K9Rally / K9Rally
This group is for people interested in AKC and ASCA Rally merchandise. This is an "announcement only" group. K9Rally customers are notified a few times a year of: upcoming sales new merchandise AKC Rally rule changes
1,955 Members, 20 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
PHeightsParents / Prospect Heights Parents
A group for families in Prospect Heights, Brooklyn.
1,951 Members, 37,816 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
Monthly online (free) newsletter for flash literature (flash fiction, short-short fiction, flash creative nonfiction, flash plays, haibun, prose poetry. The newsletter will contain paying flash literature markets, non-paying flash literature contests, and flash literature publishing news.
1,940 Members, 269 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
incawoodworking / INCAWOODWORKING
This is a group for people interested in INCA WOODOWOODWORKING MACHINERY. I originally started this group on the YAHOO GROUPS platform back in 2004 as a way for those of us who have invested in INCA power tools over years to share information, locate parts, and swap/sell INCA. Hopefully this will be a good resource for INCA Woodworking Machines. Regards Alan Maier PLEASE USE #HASHTAGS ON ALL M...
1,930 Members, 4,892 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
MadronaMoms / Madrona Moms
Madrona Moms is a privately run, informal, fun-loving community group of parents. It was created in August of 2000 with the aim of trying to support parents and make Madrona feel like a small town. Over the last 24 years, many changes have occurred in our community. The Moderator/Owner has worked for the last 18 years and continues to work to make this listserv a safe, respectful space that enc...
1,929 Members, 132,848 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
CNBR-L / Co-operative Network of Building Researchers
A mail list for those who have an interest in building research and related fields including project management, real estate and construction. Typical messages include research queries, announcements for forthcoming conferences, and news about research vacancies, journal contents and new books. Members also discuss topics of common interest. Most list members are academic researchers but many indu...
1,925 Members, 2,429 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
MallinCam / MallinCam Astronomical Video CCD / CMOS Cameras
GROUP DESCRIPTION: Discussion group about video astronomy, live observations video imaging and imaging in general with the MallinCam CCD/CMOS Cameras. Please note: When posting, type your name at the end of each messages. Be kind to others so they know who you are.
1,922 Members, 22,313 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Information and user posts for K1EL Morse Keyers and Kits
1,919 Members, 2,919 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
This is the online community interested in portable ham radio operations using the PackTenna family of antennas.
1,916 Members, 1,163 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
edandsteve / Ed and Steve's Interracial
Gay group that meet once a week. FOR MEN ONLY. Must be at least 21 years of age.
1,915 Members, 208 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Ham-Antennas / Ham-Antennas
Discussion of amateur radio antenna systems, feedlines, matching networks, and related topics. Anything and everything, tell us or ask questions. Tuners, balanced, loops, coax, towers, poles, wire, Amateur Radio Antenna Covenant restrictions zoning discussions, for sale, for auction, ebay ok, stealth, covert, invisible, buried, FS FA MFJ AEA Cushcraft Heathkit Telrex Screwdriver vertical dipole g...
1,908 Members, 1,722 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
Photo-3d / Photo-3d
Photo-3d is for general discussions of 3D stereoscopic imaging, still and video, both film and digitally based. Computer generated 3d imaging is included, if it results in stereoscopic (two eyed) depth representation. General topics for discussion include stereo cameras and twin rigs, viewers and stereoscopic displays, stereoview collecting and creation, techniques for capturing stereoscopic image...
1,903 Members, 38,028 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
For the sharing of information and help in repairing the Drake Radio Line of Amateur Radios. Please note. IT IS ************MANDATORY*********** you sign in with your call sign. No call, you will NOT be admitted to the group.
1,903 Members, 14,954 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
sanjoseperegrines / San Jose City Hall Peregrines
This Forum is open for discussion and information concerning the San Jose City Hall Peregrines and their young. Staff from the Predatory Bird Research Group (PBRG) at UCSC Long Marine Lab and others with falcon and raptor experience moderate the group. FalconCams – East Ledge view – Nestbox view – Rooftop view Other useful links – Predatory Bird Research Group at UCSC - providing education...
1,903 Members, 30,476 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
gpsu / GPSU User Group
The GPSU User Group provides a forum to discuss the functioning of "GPS Utility", an easy-to-use application that allows you to manage, manipulate and map your GPS information. More information (including downloadable versions to try) are available here: http://www.gpsu.co.uk/ The forum is not intended to be a source of information on Global Positioning Systems generally, although membe...
1,900 Members, 2,034 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Embird101 / Embird 101
Just beginning to use Embird? Don't know where to start? This group is for you. No question is too silly or asked too many times. We are here to help you get the most out of this amazing software. We do try to stay on-topic - and that is using Embird, Please see the group Guidelines for rules on posting. Peggy Severt, the group owner, is an independent instructor of Embird software. In the pa...
1,895 Members, 5,876 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
zambutomirrorgroup / Zambuto Mirrors
A gathering place for folks who have a common interest in finest quality Newtonian primary telescope mirrors. We are an information center for discussion from a technical and manufacturing standpoint, as well as performance in the field. The archives of this forum contain a large body of mirror-making information. We cover machines, testing, polish, figuring, anneal; essentially every subject rela...
1,895 Members, 3,199 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
18xx / An 18XX Train Game Enthusiast Community
Community for 18xx train game enthusiasts.
1,894 Members, 9,714 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
SewWhatEmbroiderySoftware / SewWhat Embroidery Software
Welcome to SewWhat Embroidery Software group. I'm glad you found us and hope you will learn and share many things about the products. This group has been started to learn, ask questions and share information and ideas regarding the various Sew products. I ask that we stay on topic and not stray too far off. I will not allow any flaming whatsoever and especially regarding other embroidery soft...
1,886 Members, 11,284 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
The Fox Tango club is Rated G... Basic rules: No politics, No religion or No crude language or jokes. No sale of your equipment immediately after joining. Establish yourself as a valuable member before selling. We are amateurs and we all have call signs. So please identify yourself. No unsigned or unidentified posts. Be nice, polite and friendly to all. Always identify yourself or your amateur ca...
1,880 Members, 6,488 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post: