This is a forum for practitioners of Visceral Manipulation to share thoughts, cases, questions and ideas. In order to participate in this forum you must have completed some level of study of Visceral Manipulation with a Barral Institute certified instructor. If you are requesting to become a member you will need to provide a description of your training; i.e., VM course taken, date, and instruct...
956 Members, 183 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
A network of self-employed women and women consultants in the DC Metropolitan Area. An active professional listserv of over 1,000 DC-area self-employed women.
956 Members, 19,771 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Dontdebt / Dontdebt sharing, consistent with DA Traditions
A group devoted to sharing and support of the Debtors Anonymous program.
954 Members, 13,826 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
NAMLnet / NAMLnet
Listserve service from NAML to to the Muslim legal community - providing a regular platform for conversation, referrals, inquiries, news, and any other topic relevant to the subject of law and Muslims.
954 Members, 14,853 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
ion / ION
ION Selective Calling App User Group. (Previously HamRing) Users of ION2G helping each other. HF Selcall. CCIR493-4. HF SSB and VHF-UHF FM or SSB. HF Automatic Link Establishment ALE. Multi-platform.
954 Members, 740 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
BriggsEngineGroup / Briggs Engine Group
Welcome To The Briggs Engine Group This group is for the exchange of information about the Briggs & Stratton small engines that are so popular in use today. This club is for the discussion of the maintenance and repair of the finest small engine manufactured in the world.... No Abuse to other members will be tolerated The Moderators Of This Group Have The Last S...
952 Members, 6,056 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Welcome to the Fistful Of TOWs Group! This group is for players of the miniature wargame A Fistful of TOWs 3, which currently covers modern combined arms warfare from 1930s to 2015. There is a Facebook page for the game at Fistful of Tows 3. The Fistful of TOWs website has downloads and other resources. The rules are available in PDF form from The Wargame Vault for $39.50, and in hardcopy fromww...
952 Members, 4,427 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
China-BP-Search / Research-China.Org Birth Parent Search Group
This group is designed to assist adoptive families of Chinese children to gain the information needed to make a successful birth parent search. This group has no constraints as to topics of discussion, etc. It really is designed as a forum for sharing information -- orphanages, "searchers," agencies, etc. Membership are for those that have obtained a Birth Parent Search Analysis for their ...
952 Members, 222 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
LinknTeach / LinknTeach
Une salle virtuelle de professeurs d'anglais pour échanges de ressources pédagogiques et de bonnes idées. SANS PSEUDOS. Donc merci de rentrer vos prénoms et noms. Pour s'inscrire il est nécessaire de s'identifier auprès des modérateurs : avec vos noms, prénoms, email, établissements et académie Pour demander une invitation, écrire aux modératrice...
951 Members, 7,790 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Work-Sat / Work the Amateur Satellites - With Minimal Equipment!
Support forum for K6LCS' Work-Sat amateur radio satellites site!
950 Members, 2,686 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
***** This is Not a Dating Site * No Personal or Commercial Advertising is Allowed ***** MAGANAK (Tagalog for family) is a private mailing list for discussion of Filipino/Non-Filipino relationships. This is not a site for introductions which is prohibited. Members advise each other on adjustments to Filipino and non-Filipino culture, immigration procedures, and other issues of interest in the...
950 Members, 77,254 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Community Listserv for Mount Rainier MD
949 Members, 8,465 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
An email list for residents of the SligoBranView Community Association and nearby organizations of interest. Our Community Rules & Philosophy Be polite, considerate, and courteous. Write posts and comments as if you are talking to each other face to face. You're a grown up and we know that you will behave accordingly. We don't believe in "the fear factor." We want you to e...
948 Members, 33,764 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
WSBAFamilyLaw / Washington State Bar Association Family Law Section
A discussion Group for the Family Law section of the Washington State Bar Association. Our listserve rules are available here: WSBA Family Law Section Policies
946 Members, 27,183 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
theladeralistserve / The List Serve for the neighborhood of Ladera, Northern California
A list for discussing topics of interest or concern, making announcements, making offers of items wanted or to sell or give away and other such messages to folks who are connected to and have an interest in the neighborhood of Ladera, Northern California, USA. Pictured above the original 1947 site plan from the Peninsula Housing Association.
945 Members, 25,312 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
TaxTalkNews / TaxTalkNews
This is news on various topics that might be of interest to CPAs, attorneys and any others that may work in the tax area. Previously I issued a weekly newsletter but due to personal time requirements stopped that several years ago. This new email notices are only outgoing announcements of items of news interest to tax practitioners. Subscribers can not post emails to the group.
945 Members, 1,694 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
astitchahalf / aStitchaHalf Machine Embroidery Group
Welcome to A Stitch A Half Machine Embroidery Group, the NEW Group Home in place of the old Yahoo Groups. We will inform you of free designs, promotional offers, "How To" video and photo tutorials PLUS latest aStitchaHalf news. No adverts from anyone else, only a daily email from astitchahalf.
944 Members, 1,106 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Iowa-Interstate / Iowa Interstate Railroad
This list is for the discussion of prototype and modeling information on operating practices, equipment, and property of the Iowa Interstate Railroad. This also includes CSX's New Rock Subdivision from Utica to Blue Island, IL, over which IAIS has trackage rights. Please note: Personal attacks will not be tolerated on this list. Those who choose to ignore this warning will be subject to immedi...
943 Members, 20,881 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
MSHV / MSHV Amateur Radio Software
Radio amateur program for sending and receiving digital modes like FSK315, FSK441, FT4, FT8, ISCAT, JTMS, JT6M, JT65, MSK144, MSKMS, PI4 and Q65 by Christo, LZ2HV. When you want to join YOU must state your FIRST NAME, CALL in Display Name found under Account | Identity | Group profile, so you can be identified. If YOU don't do this your membership will be deleted. After joining the list your ...
943 Members, 893 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
An optometric community of doctors all over the globe who provide vision rehabilitation services and want to continue their pursuit of life-long learning. Hello and Welcome to DOC-L, a global online community for optometrists dedicated to vision rehabilitation and lifelong learning thanks to the generous support of the OEPF DOC-L is a thriving online member subscription community specifically de...
941 Members, 529 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post: