motorhome-list / Motorhome-List
Motorhome-List is a UK based group for the general discussion of issues relating to motorhome, motorcaravan or camper van ownership and use.
1,641 Members, 46,133 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Winmor / WinLink - WINMOR Protocol, VARA FM/HF, ARDOP, PACTOR and Related Topics for WinLINK Express
** The Original Unofficial User Support Group Since 2008 ** Please state your valid amateur radio call sign when requesting membership. If you forget to state your call sign, you will be contacted via your registered email address. So, be sure that you register with a working email address that you check regularly! If you don't respond to the request, your membership cannot be approved. We can...
1,639 Members, 435 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
This is the long-running Alameda Freecycle Group (formerly on Yahoo Groups). Long live Alameda Freecycle!!
1,638 Members, 6,362 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
The home of the Amateur Radio Digital Open Protocol. Please join the subgroups users and development if you wish to interact, as main is going to be for messages from the developers about new releases of the software.
1,633 Members, 4 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
This Group is for active Solar Cooks. And...for Wannabe Solar Cooks that are 'seriously' considering purchasing or building a Solar Oven/Cooker to use. Our experiences with solar cooking are golden. We share these experiences! Tell us about recipes that have worked well for you. Ask questions and share concerns about your solar oven or the one you are thinking about buying or making!!!
1,631 Members, 3,991 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
Marconi-Test-Instruments / Marconi Test Instruments
This Group is the successor to the former Yahoo Group of the same name. 90 years of MARCONI Instruments - August 2026 —————————————————————— Anything related to the OLD, but excellent, Test & Measurement Instruments made by the well known British Firm "MARCONI INSTRUMENTS" MARCONI was sold to IFR Systems Inc. (n 1998), then IFR was acquired ...
1,631 Members, 3,164 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
our-buy-sell / Our Buy Sell
Helps community to share details.
1,630 Members, 2,925 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
NewStatlerSiblings / New Statler Siblings
A group dedicated to helping each other with software, hardware and quilt issues. You must own a Statler Stitcher to be a member of this group. THIS GROUP IS NOT OWNED NOR MODERATED BY THE GAMMILL CORPORATION.
1,625 Members, 59,535 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
LHRAE / Heathrow Aviation Enthusiasts
The Heathrow Aviation Enthusiasts List is the ORIGINAL and BEST Heathrow list, it disseminates information relating to aviation at Heathrow Airport. Movement Logs, ACARS and SBS-1 reports, News & daily what's due reports are just some examples of the comprehensive information posted here.
1,623 Members, 5,081 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
inwoodkids / Inwood Kids
This group is intended to provide parents in the Inwood area and surrounding neighborhoods a forum to organize activities and exchange helpful information. When requesting to JOIN US: Please include your name, neighborhood, age(s) of child(ren) and why you would like to join us. IF YOU ARE ADVERTISING YOUR SERVICES of any kind, please adhere to our posting policies, which allow self-promotion...
1,621 Members, 70,107 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
harplist / Harplist - Since 1990!
The new home of the original Folk Harp mailing list. Original description follows: This list was created in 1990 by Jane and Andy Valencia, and tended to for 20 years by Sharon Skaryd. This exceptional resource has been, and will continue to be, devoted to the discussion of any and all topics related to folk, historical and pedal harps. For those who are "harp-crazed" and either play the h...
1,618 Members, 68,716 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Mixer-Owners / Mixer Owners
This Group was created for those who own heavy duty mixers like the Electrolux Assistent (also known as the Magic Mill DLX) or Bosch models. It's a great group to join if you have questions about your mixer or if your researching a future purchase. We discuss new purchases and our knowledge of particular mixer idiosyncrasies. Recipes are exchanged, a wide range of bread doughs are discussed ...
1,615 Members, 10,414 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
ImageMuse / Image Muse
ABOUT IMAGEMUSE A discussion group of cultural heritage imaging, DAM and publishing professionals who pose questions and share information on topics ranging from color management and science to cultural heritage photography and workflows in DAMs and publishing. MEMBERS Members of ImageMuse hold professional positions at the institutions listed on our website, however their employers are not ...
1,614 Members, 4,058 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
FT-891 / Yaesu FT-891 Compact 100 Watt Shortwave Transceiver
This group has been created to provide information and a discussion forum for the Yaesu FT-891 HF/6m transceiver. 73, Peter - HB9PJT .
1,610 Members, 886 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
LRAN / Labor Research Action Network (LRAN)
The Labor Research Action Network (LRAN) is a collaboration of academics and labor practitioners aiming to build workplace and economic power for working people in this country. We believe that these strengthened relationships between researchers and labor organizers will enhance the quality of our respective areas of work, enrich our separate and shared experiences, and elevate our impact on the ...
1,609 Members, 680 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Cincypaddlers / Cincypaddlers
Since 2002, Cincypaddlers has been the primary resource for paddlers of kayaks, canoes and paddleboards in the Greater Cincinnati area to find out about paddling events, trips, boats and gear for sale, lessons, networking, advice, parties, etc. It is free of charge and welcoming to paddlers of all skill levels, including those interested in recreational paddling, whitewater, sea kayaking and exped...
1,608 Members, 17,957 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
ldgelectronics / LDG Electronics
This is a volunteer-run group for Hams interested in discussing & sharing ideas about LDG Electronics accessories.
1,606 Members, 431 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
Hedge Counsels
1,599 Members, 4,661 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
braidsandbands / Braids and Bands
The Braid Society was founded in 1993 and it has grown since then to include members from across the UK and many other countries. The Society aims to promote the education and practice of the art and craft of making constructed or embellished braids and narrow bands. All appropriate interests are encouraged and membership is open to everyone. Members include professional craftsmen, teacher...
1,595 Members, 3,105 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Please note: This group is no longer associated with and no longer recommends that website for reliable information. This group was created in 2001 by the now-defunct New York Home Educators' Network. It is open to anyone interested in homeschooling in New York State. If you have questions about homeschooling in NY, and especially if you're a new homeschooler, this is the place...
1,592 Members, 8,879 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post: