XLQ / XLQ Users Group
This forum is for users of xlq2 and xlq2lite to share ideas, tips and examples. It is also where you may seek help from other users. Messages concerning personal support should not be posted here and should be sent directly to support@qmatix.com
987 Members, 1,302 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
qrparci / QRPARCI
For those interested in QRP amateur radio activities including but not limited to members of the QRP AMATEUR RADIO CLUB, INTERNATIONAL. For info on the club, go to qrparci.org WELCOME to the QRPARCI club reflector Standard reflector ethics apply.As you sign up, post a message with your name and callsign in the title and include a bio in the message including what you do mainly with QRP, even a li...
987 Members, 2,183 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
knit4charities / Knit4Charities
This Australian Group is for enthusiastic knitters, crocheters, sewers, who would like donate their work to charities. Most of us donate locally to save on postage so we can buy more yarn! Our aim is to share with each other charities support and the types of items they use. Swap stories, patterns, ideas and work together to help those in need. All members of the community are welcome to join and...
985 Members, 34,346 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Discussion forum for users of the memoQ CAT software. In order to prevent spam, subscriptions by e-mail via the Subscribe address memoQ+subscribe@groups.io will only be accepted if you add a brief reason why you wish to join the group. The main language of the group is English (even broken English), but members who cannot express themselves in English comfortably are allowed to use any other lang...
984 Members, 12,505 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
MissingCatAssistance / Missing Cat Assistance
We are a moderated group. If any current member is interested in helping assist our moderator please email the list owner Monique; or to report spam or any problems on the website please contact the list owner THANKS :) Missing Cat Assistance offers resources a network of support in locating and recovering lost cats. Membership is open to volunteers, shelter personnel, rescue volunteers, pet detec...
983 Members, 10,644 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
95033market / 95033Market
95033Market is the group for people who want to buy and sell stuff and who live in and around the 95033 zip! Pretty much anything goes - produce, household goods, cars, clothes, plants etc. Keep it legal, and clean (no adult only type items or firearms) Make sure you have permission to post whatever you're posting (images etc) NO asking for money type ads If you have something to give away, or...
982 Members, 4,384 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
venturinglist / Venturing List
Welcome! This List is for anyone in the Venturing BSA Program. This list is designed to facilitate discussion about the Venturing Program itself. This list is more than a list; it is a community of volunteers dedicated to improving the program for crews across the usa. Many subscribers are leading the top crews around the country. Oftentimes you will find these same leaders attending if not teachi...
981 Members, 16,687 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
peninsula-birding / Peninsula Birding
Peninsula Birding is a list for discussions about birdwatching and wild birds in San Mateo County, California, USA. Fast-breaking news of rare birds, population trends, where-can-I-find questions, etc. are all welcome. "What-I-saw-today" reports are also welcome, as long as they are in some way unusual. Do not disclose information that identifies the location of nesting birds of any speci...
978 Members, 19,474 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
modelintermodal / Modelintermodal
The modelintermodal list is for modelers and enthusiasts of intermodal transport of any era. Both prototype and modeling issues are discussed. This list replaces the same group at Yahoo Groups The subject matter includes trailers, containers, railroad intermodal rolling stock, intermodal freight cars, railroad and port (marine) intermodal operations, intermodal terminal design, intermodal facilit...
977 Members, 11,694 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
FerryGroups / Ferry Groups (Ferries of Northern Europe)
Home of the former Yahoo 'Ferries of Northern Europe'/ 'Ferries of Southern Europe'/ 'Ferries outside Europe'
975 Members, 35,463 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
Дружество на психолозите в Република България
971 Members, 665 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
sprog-dcc / SPROG DCC
A group for owners, prospective owners and users of the SPROG family of DCC Programmers and command stations.Please keep discussion on topic and relevant to your thoughts and experiences of using SPROG and DecoderPro to program your decoders. Thread drift and light hearted banter will be tolerated to a reasonable extent. Abusive or personally insulting messages are strictly off topic.This is also ...
969 Members, 1,164 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
Questar / Questar
The Questar Users Group is the place for discussing Questar and Quantum telescopes and equipment. Owners of these fine instruments, and people interested in discussing, learning about, and sharing their experiences with the equipment are invited to join.
967 Members, 6,074 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
ICOM / Icom
All things Icom (general discussion about Icom products for Amateur Radio) --Please keep it friendly here. This is intended to be a safe place for everyone to be, and we intend to keep it that way. For this reason, let's keep religion out of discussions, and politics for the most part, with the exception of perhaps amateur-radio legislation, ARRL matters, etc.
967 Members, 630 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
BirdsCaribbean / BirdsCaribbean
Welcome to main@BirdsCaribbean.groups.io; BirdsCaribbean’s main discussion group. The purpose of this e-group is to provide a forum for communication about Caribbean birds. BirdsCaribbean will share news on activities and important conservation and ornithological developments in the region, including news on current projects and announcements about new resources, upcoming workshops and conferenc...
965 Members, 578 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Garmin GNS480 (Formerly UPSAT Apollo CNX80) user group
963 Members, 4,341 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
NorthCoastCNPS / North Coast CNPS
The California Native Plant Society North Coast Chapter's notifications of plant walks, programs, wildflower shows, plant sales, and other activities open to the public. The North Coast Chapter's range includes Humboldt, Trinity, and Del Norte Counties, California.
961 Members, 262 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
Freecycle_Cape_Cod primarily serves Cape Cod, however folks in the surrounding areas are also welcome. Freecycle is made up of caring people who are giving and getting stuff all for free. But that’s not what it’s all about. It's about fostering a sense of community and banding together to help keep down the amount of trash in our landfills. Let's face it. Our landfills are being filled...
960 Members, 754 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
This group is for owners of Bernina mechanical and electronic sewing machines. It is a place to discuss our older, non-computerized machines and the earliest computerized ones, as well as all sewing-related topics. - Our name was created by Liz, one of our members. It refers to the fact that many of our earliest members had sewing machines ending with the number 30 - e.g. 530, 730, 830, 930, 1030,...
959 Members, 777 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
FiveTownsShuls / Five Towns Shuls
Five Towns Shuls
959 Members, 358 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post: