GrannyMoonsWeeklyFeast / GrannyMoon*s Weekly FeastGrannyMoon*s Weekly Feast Start your week off right! GrannyMoon sends you daily meditations, affirmations, Goddess and Pagan news, rituals, daily horoscopes, Tarot readings, herbal tips and spells. Take the best of the web and leave the rest. Thank you for joining! I hope you enjoy our Feast I find and post some of the best tidbits and such from the Web. If you ever have something to share, plea...Created:
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villagerquest / Quest and Villager OwnersA discussion group for owners of 1993 to 2002 Mercury Villager and Nissan Quest mini vans. All new members are moderated to keep spammers out. So it may be a few hours at times before you see your message posted. With all the email phishing and spoofing going on these days, any email that has a link to a web page must have some text explaining why it is on topic for our group. Remember to use the ...Created:
2,028 Members,
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movietvcatfightalert / MovietvcatfightalertThe purpose of this Group is to provide a forum for fans of fights between women (long known as "catfights") in movies, on television series and on the internet. The members of the Group will alert each other to various catfights, rate the quality of the fights and advise when and where they can be found. The Group will maintain an archive, compiled since October 10, 2003, that is undeniab...Created:
2,027 Members,
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Praat-Users-ListFor users of Paul Boersma's Praat software - for Doing Phonetics by Computer http://www.praat.orgCreated:
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4SQRP / Four State QRP GroupThe Four State QRP Group promotes friendly QRP operation, kit building, and sponsors the annual 4SQRP Ozarkcon convention in Branson, MO.Created:
2,017 Members,
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AustinFilmCasting / Austin Film CastingAs I get casting info for feature films in the Austin, Texas and San Antonio, Texas area I will share it for both multi-million Hollywood films and micro-budget indies; both feature films and shorts. If you know of any casting calls (yours or others) please e-mail me with all the pertinent info, including time, location, pay (if any), etc. and an e-mail and/or contact phone number. I hope that all...Created:
2,015 Members,
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pmfUNOFFICIAL meeting place for current members and alumni of the Presidential Management Fellows program.Created:
2,012 Members,
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CheatSheetCreation / Cheat Sheet CreationA group for sharing cheat sheets for the books from the Ambleside Online curriculum. This is not an official AO group, it is simply files created by those who have used these books and wanted to share their work with others who also use these books.Created:
2,006 Members,
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swskeds / Combined shortwave broadcast schedules.Combined shortwave broadcast schedules.Created:
2,000 Members,
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ageofeagles / Age of EaglesOnline support group for the Age of Eagles II miniature wargaming rules, aka Napoleonic Fire & Fury. Age of Eagles II (AOE) is the officially sanctioned Napoleonic variant of Rich Hasenauer's classic Fire & Fury ACW rules. All AOE products are included, to include scenario books, the Age of Honor Lace Wars expansion, and the Age of Valor digital expansion modules for wargaming European...Created:
1,997 Members,
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RFSPACE / RFSPACE SDRs and Wideband AntennasA group for discussion of all RFSPACE products including the SDR-14, SDR-IQ, NetSDR, SDR-IP, Cloud-IQ, CloudSDR, Ultra-Wideband (UWB) and antennas, and SpectraVue.Created:
1,992 Members,
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riverdaleshulsTO SEND AN EMAIL to the list, address it to Reply only to sender. Please follow the following guidelines for what emails will ALWAYS BE APPROPRIATE: (i) selling a car in Riverdale; (ii) need a ride; (iii) community events; (iv) shul events of interest; (v) shiva notices; (vi) community blood drives; etc. The following are examples of emails that would GENERALLY BE APPROPR...Created:
1,982 Members,
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DolphinClub / Dolphin Club - AnnouncementsThe members-only discussion group for members of the Dolphin Swimming and Boating Club. It is our Club living room, where civility reigns, communication happens and members are welcome to disagree but not to be disagreeable! To subscribe send an email (a blank email will do) to For a list of key contacts in the club, please see the Contacts Page. Please follow ou...Created:
1,978 Members,
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LifeRing / LifeRing Email GroupsLifeRing Email Groups: Please look at your email from for further instructions. LSRmail - The original and largest, LifeRing e-mail group. In its seventeenth year of providing online sober support. The membership includes both those new to sobriety and folks with many years clean and sober. Originally created to bring together those without access to face-to-face groups, it has grown t...Created:
1,976 Members,
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cwops / CWOPSCWops is for members of the CW Operators' Club. Our aim is to foster CW activity and camaraderie, and we are run by an international team of members. This is a closed Listserv for members only. Please visit us at our website to learn how to become a member: If you are a CW enthusiast, you should be a CWops member!Created:
1,975 Members,
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WeavingSalesAds / Weaving Sales AdsThis is the Weaving Sales Ads group that was on Yahoo Groups. Weaving Sales Ads is a moderated list for vendors & individuals to place ads for items for sale for weaving equipment and supplies, such as looms, tools & yarn. Other yarn and fiber crafts may be advertised here as well. You may also post ISO (in search of). MESSAGES AND PHOTOS WILL BE POSTED *AFTER* MODERATOR APPROVALS...please...Created:
1,974 Members,
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HOswap / HOswap on IONO FEES NO HASSLES NO LIMITS This is THE place where HO-Scale items move. Whether it is new in the box or just collecting dust, you may have what others are looking for. You might even find your own lost treasures, here. We welcome all who are looking to buy, sell, or trade: —HO locomotives, rolling stock, and accessories —Hard-to-find items —Train-related videos, books, printed material,...Created:
1,968 Members,
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europeanrail / European Rail GenWelcome to "European Rail Gen" [ERG]. The leading mailing list for those with an interest European Railways. It offers a chance to pass on both urgent and interesting information in relation to railways in the European continent (except mainland Great Britain) including loco workings, rail tours, line closures etc. Also trip reports in the relevant "Files" area of the site. Please ...Created:
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europeanrail / European Rail GenWelcome to "European Rail Gen" [ERG]. The leading mailing list for those with an interest European Railways. It offers a chance to pass on both urgent and interesting information in relation to railways in the European continent (except mainland Great Britain) including loco workings, rail tours, line closures etc. Also trip reports in the relevant "Files" area of the site. Please ...Created:
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Saddlebrooke / SaddleBrooke - GIOThis is an information site for SaddleBrooke Residents. An active retirement community located north of Tucson Arizona. In the shadows and foothills of the beautiful Santa Catalina Mountains. To APPLY for Subscription Send your 1. Your Name 2. SaddleBrooke Physical address to from the email address you will be using for the service. You can title th...Created:
1,962 Members,
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