Welcome to the T@B Travel Trailer Group which began in February 2004. Feel free to share, discuss, ask questions or just lurk. We're about sharing ideas, modifications, fun and adventures with other T@B and T@DA owners. Be sure to print a copy of the Ready Set Tow card from our Files from either the Dutchmen or Little Guy folder - it has some handy setting up camp information. Sandra Rutan, O...
2 923 Membres, 22 018 Sujets, Public Archive, Dernier message:
pcbgcode / The PCB-GCODE Users Group
The new home of pcbgcode, a plugin for the Eagle schematic capture and board layout program that allows you to mill printed circuit boards traces using a CNC router or milling machine, and drill holes too. Downloads available on GitHub or here in the files section.
2 919 Membres, 1 558 Sujets, Public Archive, Restricted, Dernier message:
MediaPro / Media Pro - Film, Television & Media Professionals
A networking community for established media creatives & technicians - filmmakers, writers, artists, editors, musicians - to exchange ideas, develop projects, share wisdom, and gain a bit of peer support. A background in media is required. Your request for membership will be rejected unless it includes a link to your IMDB page, website, or resume. Fundraising, spam, sales, or proselyti...
2 916 Membres, 9 410 Sujets, Private Archive, Restricted, Dernier message:
This is a first overflow for the Small Layout Design group - more file and photo space. Please don't post messages to the sldfiles group - they won't go out. It is for files and pictures only. Due to restrictions in file space, 4 separate groups had been set up for the sharing of design files and photos.
2 914 Membres, 5 Sujets, Public Archive, Restricted, Dernier message:
testdrivendevelopment / Test-Driven Development, formerly a Yahoo! group
Rescuing the testdrivendevelopment Yahoo! group from total destruction. This is the premier place on the entire internet to discuss test-driven development with the best minds in the known universe.
2 912 Membres, 11 540 Sujets, Public Archive, Dernier message:
ManualExchange / Manual Exchange
Group devoted to free exchange of service/user manuals for Instruments and RTX (Amateur/professional). Our group promotes sharing of the Service and Owners' Manuals for radio and Test equipment used to service radios. Members are invited to share their resources and we welcome manuals of all kinds, as long as they are radio and Test equipment related.
2 911 Membres, 7 223 Sujets, Public Archive, Dernier message:
vikingdesignerepic / Viking Designer Epic Group
Welcome to the Husqvarna Viking Designer Epic group! This group is owned & run by independent machine embroidery users, not the manufacturer. The focus of our list is to discuss sewing, quilting, and embroidering with our Husqvarna Viking sewing/embroidery machines: Epic2, Epic, Diamond, Ruby, Topaz, Brilliance 80, & Jade machines. We ask that all posts stay positive, on brand, no bad lan...
2 893 Membres, 54 325 Sujets, Private Archive, Restricted, Dernier message:
gdhn / Global Digital Health Network
Welcome to the Global Digital Health Network! The Network envisions a world where technical innovation supports improved health and contributes to better quality, accessibility and sustainability of health services and health outcomes, particularly for underserved populations in low resource environments. We are a 3900+ person-strong networking forum for members from 118 countries to share inform...
2 893 Membres, 1 897 Sujets, Public Archive, Restricted, Dernier message:
premierplusembroiderysoftware / Premier Plus Embroidery Software Group
Welcome to the MySewnet/Premier Plus Embroidery Software Group! This group is owned and run by independent software users, not the software manufacturer. The focus of this list is to support owners of Viking/Pfaff's most recent embroidery software MySewnet, as well as all older versions: Premier+ 2 (PP+2 or Premier Plus 2), Premier+, 6D, 5D & Quilt Design Creator software. We also support ...
2 890 Membres, 29 677 Sujets, Private Archive, Restricted, Dernier message:
digitalradio / Digital-mode-radio
This is a site that was established in the year 2000 and has continued to be a leading discussion group regarding digital mode communication in the amateur bands and in the "utility" world. From "how to set up" digital modes as a beginner, to what software is best, and for advanced options such experimental new modes, this is the place that will help with the advancement of the st...
2 885 Membres, 15 631 Sujets, Public Archive, Dernier message:
A group for discussion of matters related to hexbeam antennas.
2 874 Membres, 4 631 Sujets, Public Archive, Dernier message:
AlwaysLearning / Always Learning
NEW MEMBERS: Read at the Group Website link below before posting. How and why does unschooling work? What kind of parents and parenting does it take? What will help, and what will hinder? This is a list for the examination of the philosophy of unschooling and attentive parenting and a place for sharing examined lives based on the principles underlying unschooling. Always Learning will focus on how...
2 870 Membres, 12 973 Sujets, Public Archive, Dernier message:
usna-women / USNA Women
We are women who attended the U S Naval Academy.
2 868 Membres, 2 851 Sujets, Private Archive, Restricted, Dernier message:
BridgeportMill / Bridgeport Milling Machines
Discussion on the Bridgeport Milling machine. Beginner or professional. All welcome to discuss anything Bridgeport related. The only stupid question is one that isn't asked!
2 865 Membres, 4 415 Sujets, Public Archive, Restricted, Dernier message:
ic-7610 / The ICOM IC-7610 SDR TRANSCEIVER
The new IC-7610 SDR Transceiver This group has been created to provide information and a discussion forum for the IC-7610 SDR-HF transceiver. Icom announced the IC-7610 at Tokyo HamFair 2016, which opened on 20 August 2016. Other newly-announced Icom products are the IC-R8600 desktop receiver, the IC-R30 handheld receiver and the ID-51A/E PLUS2 D-Star handheld. **Please note** Licensed radio amat...
2 864 Membres, 4 275 Sujets, Private Archive, Restricted, Dernier message:
FreecycleRockvilleMD / FreecycleRockvilleMD
FreecycleRockville was founded in 2005 and is NOT affiliated with (TM) which began in 2013. FreecycleRockville serves the greater Rockville, Maryland area, including Derwood and Potomac. CafeMontgomery is our companion list ~ come on over to chat. We are open to all within our service area who want to "recycle" that special something rather than throw it away. Whether it...
2 856 Membres, 156 508 Sujets, Private Archive, Restricted, Dernier message:
Welcome to the Newhilleast listserv, where residents of eastern Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, can join a conversation with their neighbors about local issues, local news and local events -- or even ask questions about the community and community services. Newhilleast is designed as a forum for neighborhood discussion and community awareness. Over the years, it has became the site where we've...
2 845 Membres, 48 183 Sujets, Public Archive, Dernier message:
EXPLORATOR has over two decades of experience bringing you the best of the world of archaeology/ancient history every week. Various on-line news and magazine sources are scoured on a daily basis for news of the ancient world (broadly construed: practically anything relating to archaeology or history prior to the end of WWI or so is fair game) and they are delivered to your mailbox free of charge e...
2 842 Membres, 1 344 Sujets, Public Archive, Dernier message:
To discuss The Hammond Organ, both playing technique, and technical service and repair knowledge. Vintage and current models.
2 842 Membres, 48 328 Sujets, Public Archive, Restricted, Dernier message:
willystech / WillysTech
This group covers classic Willys Jeeps (MJ's and CJ's), wagons, pickups, jeepsters and forward control vehicles. Discussion topics include, but are not limited to, return of vehicles to stock condition; modification of vehicles; trail use and performance enhancing modifications. The list began in the 1990's; discussions cover everything from tires to headliners. Vehicle owners, ...
2 795 Membres, 90 233 Sujets, Public Archive, Dernier message: