SweetAdelines / SINGA discussion group for members and fans of Sweet Adelines International, a worldwide organization for women who sing four-part Acappella music in the barbershop style. We welcome all who would like to discuss any and all aspects of the music or the management of our choruses and quartets, and assume everyone will discuss in the true spirit of harmony.Créé:
3 042 Membres,
46 288 Sujets,
Public Archive,
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UK-Rail / UK-RailThis specialist and free, groups.io rail email group exists to allow members to share gen, report sightings and discuss rail topics. Anything railway orientated is acceptable, we cover the present day, historical and preservation scenes and your posts can relate to locos, rolling stock, track machines or plant - even railway architecture if you choose. We welcome debate, questions or anything whic...Créé:
3 042 Membres,
489 267 Sujets,
Public Archive,
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Brookland / Brookland, Washington DCBrookland is a diverse and vibrant neighborhood in Northeast Washington, DC. This e-mail list is an interactive forum for the greater Brookland community members to share community news and information with one another. After applying to enter the group, please allow several days for a moderator to review your message and make sure you aren't a robot! Email List Eligibility: Members should...Créé:
3 039 Membres,
74 964 Sujets,
Private Archive,
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SharingSmallEngineSecrets / Sharing Small Engine SecretsWelcome To Sharing Small Engine Secrets Group Small Engines is Intended as a resource for individuals studying small engines, business owners, home owners or anyone. The basic purpose of the list is to discuss and distribute information. Members are encouraged to post questions, comments, or announcements of interest about small engines and which pertain to work, theory or ideas about the current ...Créé:
3 017 Membres,
17 913 Sujets,
Private Archive,
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small-layout-design-photosThis group contains the photos originally posted on the Small Layout Design Yahoo group. The photos are now in this separate group due to storage limits on group.io. This group is for storage only and posting of messages or uploading of files and/or photos will not be allowed. Please visit the main group https://groups.io/g/small-layout-design to post. Due to restrictions in file space, 4 separat...Créé:
3 017 Membres,
5 Sujets,
Public Archive,
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mccpta / MCCPTA elistsMontgomery County Council of Parent-Teacher Associations (MCCPTA)Créé:
3 015 Membres,
44 Sujets,
Public Archive,
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SystemFusion / Largest & Oldest System Fusion GroupThis group is focused on Yaesu System Fusion Digital Voice & Data C4FM / FDMA digital technology and System Fusion products including: - FT1DR/XDR FM/Digital 2m/70cm Handheld Transceiver - FT2DR FM/Digital 2m/70cm Handheld Transceiver - FT-70D FM/Digital 2m/70cm Handheld Transceiver - FT3D FM/Digital 2m/70cm Handheld Transceiver - FT5DR FM/Digital 2m/70cm Handheld Transceiver - FTM-7250D...Créé:
3 013 Membres,
5 785 Sujets,
Private Archive,
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hamlogger / HamloggerATTENTION: If you apply with an e-mail address that does not show your ham license, your request to join may result in an e-mail back to you from the moderator to confirm that you have a legitimate interest in membership in this group. In the future we hope groups,io will have a text box that will eliminate the extra e-mail round-trip by allowing you to include your call sign or other relevant co...Créé:
3 012 Membres,
23 185 Sujets,
Public Archive,
Dernier message:
WheelHorseGardenTractors / WheelHorseGardenTractorsWelcome To Wheel Horse Garden Tractors A Group For Wheel Horse Enthusiasts, Owners and Collectors Wheel Horse This Group Was Created For Those Who Enjoy Talking About And Working On Wheel Horses. Wheel Horse Classifieds Are Also Welcome Here This Group Was Created For Members To enjoy what the group has to offer The Founder of this group has the last say in guideline’s if you can’t abide b...Créé:
3 007 Membres,
48 537 Sujets,
Private Archive,
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antiquepatternlibrary / Antique Pattern LibraryThis forum is for discussing the Antique Pattern Library, a makers' resource at www.antiquepatternlibrary.org. We also use the forum to organize library volunteers, and to send out special notices when we upload new books or other important information. Antique Pattern Library is an ongoing project to scan antique craft and design books that are in the public domain and make them available on ...Créé:
2 997 Membres,
5 395 Sujets,
Public Archive,
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ChicagoTherapists / The ChicagoTherapist ListservFounded in 2001 by Karen Ross, LCSW, this group was formerly hosted on Yahoo Groups until 2019. It is an e-mailing list that provides an invaluable resource for Chicago area fully credentialed psychotherapists (LCSWs, LCPCs, LMFTs, PsyDs, PhDs, MDs) who are interested in networking, providing referrals and sharing opportunities in the Chicagoland community. ***YOU MUST INDICATE YOUR FULL NAME &am...Créé:
2 972 Membres,
83 237 Sujets,
Private Archive,
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ORMUS / The ORMUS ArchiveLibrary /Archive (2004-2019) ORMUS@yahoogroups.com Group Description Dear Friends, Barry Carter is the person who began this forum in January 2004 when he was a guest on the Art Bell, Coast to Coast radio show. He was expecting the number of people who would want to join a group would exceed the limited space of the privately held White Gold List, so he started the Ormus Yahoo Forum. He ran b...Créé:
2 971 Membres,
21 695 Sujets,
Private Archive,
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AAMG / ASSOCIATION of ACADEMIC MUSEUMS and GALLERIES***************************************************** WELCOME to the AAMG LISTSERV (formerly AAMG-L Yahoo! Groups) ASSOCIATION of ACADEMIC MUSEUMS and GALLERIES ***************************************************** The Association of Academic Museums and Galleries (AAMG) is the leading educational and professional organization for academic museums, galleries, and collections. In recognition of ...Créé:
2 968 Membres,
11 739 Sujets,
Public Archive,
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NanoVNAV2 / NanoVNA V2 Users GroupS-A-A-2 / NanoVNA V2 / V2 Plus4 / V2 Plus4 Pro user group officialClick "Join This Group" button at the bottom of the page to join and see topics. Important: a clone seller is claiming credit for our design and running phony groups, please be aware that NanoRFE/HCXQS is the only supplier of authentic units that support the original developers of the S-A-A-2 design, and this group (NanoVNAV...Créé:
2 968 Membres,
680 Sujets,
Private Archive,
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GloverPark / Glover Park ListservFounded in 2005. Over 3,000 members. This new Glover Park listserv continues the original Yahoo Groups listserv. We moved to Groups.io when Yahoo Groups shut down its service. We appreciate the active participation by local residents, families, businesses, restaurants, schools, community organizations and government agencies. Glover Park - A wonderful, walkable neighborhood in northwest Washingto...Créé:
2 965 Membres,
52 587 Sujets,
Private Archive,
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SoftwareControlledHamRadio / Software Controlled Ham RadioThis group is for anyone who is interested in using software in ham radio projects. If you are new to the group, look in the Wiki section for answers to questions you may have before posting here. Chances are the Wiki already has an answer to your question. PLEASE: All new threads must have a project reference in the thread title. Example: T41: components for sale Morse Tutor: source for...Créé:
2 957 Membres,
4 259 Sujets,
Public Archive,
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PeopleToPeople / People To PeoplePeople To People, Inc. is a Non Governmental Organization (NGO) governed by a Board of Directors and operating under IRS code 501 (C) (3). It was founded in April , 1999 in the state of Kentucky, USA as a non-profit organization. It has no political, ethnic or religious affiliation. It is comprised of people armed with spirit of compassion to bring hope to those who find themselves in hopeless sit...Créé:
2 953 Membres,
3 616 Sujets,
Public Archive,
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CaerAzkabanBanished from Yahoo, the brave denizens of Caer Azkaban had to find a new home. This is that new home.Créé:
2 952 Membres,
47 065 Sujets,
Public Archive,
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TakomaDC / TakomaDC, Neighbors Talking to NeighborsTakomaDC is a discussion list for neighbors-talking-to-neighbors. The focus is the Historic Takoma Park neighborhoods in DC and MD. Everyone everywhere is welcome but messages should relate to Takoma or topics being discussed by Takoma residents. (Lobbying for a new highway in Texas probably won't be of interest.) Please do not post commercial messages, press releases, class schedules, or sol...Créé:
2 947 Membres,
73 813 Sujets,
Private Archive,
Dernier message:
ccd-newastroThe CCD camera has revolutionized the art of astrophotography. This discussion group is for those who would like to learn how to take astrophotos. The group is moderated by the author of the book The New CCD Astronomy - Ron Wodaski. The focus of this group is on providing detailed feedback for beginners and intermediate CCD imagers. You will find the information you need on how to focus, expose,...Créé:
2 939 Membres,
18 394 Sujets,
Public Archive,
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181 - 200 de 41964