AmazonSellers / Amazon Sellers (FBA & MF), all things Amazon Online business Seller
Amazon Sellers was created from the original YahooGroup: FBAForum that was created in August 2008. Due to YahooGroups shutting down/restricting, this group was created for those that do not want to go over to our Facebook groups. It is dedicated to both FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) and MF (Merchant Fulfilled) sellers, and everyone from novice/Newbies to more Advanced sellers. Anyone can provide a...
2,394 Members, 32 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
KOJAIN was established as a non-profit, charitable in October of 1995. The Kachchhi Oswals started coming to the United States for higher education in moderate numbers in the 1960s. An influx of large numbers of Kachchhis occurred in the 1970s and 1980s. The Information Technology graduates dominated the 1990s. Now it is estimated that approximately 1200 Kachchhi Oswal families are residing in Nor...
2,388 Members, 168 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
This is a group for men, over 18, who are gay or bi, to meet and relate to those of like minds.
2,387 Members, 1,989 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
iwmfconnect / IWMF Connect
IWMFConnect is a friendly Internet-based group discussion forum, where you can communicate with others, share experiences and insights, exchange information and get emotional support. The discussions typically focus on WM diagnosis, treatments, research, prognosis, side effects and related conditions. In addition, other important information is conveyed about patient advocacy, outreach to doctor...
2,371 Members, 8,370 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
ssparents / Silver Spring Parents
Continuation of the SS Moms Yahoo group - An 'invitation only' group for parents primarily located in 'inner Silver Spring' - tho all are welcome. Use this group to discuss parenting issues, organize outings/playgroups and pass along other relevant information to group members.
2,367 Members, 133,769 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
YamahaDX / Everything related to Yamaha DX/TX family of synths
Continuation of the YamahaDX and YamahaDXFiles groups from Yahoo! Currently awaiting the import of all data from Yahoo group YamahaDX. Active since Nov 1999.
2,365 Members, 5,178 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
necchisewingmachineclub / Italian Necchi Sewing Machines
Our group is for the discussion of vintage Italian Necchi Sewing Machine models including use, maintenance and repair. We also have a sub-group for the discussion of Borletti and Vigorelli sewing machines. Membership in our main group, Necchi Sewing Machine Club is required for membership in any of our sub-groups.
2,356 Members, 23,351 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
This Group will replace the Yahoo Listserve Group: Mary Massery Clinical Discussions. The majority of the members are PTs, OTs, and STs, but all professionals interested in the link between breathing and postural control are welcomed to join. Members are encouraged to ask clinical questions, post research, and generally network on all things related to Mary Massery's courses and publications...
2,351 Members, 843 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
kwtneighbors / Kensington-Windsor Terrace Neighbors
KWTneighbors Rules KWTneighbors is a private community board serving the residents of Kensington and Windsor Terrace. Membership is only open to people who live in, have a business in, or have a child attending school in Kensington or Windsor Terrace. The listserv, administered by volunteers, started in 2004 and has several thousand members. This is a private listserv with rules that members must ...
2,351 Members, 49,506 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
ic-9700 / The IC-9700 VHF/UHF SDR Transceiver
The IC-9700 VHF/UHF SDR Transceiver This group is devoted to the IC-9700 direct-sampling SDR 2m/70cm/23cm concept transceiver, which was announced at Tokyo HamFair 2017. This group is a moderated list, and all posts are subject to the moderators' discretion. The moderators' decision in this matter is final. Spam, racism, name-calling, vulgarity, religious or political propaganda, personal ...
2,350 Members, 1,871 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
MONAForums / MONA Forums
Mothers of North Arlington (MONA) is a local social and support group for mothers. MONA does not assume responsibility for any resources or companies that are discussed on the forum. When requesting to join, please provide your FIRST and LAST name and the email address you registered with MONA so that your paid membership can be verified. You can email with questions. Visit our...
2,347 Members, 177,528 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
chb / Cats Health and Behavior
Friendly discussions on all aspects of cat health and behaviour are the focus here, whether you are a rescuer, breeder or just like having a cat in your life - we all aim to get along together. People with a new cat who wish to ask for suggestions on caring for their new cat or kitten are very welcome, as are those dealing with chronic or acute illnesses. However, the group is not intended to be a...
2,345 Members, 40,983 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
PHIP / Main
--------------------- The material in this email is under copyright of Parrot Heads In Paradise, Inc. and the author of the email. Any reproduction, redistribution or forwarding of this email without permission of the author and/or Parrots in Paradise, Inc. is strictly prohibited.
2,335 Members, 3 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
This e-mail group is available for the purpose of dissemination of information regarding Sunland Springs Village activities, issues, concerns, and general information. It is NOT affiliated nor endorsed by the Farnsworth Company or any other entity of Sunland Springs.
2,333 Members, 58,929 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
SDRPlayUsers / SDRplay Users Forum
Welcome to the SDRPlay Users forum here at We are here to enjoy the world of SDR radio. If you are new to SDR radio please let us know. We can answer your questions or find out where your questions can be answered. We are a growing group. The more people we have the greater depth of knowledge and experience we have to help each other. Plus we have some folks that visit and a...
2,333 Members, 2,230 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
spice-line / spice-line
This is THE original Spice-line....a fully moderated, Christian based loop which, for more than 2 decades, has provided information and encouragement to homeschooling families in the Triangle area and surrounding counties of NC.
2,328 Members, 82,923 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
1800list / Volvo 1800 Owners List
Dave F. contributed a photo of Luis Barona (Blue/Yellow) leading Irv Stein (Red/White) into Mitchell Bend at Road America during the Volvo Nationals, September, 2016
2,326 Members, 42,545 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
ExoticDVM / EXOTIC DVM: Veterinary Forum for Companion Exotic Animal Medicine
EXOTIC DVM: Veterinary Forum for Companion Exotic Animal Medicine The Exotic DVM Forum is a free moderated, vet-to-vet chat group for practitioners who treat small mammals, birds, reptiles and more. The purpose of the Exotic DVM Forum is to promote and facilitate discussion of exotic animal medicine among veterinarians who promote quality care of non-traditional companion animals. Utilizing the i...
2,318 Members, 45,979 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
rcsoaringdigest / RC Soaring Digest
RC Soaring Digest magazine. This group will serve as a source of information for RCSD readers. Messages will include notification of current issue availability, announcements of special publications, links to new web content and similar items. Only the group moderators may post messages.
2,317 Members, 440 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
NordhavnDreamers / NordhavnDreamers
The first Nordhavn was delivered in 1989 to a boating world which had no idea what it meant or how it would change the course of history. In the years since then, 20 Nordhavn models and variants from 35 feet to 120 feet in length have been developed and nearly 600 Nordhavns have been produced. While the number of Nordhavns in service is relatively small in the big picture, their impact on the ima...
2,317 Members, 7,637 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post: