PasturedPoultry / Pastured Poultry
The Pastured Poultry Group is a private discussion exclusively for members of American Pastured Poultry Producers Association (APPPA). An invitation to participate in the group is a benefit of your membership in APPPA. Archives for this group date all the way back to 2003, when it was first started on Yahoo Groups under the name APPPAPlus. Relevant topics for the Pastured Poultry group include p...
1,007 Members, 10,376 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
AvionForum / Avion Camping and Restoration Forum
Group Description Welcome to the Avion Camping and Restoration Group Forum! Please read this carefully - this is essential information to make the most of our forum. Our original members were on YahooGroups and we all moved here when YahooGroups no longer met our needs. Please enjoy all our prior content, provided by many members over many years, in this newer, easier to use format, and watch ...
1,006 Members, 16,431 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
RPMclinics-RickBell / RPMclinics-RickBell
This group is for following along with Rick Bell as he presents on-line internet clinics about railroad prototype modeling. Specifically he does DCC installations on HO models (primarily) and are "High End" type installations. On occasion he will have a guest present a clinic. RPM "on-line internet clinics" are the next step in the evolution of assisting everyone with their railr...
1,006 Members, 3,223 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
wecan / WECAN Community
This group is to serve the members and friends of the Waldorf Early Childhood Association of North America (WECAN) and facilitate communications within this community.
1,006 Members, 1,500 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
aptaacutecare / APTA Acute Care
This members-only listserv allows clinicians to easily contact each other to share information, protocols, research resources, evidence, and updates on clinical practice specific to acute care physical therapy.
1,006 Members, 1,362 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
This is the discussion list for the Indian Spring community in Silver Spring MD. This is a private group for the residents and those associated with our community. Posting guidelines are listed on the Wiki page
1,005 Members, 71,179 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
CrankupTiltoverTowers / CrankupTiltoverTowers
Discussion group for hams interested in the convenience and safety of ham radio antenna towers that can be maintained from the ground. Includes tiltover and crankup towers, accessories, antenna application notes, installation and maintenance. For Sale and "want to buy" postings are welcome. Please ask for direct replies "off the reflector." Tower and accessory vendor representativ...
1,003 Members, 1,540 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
RVSqn / The RV Squadron
The RV Squadron is an informal association of builders, owners and pilots of RV Aircraft, primarily in the UK
1,003 Members, 17,449 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
TCS-Users / Train Control Systems
Train Control Systems Manufacturers of the highest quality DCC decoders and Control Systems for Model Railroads This is the new group, transferred from Yahoo Groups on 12/10/2019.
1,001 Members, 2,770 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
termux / Termux
Termux is an Android terminal emulator and Linux environment app that works directly with no rooting or setup required. A minimal base system is installed automatically - additional packages are available using the APT package manager.
998 Members, 289 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
HK-tubeaudio / Hong Kong Tube Audio Club
Hong Kong Tube Audio Club was founded on 7th June, 1999 and has been the primary on-line meeting place for tube audio enthusiasts, tube DIYers as well as audio tube collectors living in Hong Kong.
995 Members, 6,297 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
AllAboardRailDiscussion / AllAboardRailDiscussion
All those interested in discussing and promoting rail passenger service primarily in North America are invited to join and participate. Note that the name of the group is now AllAboardRailDiscussion (formerly All_Aboard at Yahoo! Groups) NOTE: All new members are moderated to block SPAMmers who join the Group to spread their garbage. New members must be approved...they will receive an E-mail from...
995 Members, 162,275 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
sdrangel / SDRangel
This group discusses topics related to SDRangel SDR software. SDRangel is an Open Source Qt5 / OpenGL 3.0+ (Linux) 4.3+ (Windows) SDR and signal analyzer frontend to various hardware. Please make your posts in English. The source and releases repository is on Github: Warning: Windows distributions are provided as by products of the Qt toolchain. The platform of ch...
994 Members, 708 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
CFDL is group for information and exchange of ideas relating to coin forgeries and alterations. This list should not be used for any illegal, unethical or market rule violating purposes. Further is the opinion of the list owners of CFDL that coin authentification is an inexact science, subject to some level of error by any person or group of persons, with diverse approaches and methodologies
993 Members, 14,588 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
Discussion group for homebrewing beer and related topics, including growing hops, brewing equipment, recipes, and more.
993 Members, 3,830 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
KUTransportationCenter / University of Kansas Transportation Center
University of Kansas Transportation Center (KUTC) serves LTAP and RTAP in Kansas with training and technical assistance.
991 Members, 2 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
When applying for Membership, Check the Email Address you used to Join for our Membership Validation Email. This should arrive within a couple of days with Subject Line "MonGenes - Your Request to Join” This Group is dedicated to providing a sustainable and free to use resource covering genealogy research and family history in the County of Monmouthshire.(Sir Fynwy) The aim of the founder me...
991 Members, 4,818 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
qrparci / QRPARCI
For those interested in QRP amateur radio activities including but not limited to members of the QRP AMATEUR RADIO CLUB, INTERNATIONAL. For info on the club, go to WELCOME to the QRPARCI club reflector Standard reflector ethics apply.As you sign up, post a message with your name and callsign in the title and include a bio in the message including what you do mainly with QRP, even a li...
991 Members, 2,175 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
NOG / Nordhavn Owners Group
FROM ATLANTIC TO PACIFIC AND AROUND THE WORLD Bringing together Nordhavn owners from all corners of the Seven Seas With nearly 1,000 members and over 20 years online, this group has a long tradition of helping the owners of Nordhavn yachts, and we believe that about 95% of the world's Nordhavn owners are members. Our membership includes Nordhavn owners and captains, former owners, and o...
990 Members, 24,236 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
knit4charities / Knit4Charities
This Australian Group is for enthusiastic knitters, crocheters, sewers, who would like donate their work to charities. Most of us donate locally to save on postage so we can buy more yarn! Our aim is to share with each other charities support and the types of items they use. Swap stories, patterns, ideas and work together to help those in need. All members of the community are welcome to join and...
988 Members, 34,330 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post: