WheelHorseGardenTractorManuals / WheelHorseGardenTractorManualsWelcome To Wheel Horse Garden Tractor Manuals A Group For Wheel Horse Enthusiasts, Owners and Collectors Wheel Horse Garden Tractor Manuals This Group Was Created For Those To Share Wheel Horse Garden Tractor Manuals This Group Was Created For Members To enjoy what the group has to offer The Founder of this group has the last say in guideline’s if you can’t abide by these rules, the...Created:
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Global-Ethiopian-Discussion / Global Ethiopian Discussion Forum ( GEDiF )The Global Ethiopian Discussion Forum (GEDiF) is a non-partisan platform that welcomes individuals from around the world to discuss political, economic, social, and cultural matters related to Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa in a respectful manner. Collaboration is crucial for progress as it allows individuals to bring unique perspectives and experiences to find new solutions together. This appr...Created:
2,237 Members,
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RoboScope / RoboScopeA group dedicated to the retrofit of GOTO capabilities to older, non-GOTO telescope mountsCreated:
2,222 Members,
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shepherdpark / Shepherd Park in Washington, DCWelcome to the new home for information about the Shepherd Park neighborhood in Washington, DC. As of November 8, 2019, our group has been officially transferred over from Yahoo Groups. Topics for this group include community announcements and special events, meeting notices and summaries, home repair referrals, and more. This group is not affiliated with the Shepherd Park Citizens Association. Fo...Created:
2,221 Members,
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HomebuiltEquipmentForTractors / Homebuilt Equipment For TractorsWelcome To Homebuilt Equipment For Tractors Equipment questions such as: How would you build, Hydraulic problems, Electrical problems, Design problems, Pneumatic problems, Welding/Burning/Plasma cutting, Machine work. Basically any thing to do with building / maintenance / trouble-shooting equipment / metal forming, restoration, painting & prep. ...Created:
2,202 Members,
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W650Riders / W650RidersAn open list for riders and enthusiasts of the Kawasaki W650 & W800. We have a comprehensive FAQ located in the Files section that answers many commonly asked questions. Be sure to check the databases and files sections for specs and tips. Browse and contribute to the photo section for member machines. Each member is solely responsible for their postings. Welcome to the group! PLEASE NOTE: ...Created:
2,194 Members,
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ImagesPlusDiscussion of image processing techniques and results for users of ImagesPlus image processing software.Created:
2,180 Members,
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phcruise-interested / Interested in Parrothead CruisesThis is an email list for everyone who expressed interest in Parrothead Cruises presented by the Atlanta Parrot Head ClubCreated:
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Tannoy / Tannoy Monitor Gold discussion groupThis email group is for Tannoy enthusiasts, particularly the classic Dual Concentric loudspeaker designs up to 1979, although not excluding the recent Tannoy products, or other Tannoy vintage products such as pickups and amplifiers prior to 1980. So are you a Tannoy owner? Do you favour the Tannoy equipment? Do you need more info about a problem you have with your vintage Tannoy gear? Then you sh...Created:
2,170 Members,
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Rialta-Tech / Rialta-TechThe Rialta-Tech discussion group for vehicles built by Winnebago, 1996-2005 model years. This group is for discussion of technical problems, whether with the coach that Winnebago built or the VW chassis. For non-technical (social) things, you should use the Rialta group. Be sure to read and follow the Group Guidelines.Created:
2,159 Members,
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ipaqualitativethis is a group for people interested in the qualitative research approach interpretative phenomenological analysis to communicate with each otherCreated:
2,156 Members,
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meatrabbits / MeatrabbitsMeatrabbits group, addressing all aspects of rabbits for food and fur.Created:
2,154 Members,
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pet-law / Pet LawAnimal rights legislation is spreading. Defend your right to own pets! Pet Law is moderated for flames, trolls, & off-topic posts. We discuss how to fight bills or laws negatively affecting pet ownership: dogs, cats, birds, small mammals, reptiles, others. Federal, state, local legislation, zoning, breed bans, mandatory spay and neuter, breeder registration, breeder licensing, breeding bans,...Created:
2,154 Members,
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icom7100 / Icom IC-7100A group dedicated to the Icom IC-7100 HF/VHF/UHF Compact Transceiver. Main features: • Slanted front separated controller with large touch screen dot matrix LCD (controller cannot be attached to body front) • Speaker is self contained inside the controller • All-mode (SSB, CW, AM, FM, RTTY w/decode) and D-STAR DV • HF (100W), 50MHz (100W), 70MHz (50W), 144MHz (50W), 430MHz (35W) (Note: Po...Created:
2,144 Members,
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Quorn-OwnersFor those interested in building, owning, or operating a Quorn and similar Tool and Cutter Grinders. An exchange of information site to benefit all who subscribe. Please note that the Quorn-2 and Quorn 3 groups have all been amalgamated into one groupCreated:
2,134 Members,
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ChildrenOfHoarders / Children of HoardersWelcome to our support group for Adult Children of Hoarders! Beginning as a Yahoo Group in 2006, we have been the place to go for grassroots support and other resources to improve the lives of children of hoarders (COH). Join us for support, information sharing, and understanding. No professional therapy or magic answers to "fix" our parents/in-laws here, but you will find a community of...Created:
2,131 Members,
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CHAD / Computer Help and DiscussionOur Computer Help & Discussion forum is for asking questions and for sharing websites and ideas. Small talk is always welcome, but any aggressive ridiculing of other board Members, bad language and general harassment IS NOT tolerated. Political and religious posts are not allowed.Created:
2,130 Members,
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glaarg-vec / GLAARG VECThe Greater Los Angeles Amateur Radio Group VEC is one of the 14 FCC-recognized Volunteer-Exam Coordinators conducting amateur radio exams. GLAARG is a VEC testing organization, not a radio club. Our exam fee is $10. Exams are free for under-18s, students with a current student ID, Active Military and Veterans, and GLAARG VEs upgrading to Extra.Created:
2,128 Members,
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SHARI / SHARIThe purpose of this group is to serve as the main hardware support source and discussion group for hams building and using the SHARI Allstar Node. (SHARI is designed as a kit for construction and use in the amateur radio service by licensed amateur radio operators who can assure that their assembled SHARI kit meets FCC mandated operating requirements including RF frequency, deviation and required ...Created:
2,128 Members,
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colortheory / Applied Color TheoryDiscussion of color theory, image enhancement, and color correction techniques (including the Picture Postcard Workflow) as taught by Dan Margulis, author of Photoshop LAB Color, Professional Photoshop, and Modern Photoshop Color Workflow, and, in conjunction with M.E. Chevreul, an updated version of the classic On the Law of Simultaneous Contrast of Colors. Hosted by Ledet Graphics Training, whic...Created:
2,126 Members,
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