Ry-ops-industrialSIG / A forum to discuss railway operations and industries and how to model them
The Ry-ops-industrialSIG list, (Ops-Ind) is the primary discussion list of the Operations SIG of the NMRA and the NMRA's Industries SIG. The purpose of this list is to provide a forum for railway modellers to discuss railroad operations as well as to model industry practices and operations. Operations is a series of events that are required to complete a task. We expect this list to show how t...
Created: 1/24/99
2,628 Members, 35,803 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post: Mar 14
This Group brings together people who are interested in microscopy as a hobby or profession. Let's share tips on equipment, supplies and procedures. Topics include collecting or culturing algae, protozoa, bacteria and other animal or mineral specimens and microscope maintenance. Although the emphasis is on light (optical) microscopes, all technologies are welcome. Photomicrography discussions...
Created: 3/20/99
2,617 Members, 18,547 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post: Mar 12
ic-705 / The IC-705 Portable HF+ SDR Transceiver
"Be Active!" More information will be added as it becomes available. This group is devoted to the IC-705 portable direct-sampling SDR HF/VHF/UHF transceiver, which was announced at Tokyo HamFair 2019. **Please note** Licensed radio amateurs as well as SWL's are eligible for membership. Applicants are requested to state their name and callsign (or SWL status); this will speed up the app...
Created: 8/30/19
2,614 Members, 2,080 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post: Mar 14
ffn / Flatbush Family Network
The Flatbush Family Network works to build a safe and cohesive community for children and families of the Greater Flatbush / Victorian Flatbush / Ditmas Park area. The Flatbush Family Network provides resources for families, activities for children, and information for community and prospective community members. We welcome you to become part of the Flatbush Family Network.
Created: 9/22/03
2,608 Members, 119,367 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post: 1:06am
SKCCLogger / SKCCLogger User Group
For users of the SKCCLogger Logging Pogram
Created: 2/15/14
2,598 Members, 823 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post: Mar 13
DeepSkyStacker / DeepSkyStacker astronomical image stacking software Discussion and Support
This group is your place to ask questions, make feature suggestions, share experience and of course post nice results. We will do our best to answer all the questions. Please be aware that the preferred language is English, and questions posed on other languages may not get answered. Membership is open to all but messages from new members are moderated to avoid spammers. If you like DeepSkySta...
Created: 9/07/06
2,589 Members, 5,179 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post: Mar 14
pdxbackstage / PDXBackstage
PDXBackstage is intended to allow members of the Portland, Oregon theatrical community the opportunity discuss issues facing the local theatre scene. The Portland independent film scene is also discussed on this list to some extent - but the main focus is theatre. Rules? Oh yes... there are rules! Before you get started, please check this page - https://groups.io/g/pdxbackstage/guidelines fo...
Created: 10/17/00
2,589 Members, 40,951 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post: Mar 14
mysteryschool / The Esoteric Mystery School Forums
For over two decades, the Esoteric Mystery School (and its parent the Seminary) has operated twenty-three "discussion" forums originally called email "lists". The first one launched in March of 1999 using Onelist. It was/is called GoddessChristians forum/list. Several others followed in 2000 and 2003 on the platform eGroups (which took over OneList) and then eGroups merged with Ya...
Created: 10/27/19
2,579 Members, 3 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post: 9/09/20
thehealthcareclubnewyork / The Healthcareclub New York
the healthcare club new york
Created: 1/27/17
2,575 Members, 634 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post: Mar 12
JohnDeereGardenTractorsGroup / John Deere Garden Tractors Group
Welcome to the John Deere Garden Tractors Group The message board is moderated and checked throughout the day for pending messages, therefore your post may not appear immediately. If you join the group, it is your responsibility to edit your own email preferences and to change your membership status! = If you are posting a question on something other than L&G equipment, please specify what it ...
Created: 6/25/05
2,575 Members, 11,875 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post: Mar 14
RBS1 / The Ramat Beit Shemesh Group - Founded 1999
The RBS Group
Created: 5/19/99
2,567 Members, 219,837 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post: Mar 14
brooklynheightsparentsgroup / Brooklyn Heights Parents
This group is a forum for parents in Brooklyn Heights and surrounding neighborhoods to discuss issues relating to raising kids in our area.
Created: 10/14/04
2,557 Members, 71,968 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post: Mar 14
nodered-hamradio / NodeRed-HamRadio
NodeRed is an IBM platform that can be used for machine-machine communication. https://nodered.org/ This is great for control remote ham stations. This list is for the sharing and collaborating of NodeRed flows and ideas. Housekeeping (in addition to groups.io policies) All emails will be friendly and constructive in nature Elmering of others is highly encouraged and welcomed No 'for...
Created: 7/08/20
2,557 Members, 2,047 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post: Mar 14
Open and honest talk about Takahashi Equipment. Subscribe or unsubscribe via email, no censoring of messages before they get posted and open list for viewing of messages even without joining. For specs and other pictures see http://www.buytelescopes.com/takahashi
Created: 5/22/00
2,533 Members, 15,380 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post: Mar 7
A group for parents of teenaged homeschoolers who are aiming toward college. We discuss preparing to apply for college; what colleges might want; what courses, materials and curricula work for us and our kids; filling out college applications; how our older kids who are already in college are faring; particular colleges; SATs, SAT IIs, ACTs and AP tests; and other topics related to homeschooling t...
Created: 12/04/04
2,529 Members, 17,640 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post: Feb 27
K9Kidneys / K9Kidneys
Welcome to K9Kidneys!!! Homepage Banner honors our Moderators angels! IF YOU WISH TO APPLY; PLEASE NOTE THAT WE WILL BE SENDING YOU A SHORT QUESTIONNAIRE TO FILL OUT AN D RETURN...... SO PLEASE CHECK YOUR MAIL AND SPAM MAIL FOR THIS SHORT QUESTIONAIRE FROM US. TY K9Kidneys is a list for owners of dogs suffering from one/more forms of kidney disorder, Kidney Disease ,Acute/Chronic Failure, Juven...
Created: 2/22/00
2,528 Members, 79,511 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post: Mar 3
This is a group in which subscribers can communicate information, recommendations and suggestions beneficial to the Leisure World community in Mesa, Arizona. Membership is restricted to residents (owners, lease holders, renters) and former residents. If you qualify, you may subscribe at http://www.lwcapost.com To permanently unsubscribe, send a message to lwcapost-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com. This...
Created: 9/04/98
2,519 Members, 123,233 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post: 12/02/16
VARA Digital HF & VHF Modem for Amateur and Commercial use HF HIGH SPEED DATA INTEGRATION. Fully integrated with the established RMS Express E-Mail handling system Gate-way & Client requirements. Is fully supported and compliant with all Versions of BPQ. This Group is owned and moderated by Jerry, N9LYA Please state your valid amateur radio call sign in the comments section when joining th...
Created: 11/21/18
2,514 Members, 1,372 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post: Mar 14
stopcoviddeaths-up-edu-ph / Stop COVID Deaths: Clinical Management Updates Webinar Series
The University of the Philippines, in partnership with the National Telehealth Center, strongly support the promotion of the highest possible standards of care for COVID-19 patients and also seek to protect the entire health system from the devastation of viral spread through measures and interventions that will insulate the whole range of the practice of medicine and all its sub-specialties in th...
Created: 1/23/21
2,513 Members, 221 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post: Mar 13
RPG-Player-Sanctuary / RPG-Player-Sanctuary
This is the original RPG-Player-Sanctuary. If you see Role Playing (Play by Email) as a hobby, you have found the right place. This list is solely dedicated to Online Role Playing Games. Here members can post and read advertisements for SERIOUS role playing games, post requests for game titles and links for subjects you are interested in and speak freely as a serious role player. You are welcome t...
Created: 9/02/02
2,512 Members, 27,524 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post: 2:58am