Non-FB-BFSupport / The Non-FB Breastfeeding Support Group for VHC Group Grads
This is the non-Facebook offshoot of the Mom2Mom Yahoo! virtual support group for moms attending the Breastfeeding Support Group at Virginia Hospital Center. Membership is limited to attendees of the live Breastfeeding Support Group. This group, like Mom2Mom, is intended as an extension of the live group. It is designed to connect moms and help them share strategies for breastfeeding and parentin...
1,047 Members, 11,001 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
The Port Streets Yahoo Group is an informal on-line community for parents living in the Port Streets to support each other by exchanging information, sharing ideas and resources for families. Examples of use include, providing referrals for childcare and schools, suggestions for kids activities, information on local activities (story-times, special offers, sport sign-ups, charitable events), looki...
1,046 Members, 26,370 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Aiken-Laurenston / Shelly Laurenston and G.A. Aiken Message Group
Welcome to the Shelly Laurenston and G.A. Aiken Message Group Here you'll find all the latest information on available and upcoming releases by paranormal romance author Shelly Laurenston and her alter ego, fantasy romance author G.A. Aiken. Plus loop-ONLY contests for ARCs and the newest releases. SHELLY'S RECENT RELEASES BORN TO BE BADGER (Coming November 2023) G.A.'S RECENT RELEASES...
1,044 Members, 192 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
KenwoodTH-D74 / Kenwood TH-D74 and TH-D75
Group for the TH-D74A and TH-D75 for the ultimate in APRS® and D-STAR®. And now it has raised the bar even further with the TH-D74A and TH-D75, adding support for D-STAR®, the digital voice & data protocol developed by the JARL, and enabling simultaneous APRS and D-STAR operation – an industry first. Offering intuitive operation and rugged IP54/55 weatherproofing, this top-of-the-line por...
1,043 Members, 562 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
diy599 / DIY599's PA500 quesions and answers & Users Group
DL4KA Projects - PA500 ultra-compact RF amplifier with tunerBAT500 solar chargeable LiFePO4 batteryLiNK500 HF RPR TNC with APRS Server and GPS + USB-C audio device DIY599 Products for your next adventure Ideal addition for QRP operation and digital emergency radio communication The complete solution to conquer limitations
1,043 Members, 499 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
bloodybigbattles / Bloody Big Battles! (BBB)
For players interested in the Bloody Big Battles! rules for 19th century wargames (BBB). To be used to explain game rules, post scenarios for historical battles, ask questions, and generally discuss 19th century warfare. Check the files for dozens of historical scenarios! BBB is published by SkirmishCampaigns and is available from retailers such as: Brigade Games Caliver Books North Sta...
1,041 Members, 3,927 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
NASSB / NASSB - NAS Surrey Branch Email Forum
ABOUT THE NAS SURREY BRANCH EMAIL FORUM This group was originally set up in 1997 as a means of exchanging information on issues, meetings and events concerning autism or learning disabilities in Surrey. There are now around 1000 members and it has developed into a local online support group for families affected by autism. MEMBERSHIP AND AIMS The NAS Surrey Branch email forum is open to people l...
1,040 Members, 9,256 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
CT RESEAU, le forum en ligne de la communauté Coach & Team®
1,040 Members, 1,865 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
soulcollage / SoulCollage®Facilitator
A group for all SoulCollage® Facilitators to share information and resources.
1,039 Members, 4,996 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
CC-User / CC-User
This group is for discussion of the CC User software. Revisions CC User Latest Update CC User's Downloader Program LoTW Information HB9BZA's LoTW User File Online Manual
1,038 Members, 2,657 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
LinersList / LinersList
This group is a continuation of The Linerslist from Yahoogroups. We discuss our experiences with liners and cruise ships and other passenger carrying vessels. Founded in October 1996, our membership consists of maritime enthusiasts, authors, historians, collectors, travel agents, artists, ship Captains, officers, crews, etc.
1,036 Members, 53,328 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
Group email for River of Life Christian Church (ROLCC) at Santa Clara, California. Postings by group members are welcomed. All postings are moderated according to the following community rules: 1. We welcome all "classified" type postings, such as car for sale, room for rent, job opening, furniture for sale, job seeking, etc.. 2. Posting that do not conform to Christian values ...
1,034 Members, 2,273 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
townneighbors / Town Neighbors Listserv
Town Neighbors is a listserv for residents of the Town of Chevy Chase for members to share information and discuss issues. To check your address on the Town map click HERE. This listserv is not an official communication arm of the Town of Chevy Chase. It is owned and run by a volunteer resident of the Town. To reach the Town Website click HERE. To sign up for the Town Crier, one of the official ...
1,033 Members, 31,266 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Supermon / Supermon - Manager / Monitor
Welcome to the only Official/Original Supermon Support Group - used with AllStar-Link and HamVoip Asterisk systems. No commercial or private sales or promotions are allowed! Current version is: Supermon 7.4+ Supermon, The number-1 most capability Web-App you can install and use to completely control the AllStar-Link, And HamVoip Asterisk AllStar images of Ham-Radio VoIP systems. It is fully sc...
1,033 Members, 290 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
journal-isms / Richard Prince's Journal-isms
On diversity issues in the news business.
1,031 Members, 684 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Pimlical / Discussions of Pimlico Software's Pimlical Calendar Application for desktop and handheld platforms
Tech support, feedback, suggestions, and general discussion of Pimlico Software's Pimlical Calendar Application for desktop and handheld platforms This list was migrated from when Yahoo killed support for Groups. Sponsoring the Pimlical group: Our request has resulted in an outpouring of support that exceeded our wildest dreams. As a result we have received enough spon...
1,030 Members, 8,019 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
tvam / TVAM - All members
A vibrant community for motorcyclists in the Thames Valley TVAM is dedicated to supporting one another and having fun whilst building our riding skills. We will help you become a safer and better rider. At the same time you will become part of a thriving group of around 1,100 members and so get the chance to ride and socialise with like-minded bikers. We are the largest provider of Advanced Motorc...
1,029 Members, 2,916 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
ISMACSDigest / ISMACS ( International Sewing Machine Collectors Society) Digest - sewing machine discussion group
The Sewing Machine Discussion Group of the International Sewing Machine Collectors' Society. Here we discuss sewing machines up to 1964. Joining the Digest does not make you an ISMACS member. To join ISMACS or to find out more about the Society, please go to
1,029 Members, 1,030 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
kola / The Kola Nut Collaborative
The Kola Nut Collaborative (KNC) is a mutual support network of people engaged in reciprocal exchange of services, skills, and goods through a timebank where the currency is an hour of time for everyone. Through membership in the Kola Nut Collaborative people: create and strengthen community bonds, create economic freedom by providing an alternative means to get needs and desires met, and encour...
1,028 Members, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
RandREngines / Radial and Rotary Engines
A group for those interested in radial and rotary piston engines, from models to full size. Whether you are an active engine builder, an owner, or just interested, the group is a mine of information on the building and detail of these iconic engines. Note, this group does not cover Wankel rotary engines.
1,025 Members, 1,272 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post: