actforthepublic / ACT for the Public
The prevailing view among both therapists and clients is that a more vital life can be attained by overcoming negative thoughts and feelings. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a unique behavior change approach based on modern learning theory and Relational Frame Theory (RFT) that emphasizes instead the role of mindfulenss and commitment strategies, including acceptance, defusion, contact ...
2,786 Members, 6,157 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
JerusalemKosherNews / Jerusalem Kosher News
A group providing information on kashrus in Israel.
2,766 Members, 77 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
nanovna-f / NanoVNA-F & DEEPELEC fans
Hello everyone, This is the NanoVNA-F & DeepVNA discussion group. You can ask any questions about DEEPELEC's products here. by BH5HNU File : Wiki : Facebook: DEEPELEC official group | NanoVNA-F AliExpress: Deepelec Store Deepelec Store with App: Deepelec Store Support: supp...
2,765 Members, 692 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
BolensTractorGroup / Bolens Tractor Group
Welcome To Bolens Tractor Group This group is for the discussion of Bolens Garden Tractors, attachments and any related topics. It offers support for owners, restorers and those interested in Bolens equipment. Feel free to explore the Files, Photos, Links and Database pages of this group. You will find a great deal of information and resources relating to Bolens tractors and attachments ...
2,764 Members, 26,243 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
artistitch / Artistitch Announcements
This is the "main" section of the 3 Artistitch product groups, organized here as Subgroups: 1. Art and Stitch 2. QE-Pattern Finder 3. Pre-Design Studio. To ask questions, send tips or reply to a member's post, please navigate to the desired Subgroup. You may have to join the subgroup first if you haven't done so yet. Loes and Theo
2,755 Members, 2 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
t-tools / t-tools
T-Tools is a Tech support forum/mailing list for Jehovah's Witnesses
2,741 Members, 36,587 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
This is for non profit organization
2,740 Members, 268 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
Elecraft-K3 / The Elecraft K3/K3S Transceivers
For people interested in the Elecraft K3 and K3S radios. Share information and learn about these awesome radios from the people that operate them. When joining the group, put something intelligent in the comment box so that I know that you are actually interested in the K3/K3S and are not a spammer. HINT- A callsign as your user name and/or in the comment box will do fine. RULES: 1. Keep it ci...
2,731 Members, 18,606 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
wordperfectmac / WordPerfect Mac
A resource for users of WordPerfect for the Macintosh and supporting technologies, including the emulators SheepShaver and Basilisk that run WordPerfect on Intel and Silicon Macs on every OS version from 10.6 to current, both 32 and 64 bit. We also support older platforms including OSX Classic on PPC and legacy OS versions from 7.5 to 9, and also Applescript in WordPerfect. Our discussion forum ...
2,728 Members, 4,528 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
Group for the popular Emco Unimat DB SL and other variants of this lathe. Files and Photos now transferred from Yahoo group.
2,718 Members, 10,555 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
PoNYTYA / Parents of NY Teens & Young Adults
This is a place for parents of teens and young adults located in all five boroughs to come together and openly discuss the trials and tribulations of raising teens in this crazy city... Homework, high schools, college, leaving the nest and more! ... discuss it all here! Please sign up if you are a parent of a tween, teen or young adult. Contact me at if you want to advertise t...
2,716 Members, 31,876 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
ap-gto / Astro-Physics GTO Group
Greetings! This group is for discussions of Astro-Physics German equatorial telescope mounts with GoTo capability, including mount-related accessories and use of related software such as APCC and the ASCOM AP V2 Driver. We also welcome images taken when using AP mounts. The group is intended as a friendly place where people interested in these topics may carry out constructive discussions of thei...
2,713 Members, 16,622 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
feline-hyperthyroid / Feline Hyperthyroid Support
The original support list for people whose cats have been diagnosed as hyperthyroid or hypothyroid. To share information and experiences, and to offer friendly and caring support. We are not vets, but we offer support based on our wealth of experience in caring for hyperthyroid and hypothyroid cats. Any opinions or advice given here must not be taken as a substitute for veterinary advice.
2,693 Members, 34,948 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Sherline lathe and milling machines. This forum's goal is to promote the exchange of ideas, information and solutions to the many challenges that face the miniature machinist. Knowledge on this forum is to be exchanged freely and in a non-commercial manner.
2,669 Members, 13,085 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
Metal-Shapers-and-Planers / Metal Shapers
For owners and users of all makes and models of metalworking shapers and planers. Originally the Metal Shapers Yahoo group started by Scott Logan.
2,662 Members, 16,041 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
adamsmorgan / Adams Morgan
About the Adams Morgan, DC neighborhood
2,662 Members, 52,325 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
OldPfaffPforum / Old Pfaff Pforum
Pfaff sewing machines have long been known for their engineering and reliability. Because of this, a lot of older Pfaffs are still in use today. This is a place to talk to other Pfaff enthusiasts about the old, all-metal Pfaffs that weigh over 25 pounds. If your Pfaff is made of white plastic, you are welcome to join, but probably won't hear any discussions about the later model Pfaffs. You mi...
2,660 Members, 11,195 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
comunidadeTQS / Comunidade TQS
Esta é Comunidade TQS, um espaço destinado aos usuários dos Softwares TQS e aos profissionais ligados a engenharia de estruturas, para troca de informações sobre matérias referentes aos Softwares TQS e Engenharia de Estruturas em geral. TQS software para o cálculo, analise e detalhamento de Concreto Armado, Protendido, Alvenaria Estruturas e Pré-moldados
2,659 Members, 3,066 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
Finlabuncdf / UNCDF
Top level group for UNCDF online communities.
2,658 Members, 0 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
95033talk / 95033Talk
95033talk is the group for anyone living in the 95033 zip code or related areas of the Santa Cruz / Los Gatos Mountains to discuss local issues. asking for recommendations for services asking for advice / sharing advice discuss local and timely issues notifying neighbors of upcoming events provide / get information on emergencies / fire Always a good idea to read the group guidelines. This group, ...
2,645 Members, 32,236 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post: