space-modelers / Space ModelersA discussion group of people who build or are interested in building models of space, rocketry, and research aircraft (X-planes) related items.Created:
1,778 Members,
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ASISTAExperts / ASISTAExpertsInteractive private list designed for experienced practitioners to share strategies on VAWA self-petitions, U and T visas and other forms of immigration benefits for crime survivors.Created:
1,777 Members,
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3rdplanitWelcome to the 3rd PlanIt Group! This group is for users of, or persons interested in, 3rd PlanIt, a CAD software package for track planning and designing model railroad layouts. Here you will find lots of ideas and advice on 3rd PlanIt and links to many samples of great layouts and railroad objects created by our members. 3rd PlanIt is a product of El Dorado Software. However, this is an "uno...Created:
1,774 Members,
10,132 Topics,
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PleasurewayOwnersGroup / Pleasure Way Owners GroupFor almost 30 years, this Group has been dedicated to owners of Pleasure-Way Class B recreational vans and is not open to the public. Once you ask to join the group, you'll get an automated email immediately. If you don't see it in your inbox, check your spam folder. If you can't find the automated email, then send your PW vehicle information to PWOG+owner@PleasurewayOwnersGroup.groups...Created:
1,767 Members,
13,898 Topics,
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SherlineCNC / SherlineCNCSupport group for CNC users of Sherline mills and lathes.Created:
1,764 Members,
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LotusEuropa / Lotus EuropaThis mailing list is intended for enthusiasts of the Lotus Europa (any year and model). You are welcome to join whether you are an owner, owner to-be, or just an interested party. Discussion should be limited to the Europa model, as there are plenty of mailing lists for other Lotus models. The purpose of the list is sharing of ideas and technical information about the Lotus Europa. There is a list...Created:
1,764 Members,
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DupontCircleParentsA place for parents in and around Dupont Circle (Washington, DC) to share ideas, questions, advice, activities, events, kid items, and whatever else pertains to parenting in the nation’s capital.Created:
1,760 Members,
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CoProS / CoProSThis group comprises freelance Producers, Bidders, Production Supervisors/Managers, and Assistant Production Supervisors/Managers who work in the commercial production and music video industries.Created:
1,756 Members,
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CitrusParkOnlineNews for and about Citrus Park residentsCreated:
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IIPG / IIPG Queen of Peace and mir_peace_shalom Group"Peace, peace, peace and only peace! Peace must reign between God and man and also between men!" Welcome!! You have reached mir_peace_shalom IIPG Queen of Peace which is a discussion list and prayer group dedicated to the messages of Our Lady, Queen of peace in Medjugorje. We were founded June 4, 1999 by Nedjo Brecic, a prayer group member of Ivan Dragicevic's prayer group"'Qu...Created:
1,755 Members,
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KCCTOG / KC Community Ticket Offers GroupThis community group is for individuals wishing to receive notice of discounted tickets to events at The Kennedy Center. These discount ticket offers are provided as a courtesy to community members and we reserve the right to rescind offers and/or your membership to this group at any time. By joining this group you agree to abide by the instructions set out in the invitations. Please make sure yo...Created:
1,754 Members,
226 Topics,
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FelineMegacolon / Feline Megacolon Discussion GroupThis group is for people whose cats have feline megacolon or severe/chronic constipation (it is not for those whose cats have been diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disorder [IBD] or the functional disorder irritable bowel syndrome). This group offers information, support, and practical recommendations from others who have gained experience in caring for a cat with megacolon. Welcome!Created:
1,753 Members,
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PassengerCarList / Passenger Car ListWelcome to the Passenger Car List, or PCL. This is the new home for the former Yahoo Groups Passenger Car List - all of the Yahoo PCL posts, photos and files are here.. This forum is devoted to railroad and railway passenger cars - past, current and future. Modeling and prototype discussions are welcome! Messages sent to the list should be restricted to passenger cars and passenger car modeling. C...Created:
1,750 Members,
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sheepdog-l / Sheepdog-LDiscussion about working sheepdogs, stock dogs, sheep, and USBCHA style sheepdog trials. No conversation about AKC herding or AKC border collies is permitted.Created:
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MILW / The MILWAUKEE ROADA historical discussion list for fans and modelers of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railroad - aka "The Milwaukee Road". The Milwaukee Road was famous for its many superb passenger trains and popularly known by its "The Route of the Hiawathas" moniker. The western end of the system (Montana, Idaho and Washington) once boasted hundreds of miles of electrified mainli...Created:
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gannstudygroup / Gann Study GroupGann, the market master, is here in the original! Gann books and Gann courses deal with stocks, commodities, support and resistance, cycles, the law of vibration, Gann angles (the Gann fan), the Square of Nine (the Gann Wheel), the Hexagon Chart, squaring of price and time, and more. W. D. Gann, a Mason and Shriner, wrote of his work as follows: "My calculations are based on the cycle theory a...Created:
1,746 Members,
56 Topics,
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sbs2kWelcome to SMB IT support for the 21st Century !Created:
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VintageKorg / Vintage Korg AnnouncementsWelcome to the Vintage Korg Groups, dedicated to the "vintage" gear of the Japanese manufacturer Korg, like synths, drum machines, or outboard equipment and all that good stuff. Everything from the early beginnings as Keio up to the mid-eighties gear like the DW-8000, when Korg moved over to digital synthesis. To subscribe to the Vintage Korg Maillist, click here. To view the maillist arch...Created:
1,739 Members,
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TurboEspritThis Group is devoted to the appreciation and care of the Turbocharged variants of the Lotus Esprit, both 4-cylinder and V8. That includes sharing information, how-to/ fixes, impressions, experiences, or just plain fellowship between owners and fans. You do not need to own one to participate, but your comments should focus on these Lotus models... stay on topic. The message archives are pub...Created:
1,738 Members,
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KM4ACK-Pi / KM4ACK Raspberry PiDiscussion group for Raspberry Pi users running KM4ACK scripts such as Build-a-Pi or Pat MenuCreated:
1,736 Members,
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