HGSI-Investor / HGSI Investment SoftwareThis group is for HGSI Investment Software users to provide support and discussion of investing and trading. Product related questions should be sent to support@highgrowthstock.comCreated:
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ic-9100 / Icom IC-9100 HF/VHF/UHF TransceiverIcom IC-9100 HF/VHF/UHF Transceiver This group is for the new ICOM transceiver, IC-9100 HF+6M+VHF+UHF all modes+D-Star (23CM, optional), built-in HF/50MHz ATU (tuner), 32 bit IF-DSP, 24 bit ADC/DAC. HF/50MHz 100 watts, 144MHz/430MHz 75 watts, optional 1200MHz 10 watts output. 15kHz roofing filter is stock for all bands, 3 & 6kHz optional filters available for HF/50MHz only. Rear panel USB por...Created:
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Free-moEnglish language discussion of Free-mo modular model railroading concepts including design, construction, standards, operations, news about Free-mo meets and clubs, and any other topic related to Free-mo modular model railroading. For more info on Free-mo, go to http://www.free-mo.orgCreated:
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parentsupportnetworkWelcome to the Hyde Park Parent Support Network Parent Support Network (PSN) is a volunteer-run organization for parents, grandparents, and caregivers of babies and children from Hyde Park and surrounding neighborhoods in Chicago. Our E-mail message board provides a forum for asking parenting questions, sharing child-related information and exchanging baby & child items. We also host a clothin...Created:
1,069 Members,
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HallicraftersRadios / The Hallicrafters Radio Collectors and Users GroupThis site exists for the exchange of ideas, advice, technical and general information for Hallicrafters transmitters, receivers and other Hallicrafters products. More importantly, this site is dedicated to those devoted Radio Amateurs, Antique Radio Collectors, Antique Radio Restorers and Antique Radio Users of this wonderful radio equipment that used the technology of the day - vacuum tubes. ...Created:
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SilverSpringParents / Silver Spring ParentsThis group is for parents in the Silver Spring area to connect with each other, share information and access resources, formally know as: Moms of Silver Spring. Please no business postsCreated:
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LEAPTHERAPISTS / LEAP THERAPISTSLEAP Therapist discussion board. The LEAP Protocol is NOT an avoidance diet. It's an oligoantigenic, personalized anti-inflammatory protocol based on MRT (Mediator Release Test) administered via trained Certified LEAP Therapists.Created:
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NavWarGames / NavWarGamesA place to discuss naval wargaming in all its forms, from board to cards to miniatures. All eras are welcome. Whether your interests are in ancients (i.e. Trireme), the Age of Sail (i.e. Close Action!, Wooden Ships and Iron Men), the steam age (i.e. Ironclads), WWI/WWII (i.e. Great War at Sea, General Quarters, Iron Bottom Sound), or modern (i.e.Harpoon!), this is the place for you. From tactical ...Created:
1,065 Members,
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ESPMC-Eight / Explore Scientific PMC-Eight OpenGOTO Community ForumWELCOME TO THE FORUM!! The MAIN group is for general discussion about the PMC-Eight Product line. PLEASE SEE THE TERMS OF SERVICE HERE: https://espmc-eight.groups.io/g/MAIN/message/3224 Please join us every weekday at 4:00pm Central, 5:00pm Eastern, 2:00pm Pacific, and 2000 UTC time for OpenGOTO Community Live! Find our daily broadcast on the Explore Scientific Facebook Page and on the Explore Sc...Created:
1,064 Members,
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RadioShackDX394 / Radio Shack DX-394A users group for the Tandy / Radio Shack / Realistic DX-394 General Coverage Communications Receiver. Most complete collection of mods, documentation, FAQ (frequently-asked-questions) and links to relevant sites. Hints and Tips from a helpful community of enthusiasts. Post your ideas, experiences and questions and get the most fun and DX out of your DX394 radio. On subscribing you will automatica...Created:
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Countertop / CounterTop CookingWELCOME TO THE ULTIMATE ELECTRONIC COOKING DEVICES DISCUSSION GROUP! The purpose of this group is to provide a forum for owners (and potential owners) of the VARIOUS countertop electronic Cooking Ovens (Flavorwave, Nu-Wave, etc.), Air Fryers, Pressure Cookers, Slow Cookers, Smokers, Dehydrators and other Electronic Cooking Devices and their accessories as well as other kitchen devices, electronic ...Created:
1,062 Members,
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docpostdoc-ethno / docpostdoc-ethnoCréé en septembre 2004, à destination première des doctorant.e.s et postdoctorant.e.s en ethnologie, Docpostdoc-ethno réunit actuellement plus de 1700 membres, rattachés à des centres de recherches français ou étrangers. En tant que liste de diffusion, Docpostdoc-ethno permet à chaque inscrit.e d'échanger des informations relatives à l'anthropologie sociale, l'ethnologie ai...Created:
1,061 Members,
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emcoV10lathe / EMCO V10 lathesA group to share content about the EMCO lathes and in particular but not restricted to the V10. Shortly all the data from the Yahoo EMCO V10 group will be carried over to this new group.Created:
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MasterCookRecipes / MasterCook Recipe ExchangeThis is John Shotsky's MasterCook recipe share group. All recipes must be in a format that MasterCook can import directly. There is a separate group for sharing in native MasterCook format. This group was the old Yahoo MasterCook Recipe Exchange group, started around the year 2000.Created:
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FPDCAM / Food Preservation Drying Canning n MoreA moderated spam free food preservation group. What kind of food preservation do you like? Canning, Drying, Curing? We are here for you to discuss your favorite way or ways of preserving todays harvest for tomorrows eating! We are a Food Canning Group! What ever method of canning you use, water bath, pressure canner? Please feel free to discuss and share recipes, methods, tips and more! We are a f...Created:
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BlindAds / BlindAdsThis list/group was the first of its kind on groups.io and was created By Laz in 2015! It's solely for the purpose of providing a very safe place for transactions between its blind and visually-impaired list members to facilitate the buying, selling, trading, and giving away of items whether blind-related or not, as well as services, amongst themselves. This list's/group's popularity h...Created:
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AZsPCs / Al Zimmermann’s Programming ContestsThis group is for registered members of Al Zimmermann’s Programming Contests (azspcs.com).Created:
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TryingLowOxalates / Trying Low OxalatesThis group is set up for those wanting to explore the low oxalate diet, and will offer information and support on how to implement this diet and other methods of lowering oxalates. We do not allow self-promotion, or promotion of products where you have a financial interest. We understand that people may have found products that work for them - they are free to post them with their personal experie...Created:
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ForSaleInBrooklynMaybe this can help you sell the items you want to sell: Items and services for sale in Brooklyn (New York City) by regular people. Most groups cover ONE neighborhood in Brooklyn. This group tries to cover ALL of Brooklyn. This group admits ALL Brooklyn residents, no matter what their marital or parental status; other similar groups (in Brooklyn) only invite parents; they do N...Created:
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BassSpectro / BASS SpectroBASS stands for Basic Astronomical Spectroscopy Software. BASS Project is a free Microsoft Windows based application designed to help astronomers to perform full reduction processing, reporting and analysis of spectral images. The application is easy to use and although initially targeted at entry and intermediate level users, it is also very useful for the more experienced. See the Wiki page be...Created:
1,050 Members,
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