Please do...
1,679 Members, 6,244 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
openwebrx / OpenWebRX
OpenWebRX community group. Basic support, Idea exchange, Receiver exchange. Please post your messages in English. Do not post any references to unlicensed AMBE decoding methods.
1,675 Members, 1,850 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
Progressive Communicators of Washington, DC (PCDC) is a professional network of people working in communications who are committed to progressive causes, including in-house communications staff and consultants.
1,673 Members, 17,562 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
bpq32 / BPQ32 & LINBPQ User's Group
A user group established by John Wiseman G8BPQ/GM8BPQ and Ron Stordahl AE5E for BPQ32 - AX.25 NET/ROM compatible node software for Windows. BPQ for DOS and BPQ32 for Windows were written by John Wiseman G8BPQ/GM8BPQ and have a considerable following of appreciative users. BPQ32 includes BPQMailChat, a modern BBS and Chat system, and BPQAPRS, an APRS Mapping and Messaging application. BPQ32 offers ...
1,671 Members, 8,925 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
RepowerAndRegear / RepowerAndRegear
After existing as free list for over twenty years, this list upgraded to Premium to provide increased service to list members. Our group is for discussion of repowering and regearing model railroad locomotives. This group is also receptive to the discussion of additional model modifications after repowering and regearing; for example, repairs and redetailing, DCC installations and painting as ...
1,669 Members, 5,977 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
tech-vi / Tech-VI Announce List
This group is an announce-only list. It has been established to distribute announcements regarding blindness technology for the visually impaired. Announcements may include news about new products and services for the visually impaired, product upgrades, tips and tricks and employment opportunities which may be of particular relevance to those who are blind or visually impaired. Announcements rega...
1,668 Members, 8,849 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
arborparents / Arborparents - The Ann Arbor Parenting e-mail list
For parents of children and babies who live in or near Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA. New members are welcome.
1,665 Members, 28,315 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
nvda / NVDA Screen Reader Group
NonVisual Desktop Access (NVDA) is screen reader software. The central purpose of this group is discussing how to use NVDA. This includes configuring NVDA's settings or familiarizing oneself with its modes and commands. Discussions about which programs are accessible using NVDA, NVDA add-ons, NVDA tutorials and documentation, and configuring synthesizers or Braille displays for use with NVD...
1,664 Members, 16,517 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
mpml / Minor Planet Mailing List
This is the new home for the Minor Planet Mailing List! The Minor Planet Mailing List {MPML} is the active list for the minor planet community. You will find MPML is populated with many of the world's best amateur astronomers as well as many professional astronomers involved in all facets of asteroid and comet research. MPML is open to all with an interest in asteroids and comets. Howeve...
1,662 Members, 22,757 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
feline-heart / Feline Heart
A place where members can discuss feline heart conditions and treatments. You are welcome whether your cat was just diagnosed, suddenly passed on, or if you just want to learn more about feline heart conditions. Started April 2000 cardiomyopathy heart disease HCM RCM DCM Hypertrophic dilated restrictive
1,656 Members, 30,409 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
nierenkranke-katze / Nierenkranke Katze
Diese Liste beschäftigt sich ausschließlich mit Nieren- und Harnwegserkrankungen bei der Katze, vor allem mit chronischer Niereninsuffizienz (CNI) und deren Folgeerkrankungen. Hier helfen sich Katzen-Besitzer gegenseitig im Umgang mit der Krankheit. Wir haben viele Informationen rund um die Krankheit zusammengestellt. Mit etwas Hintergrundwissen lässt es sich auch mit dem Tierarzt besser zusam...
1,655 Members, 71,248 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Winlink / Winlink Programs Group
Winlink Email via Radio - Users and Sysops Group. Email off the grid. Click the Messages tab to the left.
1,652 Members, 500 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
NScaleYardSale / NScaleYardSale
This list is for N-Scale modelers to sell and buy N scale items and models. DCC equipment is also allowed as long as it is usable for N Scale. There will be no links to eBay, other paid-ad sites or commercial web sites. Do not use tinyurls either. Individuals and Dealers are welcome to list items for sale in their messages to this list. Swaps and trades are welcome as are sale items. Please feel f...
1,652 Members, 30,251 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
GrandCanyonHikers / Grand Canyon Hikers
Welcome, oh walkers of every land, Our group's devoted to El Canon Grand. Hiking/backpacking is our featured topic, plus ANYTHING GC - we're not myopic! With veterans steeped in deep Canyon knowledge, Our decade old archive's a virtual college! We love Adventure, Geology, Hist'ry, anything touching this wonderous myst'ry. Tenderfoot hikers, it's fine to be green. Study ...
1,648 Members, 29,582 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
PickyEatingAdults / Picky Eating Adults Support Group
What happens to children who are picky eaters who grow up to be adults and still have the problem. Am I the only one. I know you are out there lets connect and share our life stories. If you avoid formal dinners at all costs. This forum could be for you. This is a terrible problem and it is so painfull dealing with it alone. But now you don't have to! Moderators: Bob K., and Rhonda ...
1,648 Members, 5,663 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
BigDobsonians / Big Dobsonian Telescopes
(formerly the bigdob group on yahoo) This is a place to discuss using, choosing, modifying, accessorizing, building and observing with big dobsonian telescopes. This group welcomes discussions of what is unique to using big dobs of any make. Oh, yeah. We also get to discuss what "big" means. Polite comparisons of features, performance, usability and serviceability of big dobs...
1,645 Members, 3,875 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
hometissueculture / Hometissueculture
The Home Plant Tissue Culture Listserv was created at the request of several tissue culture hobbyists who wanted a site where beginners could share their experiences with other non-professionals or those with limited experience. Our goal is to share ideas, cultures, seeds, chemicals, protocols, recipes and sources of information with each other. We are all limited in funds and expensive equipment ...
1,642 Members, 11,252 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
The online historical discussion forum devoted to the Southern Pacific (Espee) between 1861 and 1996. SP’s various subsidiaries are also on-topic including the St. Louis Southwestern (“SSW” or “Cotton Belt); Northwestern Pacific (NWP); Texas & New Orleans (T&NO), Pacific Electric (PE); Visalia Electric (VE); Pacific Fruit Express Company (PFE – a partnership with Union Pacific u...
1,642 Members, 34,157 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post: