RigPi / MFJ-1234 RigPi Support Forum
Support forum for MFJ-1234 RigPi Station Server
Created: 11/28/18
1,547 Members, 2,064 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post: Mar 17
The Delta Green Mailing List, shocking your inbox since 1997.
Created: 5/16/03
1,541 Members, 8,743 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post: Jan 1
A discussion forum dedicated to the prototype and modeling of North American railroad freight cars and cabooses operating from 1960 to the present day. Topics may also include trucks, couplers, cushioning devices, brake gear and other appliances applied to railroad freight cars and cabooses. Freight car pools and relevant discussion of industries shipping by rail are also on-topic. Note this l...
Created: 5/28/99
1,539 Members, 22,789 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post: 1:49am
TailwindForum / Tailwind Forum
For discussion and exchange of information related to the Wittman Tailwind, Nesmith Cougar, and similar aircraft, like the Buttercup, Big X, Daphne, Four runner and O&O. Focus is on building and flying designs by Steve Wittman and related designs and modifications by others. Pictures can also be posted.Picture above was one of the last airplanes the late Jim Clement built. He called it the ...
Created: 8/24/01
1,538 Members, 21,819 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post: 4:54am
AVImark / AVImark Users Forum
Migrated to Groups.io on 20th of July, 2018 after 18 years of being with Yahoo!groups and starting to have problems with their platform. Will retain archives there for as long as they provide the support but almost all the data has been transferred over.
Created: 5/18/18
1,537 Members, 13,401 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post: Mar 14
UltralightDX / Ultralight Radio DXing Enthusiasts
This group provides a forum for those interested in the reception of long range AM, FM, Longwave and Shortwave radio stations on pocket radios no larger than 20 cubic inches in size. Discussions of related antennas, modifications and radio station formats is also encouraged. Discussion and comparison of other portable radios is also generally allowed.
Created: 3/27/08
1,534 Members, 13,077 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post: Mar 8
VintageKenmoresSew / VintageKenmoresSew
Helping Others Use & Care For Vintage Kenmore Sewing Machines Creating Information Archives and Photo Albums for Documentation
Created: 5/16/00
1,529 Members, 13,619 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post: 1:22am
bococaparents / BococaParents
Welcome to Bococa Parents, a free network of local parents residing in BOerum Hill, CObble Hill, and CArroll Gardens, along with the surrounding neighborhoods of Brooklyn, New York. As you may know, the Yahoo Group is no longer active, and we have transitioned to this new platform. If you want to stay connected with Bococa Parents, kindly ask your friends, family, and neighbors to subscribe by sen...
Created: 10/22/19
1,526 Members, 11,871 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post: Mar 16
coastside-freecycle / Coastside Freecycle
This is the ORIGINAL freecycle group for the Coastside region of San Mateo County: Daly City, Pacifica, Montara, Moss Beach, El Granada, Half Moon Bay, San Gregorio, Kings Mountain, La Honda, Pescadero, Loma Mar and Skylonda. Freecycle gives you a place to offer items you no longer need to others in your community, and to ask for items you DO need. The transfer of an item from one person to anothe...
Created: 7/30/05
1,525 Members, 124,216 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post: Mar 15
This group is meant to discuss both the Perseus SDR hardware and its accompanying software.
Created: 10/23/07
1,525 Members, 16,173 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post: Mar 15
hflink / HFLINK
HFLINK - International Forum for Automatic Link Establishment and HF Selective Calling ALE and HF Selcall HFLINK.COM - HFLINK.NET HFLINK is an international information exchange for ALE Automatic Link Establishment and HF Selective Calling, since 2001. Selcall and ALE HF Radios. Global ALE High Frequency Network HFN - Amateur Radio - Ham Radio - Emergency Disaster Relief Communications - HF Inte...
Created: 1/10/17
1,525 Members, 813 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post: Mar 6
Group for people living, working. or just interested in the St. Anthony Park neighborhood in St. Paul, MN.
Created: 10/25/01
1,525 Members, 30,066 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post: 4:00am
noevalleyparents / Noe Valley Parents
This is an open listserv for parents in Noe Valley, San Francisco. When requesting to join, please add a short description of who you are and why you would like to join. New members are approved on a weekly basis. GUIDELINES This is a self-regulating group where all members agree to respect the time and privacy of other members. Useful and welcome postings include: meeting / event announcement...
Created: 4/13/07
1,522 Members, 29,877 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post: 1:37am
Spearhead / Spearhead & Modern Spearhead
This list is devoted to the discussion of the Spearhead miniature wargame rules by Arty Conliffe (covering the Spanish Civil War era through World War II to the start of the Korean War), and the Modern Spearhead (covering the Korean War through to current 21st century conflicts) miniature wargame rules by Alex Macris and John Moher: SPEARHEAD: Divisional and Brigade Level Wargaming in the World Wa...
Created: 3/04/99
1,518 Members, 19,074 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post: 10/18/24
stirling / S.M. Stirling Discussion List
This list is intended to serve as a forum to discuss the books and short stories written by S.M. Stirling, a popular author of Science Fiction, Alternate History, and time travel. These include the Draka series of books, "Island in the Sea of Time", "Dies the Fire" series, etc. The list is relatively unmoderated and tends to range off topic at times, within limits. S.M. Stirling h...
Created: 7/19/98
1,518 Members, 70,815 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post: 2:42am
z-scale / Z Scale
Welcome to Z_Scale, the English language forum for 1/220 model train enthusiasts from around the world. This list was founded and maintained 1999-2004 by international Z Scale Ambassador Jeffrey MacHan. Since 2004, the list has been owned by Z scale advocate Rob Kluz of Ztrack, Magazine. Z_Scale exists to nurture the development of a sense of community among Z scale modelers, to promote 1:220 m...
Created: 6/28/99
1,515 Members, 22,133 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post: Mar 15
This group is for owners and anyone else interested in TEC telescopes
Created: 8/19/02
1,512 Members, 6,328 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post: Mar 17
steppir / SteppIR Antennas
This is a Ham Radio information exchange group for the most significant antenna design innovation since the invention of the yagi...the SteppIR yagi antennas, the BiggIR, SmallIR and CrankIR vertical antennas, and related accessories manufactured by SteppIR Antennas of Bellevue, Washington, USA. www.steppir.comThis group has no affiliation with SteppIR. Several of their employees have been known t...
Created: 2/05/18
1,508 Members, 2,937 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post: Mar 16
This group is a discussion forum for enthusiasts of the BBC LS3/5A miniature monitor loudspeaker design. We welcome all discussion of the design, history, all the various older and newer licensed manufacturers with true BBC pedigree. We also discuss valuation, DIY building, repairs, tuning and refining audio and music presentation through LS3/5A loudspeakers. We also welcome discussions about t...
Created: 4/16/00
1,504 Members, 6,638 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post: Feb 7
RSGBTechnical / RSGBTech
Welcome to RSGBTech, an independent group open to ALL radio amateurs to discuss amateur radio related technical matters, be it a technical query or area of interest. If it's technical and amateur radio, it is "On Topic". Refer to the current RSGB year book for further information. Please note that postings are moderated and do not necessarily represent RSGB policy, especially a...
Created: 3/11/09
1,504 Members, 8,848 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post: 6:44am