how / Husbands Out to Wives (HOW)Husbands Out to Wives (HOW) is a support group for Gay or Bisexual (or pan or fluid) men who are either married to, or in a committed relationship with, a woman; and who either have or intend to come out to their wives/partners about their sexuality. Our mission is to support each other as we try to find our individual paths to happiness. HOW members help each other as we redefine our relationship...Created:
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CMRI-Users / Dr. Bruce Chubb's Computer/Model Railroad InterfaceUsers of the C/MRI system for model railroads.Created:
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win4icomsuite / Win4IcomSuiteHello, Win4IcomSuite is now available. If you haven't seen it I would like to introduce Win4IcomSuite, software that has it roots starting with the Elecraft radios, 5 years ago. Win4IcomSuite is a full featured control program supporting most features of the 7610 ,7300, 7600, 7850 and 7851 including the built in Spectrum scopes for both receivers on those that support it. It also supports the ...Created:
1,087 Members,
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i-see / International Society for the Enhancement of EyesightThe International Society for the Enhancement of Eyesight, (founded 16 Jan 1995) is a web site and a mailing list dedicated to promoting better natural eyesight for everyone! Simple, safe, and easy techniques have been known for at least a century that you can employ to prevent, lessen, and possibly completely eliminate blurry vision. These techniques of the "Art of Seeing" have been simpl...Created:
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OCD-Support / OCD-SUPPORTSupport and guidance relating to OCD and its treatment for people with OCD, as well as their family members and friends. This group focuses on helping people with OCD improve their lives through the use of the evidence-based treatments of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), including exposure and response prevention (ERP), and the proven OCD medications. This group is moderated by Wendy Mueller, ...Created:
1,086 Members,
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TheFreecycleNetwork / Freecycle Leadership CommunityThis Freecycle Leadership Community brings together the lead mods of groups from across the globe. This inclusive forum for moderators to live, learn and prosper with their peers. What you'll find in this group Moderators from around the world, offering advice, opinions, fun stories from their own groups, commonly used ADMIN messages that can be used on your group, ...Created:
1,080 Members,
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OSCALEYARDSALE / OSCALEYARDSALEThis group serves as a free market to sell or buy O scale 2-rail and Proto48 items only. Related items can be media pertaining to Proto48 or O Scale 2-rail as well as electronic items such as DCC. Non-conforming posts will be rejected. No 3-rail allowed unless it can easily be converted to 2-rail!! Please use full first and last names when posting and identity in this group. This group is for dire...Created:
1,080 Members,
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wakefieldnews / The Wakefield and Outaouais NewsWelcome to the Wakefield and Outaouais News An uncensored, bilingual, community bulletin board for information about the Outaouais.Created:
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UStreetTots / U Street TotsThis group is for parents and families in the greater U Street area in Washington, D.C. An online place for parents to connect, make new friends, find daycare/nannies/schools/doctors/other rec, learn about local activities, buy and sell used items, and organize offline family fun in the neighborhood.Created:
1,079 Members,
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KBlist / Kumāra Bhikkhu Mailing ListThis is mainly for posting Bhante Kumāra's teaching event announcements. Note: This is an Announcement-Only Group, i.e. only moderators are allowed to post; posting by others are bounced by the server. Announcement made here are also made on Facebook:
1,077 Members,
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GNgoatForum for discussing all aspects of the Great Northern Railway (United States), including modeling and its legacy.Created:
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TitanAircraft / TitanAircraftTitan Tornado AircraftCreated:
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haflingerfriendsThis is a supportive, encouraging online community of Haflinger owners and enthusiasts from around the world who wish to share information about health, nutrition, breeding, genetics, training, promotion and just plain old fashioned enjoyment of the Haflinger horse. We welcome the entire family to participate in these discussions about our special horses.Created:
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test-equip-traderGroup dedicated to selling, trading or wanting of test equipment, microwave equipment, ham radio equipment, etc. Limited to non-commercial purposes and listing of eBay auctions and other auctions of ones own sales not allowed.Created:
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PRC-320This group is dedicated to the Clansman Radio UK/PRC-320 PRC-320-L Military Radios and Plessey PV1313 Auto ATU / PV1311 100W Linear Amp,The Clansman Radio range of Military Radio replaced the earlier Larkspur Radio range,The Clansman Radios still remain in service today but are being replaced by the Bowman Military Radios. Any information found on this group is the for group members only and not f...Created:
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Word-VBAThis group helps users with coding issues related to using Word VBA (Visual Basic for Applications). Feel free to join and get the help you need or help others if you know the answers.Created:
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jfw / The JAWS for Windows Support ListThis group aims to be a source for anything and everything related to JAWS for Windows, a screen reading technology for the blind and visually impaired. Topics range from discussion of new and upcoming features, to compatibility with certain programs, etc. Topics do not include how to use programs that are not JAWS for Windows - there are other discussion groups to serve that purpose.Created:
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AMD / Airliner Modelling Digest (AMD)AMD is a discussion group/SIG for scale airliner modelling (predominantly plastic kit models but other build-medium modellers are more than welcome to contribute to relevant discussions). The group was originally created in July 1995 as a manually-collated e-mail list by Niels Sampath (GB) and Paul Matthews (CA). You can participate in the group using the online interface or through e...Created:
1,072 Members,
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OrangeCountyBirding / Orange County Birding: For Discussing and Sharing Local Bird InfoWelcome to Orange County Birding, a discussion forum for wild birds and birding in Orange County, southern California, USA. A total of 489 bird species have been recorded in our county, including California's first records of White-tailed Tropicbird, Falcated Duck, Ivory Gull, Red-legged Kittiwake, Couch's Kingbird, Bridled Tern, Nutting's Flycatcher, and Tropical Parula, as well as ot...Created:
1,071 Members,
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mcHFmcHF QRP transceiver homeCreated:
1,070 Members,
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