This group, formerly 20817bb@yahoogroups.com, is for residents of the 20817 zip code and for those who reside within the boundaries that feed into Walt Whitman High School in Bethesda, MD. This bulletin board (bb) is designed to be just that and not a forum for discussion. It is a community service for our residents who are looking for or are interested in recommending service providers, advising...
2,118 Members, 77,398 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Welcome to the discussion list for Microsoft Outlook users. You are welcome to discuss anything related to Microsoft Outlook, the application that is part of Microsoft Office.
2,114 Members, 19,013 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
b26-pa / B26-PA Solid State Amplifier
B26-PA RF2K+ and RF2K-SLegal limit LDMOS Solid State Amp for Ham Radio from RF-POWER more info at www.rf-power.eu Every HAM OP is welcome - so please show us your call sign if you like to join ! We will ask for your call sign by email if you not have placed into your account.YAHOO and GMAIL email user should check SPAM box.Maybe any of them don't like emails from ...
2,114 Members, 3,220 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
QuickBooks / QuickBooks User Group
This mailing list is a forum for QuickBooks users. Ask questions, get answers, and share ideas.
2,113 Members, 13,242 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
eso-firehouse / FIREHOUSE Software, an ESO Solution
The new "offiicial" discussion group for FIREHOUSE Software, and ESO Solutions. This discussion group is the landing spot for the original Yahoo discussion group after Yahoo disbanded their groups. The purpose of this group is to discuss issues regarding all aspects of FIREHOUSE Software including modules, apps, reports, etc. The posting of direct marketing messages for commercial p...
2,112 Members, 13,008 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
loconotes / LocoNotes - News and information about locomotives
News and information about railroad diesel and electric locomotives. We do not discuss modeling information.
2,112 Members, 43,749 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
Grow-Hops / Grow-Hops
Discussions about growing and using home-grown hops
2,097 Members, 3,229 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
This is a list for people whose cats either currently have, or have had, cancer. Support, information and tips are encouraged. Traditional allopathic, palliative, & alternative treatment methods (for example: homeopathy, herbs, acupuncture) discussed. There are also specialized cancer groups, for specific types of cancer, available on Yahoo (feline lymphoma and feline VAS) and IO (felinelymph...
2,096 Members, 30,083 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
HOPE / Hyattsville Organization for a Positive Environment (HOPE)
The Group List for the Hyattsville Organization for a Positive Environment (H.O.P.E.) HOPE encourages Hyattsville residents and the surrounding communities to work towards protecting the environment; creating a sense of community; and building a healthy local economy. HOPE strives to achieve these goals through education, activities and advocacy, and communication.
2,093 Members, 56,875 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
LithuanianGenealogy / Lithuanian Genealogy
Our purpose is to assist members of this group in the research, discovery and discussion of Lithuanian heritage, culture, language and family genealogy. Whether you are just beginning your search or you are a seasoned genealogist, everyone is invited to contribute to the sharing of history, language, music, culture, and personal stories. Many members of this group are willing to assist you in your...
2,083 Members, 37,612 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
California Bird Listserv - A forum for the discussion of rare birds found within California.
2,082 Members, 11,779 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
EDI-L / EDI-L, A discussion list for EDI topics
A discussion list for EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) and related business to business data interchange. The moderators and owners of this list reserve the right to ban or moderate members memberships and/or posts as they deem necessary. The views expressed on this list are solely those of the author/speaker and do not reflect the views of the moderators or list owners. It is requested that all ...
2,078 Members, 11,381 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
MONAMarketplace / MONA Marketplace
This group serves as a marketplace for members of Mothers of North Arlington (MONA). In order to sign up, you are required to be a current member of MONA. When requesting to join, please provide your FIRST and LAST name and the email address you registered with MONA so that your paid membership can be verified. You can email forums@monamoms.org with questions. Visit our website at monamoms.org to ...
2,071 Members, 128,156 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
SearsGardenTractorsGroup / Sears Garden Tractors Group
Welcome To The Sears Garden Tractors Group This group was created for members that like to talk about and work on Sears Suburbans, Customs, SS, ST, GT, GTV, Roper Tractors, and Craftsman Tractors ...
2,052 Members, 14,445 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
TCCT / TCCT, a List for Horse Owners and Lovers in Minneapolis/St. Paul and the Upper Midwest
The TCCT (originally, Twin Cities Combined Training) group connects horse owners, riders, trainers, and barn owners in Minnesota. Most members live in and around the cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul, but there are members from all over Minnesota and the five-state Upper Midwest. Use this list to buy and sell horse-related items, announce clinics, shows, and other equine events, and ask for and ...
2,046 Members, 60,290 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
BrooklynSpecialKids / Brooklyn Special Kids
This is a group for Brooklyn parents of EI, CPSE and CSE kids to share stories, information, referrals, and ask for advice and support. Parents of children not yet in the system are welcome to join to ask about enrolling and parents of kids who have aged out are welcome to join or stay to share been there done that advice or seek support for what comes after.
2,045 Members, 27,674 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Residents of the broader Tenleytown neighborhood of Washington, DC. Members should use a real name, especially when expressing opinions. If not obvious, messages should state why it is relevant to Tenleytown. Please do not include signature lines that advertise your business and take up space. Messages advertising businesses or with confidentiality warnings may be edited or not published.
2,043 Members, 24,611 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
Lathe-List / Logan Lathe Users Group
Logan Lathe Users Group For discussion and announcements related to Logan Lathes. Hosted by Scott Logan, Logan Actuator Co. Question about Back Gear Adjustment? See https://groups.io/g/Lathe-List/message/146 See our online store at http://store.lathe.com Check out the FAQ first https://groups.io/g/Lathe-List/wiki/Logan-Lathe-FAQ
2,039 Members, 10,835 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
PassaicJews / Passaic Jews
PassaicJews Welcomes You. Sponsor: NJ Patent & Trademark Lawyers/Attorneys NY - Michael Feigin See the Special Notices, Gas Prices, and the Eruv and Minyan Maps, at passaicjews.com How to Post: Post announcements at PassaicJews.com which will also sends the message to this group, or send an email to passaicjews@groups.io . Rules: All messages must be according to Jewish and secular law and not...
2,037 Members, 67,721 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
AbeQuotes / AbeQuotes
For the posting of Abraham-Hicks quotes
2,030 Members, 6,325 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post: