TS-890 / Kenwood TS-890S HF / 50 MHz / 70 MHz Transceiver
This group is dedicated to the Kenwood TS-890S HF/50 MHz transceiver first viewed at the 2018 Hamvention. Content for discussion will be new product information as it is released, technical, and operational discussion among users. It is recommended that members set their Display Name for the group to their callsign. Do this from the left menu options and select Subscription -> Group Profile -...
1,022 Members, 1,710 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
Note: This group is operated by volunteers; it is not officially affiliated with Groups.io in any way, and has no administrative access to any group other than this particular group. If you have questions about using or running email groups hosted on groups.io, we just "might" be able to help you. The word, "might" is in quotation marks because you should not expect a response if...
1,021 Members, 1,648 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
Pro92 / Pro92
Discussion of the RadioShack Pro-92 portable scanner radio
1,020 Members, 2,304 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Hello and welcome to the "Fists Reflector" The purpose of this group is to hopefully provide a forum for FISTS members (and non members) to chat,share information and even arrange "skeds". It's hoped to provide links to other relevent amateur sites and other useful resources. Please feel free to start various topics of discussion,preferably morse or amateur radio related. Any ...
1,020 Members, 9,201 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Obexchange / Olney Brookeville Exchange
Discussions about happenings in Olney, Brookeville, Ashton, and Sandy Spring, Maryland.
1,019 Members, 12,380 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
prospect-research-uk / Prospect Research UK
Prospect Research UK is open to all researchers in development and fundraising roles in the UK, or anyone researching UK prospects. Whether you are from a charitable institution, educational establishment or voluntary organisation, all are welcome. Topics range from individual, corporate and trust research, to prospect management, analytics, best practice, events and recruitment. The group was s...
1,019 Members, 5,736 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
A group of Dorothy L. Sayers aficionados, discussing all things Lord Peter.
1,017 Members, 22,362 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
etc / ETC Listserv (formerly CCUMC)
This is the new home of ETC's Listserv. You must be logged in to view archives and other features. Listserv Etiquette Although ETC does not require an individual to submit an item to be posted for review before posting nor do we undertake editorial control of postings, we do monitor the LISTSERV. The spirit of the ETC LISTSERV is to provide our Institutional Members valuable resources an...
1,017 Members, 3,484 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
AreWeThereYetTours / Are We There Yet? Tours
A fun and educational tour company based in Saint Louis, Are We There Yet? stands out from the crowd by focusing on the small details. When you travel with us, you travel with the owner, Dea Hoover, which means you stay in the nicest places, dine in the best restaurants, and find hidden gems throughout the tour. We find great local step-on guides that tell you more about our iconic destinations, s...
1,014 Members, 446 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
rosemontva / Rosemont Neighborhood - Alexandria, Virginia
The Rosemont group is for people in or near the Rosemont neighborhood of Alexandria, Virginia. It's a way to meet neighbors, exchange news, share advice about goods and services, and find out what's happening in our community! The Rosemont Citizens Association's (RCA) Facebook page is https://www.facebook.com/RosemontCitizensAssociation/; the RCA's website is http://www.rosemontci...
1,014 Members, 34,131 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
hercules-390 / hercules-390
Welcome! This is a discussion group for the Hercules-390 IBM Mainframe emulator. The old Yahoo group is no longer in use, as its functionality was severely reduce by Yahoo and the owner of the Yahoo group was no longer contactable, rendering the group essentially defunct. However, the old Yahoo group messages have not been lost! Around 86000 messages, from 1999 to 2019, have all been uploaded to ...
1,013 Members, 759 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
repeaterbook / Repeaterbook.com
Greetings from the Repeaterbook Team. We offer the best FREE resource for amateur radio repeater information around the world. We have the most up-to-date amateur radio repeater listings (updated by you, our admins, and repeater coordinators). Repeaterbook.com is different than others because we use local admins that collect repeater data. No repeater directory can be 100% up-to-date, but we belie...
1,013 Members, 139 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
paradoxsailboat / Paradox Sailboat
A meeting place for the exchange of information relating to the building, owning, maintaining, and sailing of Matt Laydens 14 ft sharpie "PARADOX"
1,012 Members, 2,199 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
MDSRadio / Modulation - Demodulation - Software Radio and the "RF-Seismograph" - measuring Space Weather and Earthquakes with your HF station!
MDSR: "Modulation-Demodulation Software Radio" Sign up for our daily report: Earthquakes and Radio propagation First rule of DX: avoid a Path that is crossing an active quake zone > M5.0 Please note: There are two distinct propagation effects of quakes. One immediate as the ionosphere is disturbed above the site and secondly, due to run-time differences of the shock-wave delay. T...
1,012 Members, 2,825 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
gnshuls / Great Neck Shuls - Kehila of Great Neck
This is an announcement board for the Great Neck Orthodox Kehila. VISIT GREAT NECK SHULS GROUP ON FACEBOOK You MUST provide your name and location for membership. Anonymous requests for membership are rejected. No commercial posts permitted, but paid sponsorships are available! No General Mechandise or local Real Estate FOR SALE... but LOOKING FOR is permitted. However, "Aliyah Sales" a...
1,011 Members, 35,122 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
WOR / World of Radio
News and discussion about communications around the world, especially shortwave, but all media eligible. Monitoring reports, schedules, journalism. All posts will be eligible for quoting in DX Listening Digest, and on the World of Radio program.
1,011 Members, 106,372 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
flphg / FLPHG
BUSINESS AS USUAL MIGRATION COMPLETE ALL EXISTING MEMBERS HAVE BEEN AUTOMATICALLY MIGRATED Foot launched powered hang gliders: Mosquito, Wasp, Explorer, Zenon, homebuilt, whatever. We have a number of resources for new pilots and common problems. Searching the messages is a good place to start. Other good resources on this group: The Photo Albums and Files sections contain not only flying photo...
1,010 Members, 9,010 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
ftdx-10 / YAESU FTdx10 Users Group
Yaesu FTdx10 Users Group Compact HF/50MHz Transceiver with Yaesu Hybrid SDR technology, 100W transmit power, large Touch LCD screen FTdx10 Features: HF/50 MHz Transceiver (incl. 60m) Hybrid SDR receiver - Downconverter 9 MHz ZF + direct sampling SDR 250 MHz HRDDS Synthesizer 500, 3000, 15 kHz Roofing Filter (300 Hz optional) 15 separate bandpass filters Adjustable ZF Shift & Width, ZF Notch, C...
1,009 Members, 970 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
flutemakers / flutemakers
A Forum dedicated to discussion of flute making, originally hosted on yahoo groups, from which the following description: A source of discussion and advice on all aspects of flute building. Such topics may include the acoustics of woodwinds, placement of finger holes, ergonomics, wood and metal turning, computer modelling, and more. Discussions can encompass all sorts of flutes, from simple-syste...
1,007 Members, 2,605 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
t-vog / TaxAide Volunteer Operations Group
T-VOG is a discussion group for people who occupy leadership positions in AARP Foundation's "Tax-Aide" program. Only people who serve in leadership roles (ERO, VRC, LC, TC, Instructor, CC, AC, TrC, DC, etc.), Tax-Aide National Office staff, and interested IRS personnel are allowed to join. The group exists to exchange ideas about best practices with respect to all aspects of the Tax-Ai...
1,007 Members, 10,693 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post: