DailyAnnouncements / Out-Of-Sight
This list is for members of Out-Of-Sight.net to receive daily announcements. Members will not be permitted to post to this address.
1,131 Members, 3,706 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
bethabraham / Congregation Beth Abraham
Announcement list for Congregation Beth Abraham. This is a members-only list - meaning you must be a member or an affiliate of Cong. Beth Abraham in order to join the list. (We do copy the weekly announcement sheet to the TeaneckShuls list.) (Created Feb. 10, 2000) The weekly announcement sheet is sent to the shul email list every Thursday or Friday. The shul email list bethabraham@grou...
1,131 Members, 4,557 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Originating in 2006 and called the "Venezuelan Cruisers Group", it started as a means for cruisers in and around Venezuela to stay in touch and share information. During the following years as many cruisers headed to distant ports, it has expanded to include cruisers throughout the entire SW Caribbean, Pacific from Ecuador to Alaska, the ABCs, Colombia, Panama, the Med, Africa, and South P...
1,129 Members, 5,077 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
H-O-W / H.O.W Al-Anon Family Group
This is an Al-Anon Family Group. Al-Anon is a support group for friends and family of alcoholics. When requesting membership, please confirm that you have been affected by another's drinking. H.O.W. stands for Honest, Open, and Willing. Al-Anon’s Suggested Preamble: The Al-Anon Family Groups are a fellowship of relatives and friends of alcoholics who share their experience, strength, and hop...
1,125 Members, 24,008 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
radioprogramming / Radio Programming
All radio communications programming of transceivers and scanners, discussion and help and advice. All users are welcome from novice to advanced. Radio Programming Community If you are looking for information or need programming assistance we may be able to point you in the right direction. From the most simple to technical configurations. If you have any information feel free to share. Do...
1,125 Members, 367 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
isal / The International Society for Artificial Life
Welcome to the mailing list and discussion group platform for the International Society for Artificial Life (ISAL). We have a number of subgroups available for specific purposes. To subscribe to a subgroup, you will first need to subscribe to this top-level "main" group: you can do so by sending a blank email to main+subscribe@isal.groups.io. When you have done that, you can then subscri...
1,124 Members, 41 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
napsbattles / The Unofficial Napoleon's Battles Group
This group is for the dissemination of information, and or discussion about the "Napoleon's Battles" miniature wargame rules. Either the Avalon Hill version or the newer editions. Information on the newest edition, the 4th can be found at http://www.napoleonsbattles.org/ New members messages are moderated until it is deemed they are not spammers, they then can post without moderation...
1,123 Members, 5,317 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
singaporemath / Singapore Math
This is a U.S. based forum. The elements that lead to the effective teaching of mathematics involve the instructors studying the textbooks and other teaching material, doing the math themselves, and discussing math with and learning math from other instructors. The purpose of this forum is to assist those outside of Singapore, using Singapore's Primary and Secondary level mathematics, particul...
1,122 Members, 3,613 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
cnw / Chicago and North Western Railway
This is a discussion group about the Chicago and North Western Railway, its predecessors, and successors, including the Minneapolis & St Louis, Chicago Great Western, Chicago St. Paul Minneapolis and Omaha, as well as other smaller roads and subsidiaries. Discussion of all eras is welcome, along with current operations of former CNW family lines. We'll even let you talk about current Union...
1,122 Members, 15,244 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
A Moderated Group for those with an interest in the ICOM RS-BA1 Advanced Remote Control software, licensed Amateur Radio operating and related subjects. Major Features: RS-BA1 allows you to use the radio installed in another room using your home network or even from a remote location over the Internet. It provides the same operational experience as using an actual radio. Most functions and modes o...
1,120 Members, 748 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
finans, ekonomi
1,119 Members, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
FreecycleGermantown / Freecycle Germantown
FreecycleGermantown serves the greater Germantown, Maryland, area, including Boyds, Poolesville and Clarksburg. We are open to all who want to "recycle" that special something rather than throw it away. Whether it's a chair, fax machine, piano or old door, feel free to post it. Our membership includes individuals, and nonprofit organizations, too! One constraint: everything posted must...
1,119 Members, 8,089 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
parsha / Internet Parsha Sheet
Internet Parsha Sheet - Collection of Internet divrei torah on the weekly Parsha. Online since 1995 http://www.parsha.net
1,118 Members, 295 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
makebelieve / Makebelieve
Discussion, fan fiction, video work and graphics for any and all media works. All genres accepted. All characters and pairings welcome. If you don't like a pairing or character written, accept it and move on. The list caters to all tastes. Challenges welcome. Story archive is located at http://www.squidge.org/~peja/cgi-bin/index.php Please consider posting you work, new and old there. Graphi...
1,118 Members, 31,305 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
FGKids / Fort Greene Kids
The Fort Greene Kids mailing list has been created for the parents and caregivers of children living in the Fort Greene/Clinton Hill neighborhoods of Brooklyn, NY to engage in lively and informative discussion about issues affecting our lives. Discussion should be focused, at least generally, on germane topics -- e.g., children, the community, caregivers, child-friendly businesses, schools, child ...
1,116 Members, 12,223 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
rifeforum / The Rife Forum
An international forum for research into the microscope and resonance therapy, developed by Royal Raymond Rife, as well as their modern counterparts. NOTE: This group on groups.io is used to distribute new messages from www.rifeforum.com to its members via Email. Join this group only if you are a member of The Rife Forum and wish to receive all new Rife-related messages via Email. It is not possi...
1,115 Members, 2,522 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
MidlandLMR / MidlandLMR
The primary focus of the MidlandLMR list is to provide a forum for discussion of the use of Midland land mobile radios in the Amateur Radio Service. However, anyone who has an interest in these radios, ham or non-ham is more than welcome to subscribe. When subscribing, be specific about your particular interest. Statements such as "I wanna join" will not result in a membership being approv...
1,115 Members, 4,659 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
RSpec-Astronomy / RSpec: Astronomical Spectroscopy
This group is for discussion of all aspects of amateur astronomical spectroscopy, including the use of the Star Analyser grating and RSpec Realtime Spectroscopy software. This is a great place to ask about using a Star Analyser or slit spectrometer. Feel free to ask how to process spectra. You can also post a message containing a spectrum you captured and get feedback from our experienced communit...
1,114 Members, 2,887 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
This Group is for the FREE exchange of ideas related to Amateur Telescope Making (ATM). Have fun, be kind, play fair, learn, teach, participate. PHOTO... Here's a contributed photo of a homemade 22 inch tube (before painting) for an Astrograph built by Dave Tandy. The full size photo can be viewed by ATM_FREE members in the "Photos" section. Check out the ATM_FREE Group's discussio...
1,114 Members, 5,455 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
CBQ / The Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad
The CBQ Group is a moderated group that is open to anyone who cares to subscribe and participate. The first three new members' posts will be reviewed for appropriateness and will be released only after a moderator approves the posts. The purpose of the list is for historians, railfans and railroad modelers to discuss any topic related to the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy railroad and/or its...
1,110 Members, 26,948 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post: