kognitifterapi / kognitifterapi
Kognitif Terapi eğitimleri ve Kognitif Terapi hakkında haberlerin, gelişmelerin takip edilebileceği paylaşım grubu
1,181 Members, 493 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
TekScopes2 / All about Tektronix CRT scopes and more!
This group is for discussion of Tektronix instrumentation. We talk about the classic Tek scopes, the 7000 series, the TM500 instrumentation, the DSOs, and others. We also share service stories and occasional social talk: like you would if you went to get nuts and chatted in the hardware store. Moved from Yahoo!'s TekScopes2. We won't kick you out on a whim. We are a meritocracy, not a ...
1,180 Members, 3,884 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
DelRayCitizensAssociation / Del Ray Citizens Association (Alexandria, VA)
The Del Ray Citizens Association manages this online forum as a benefit to our members and neighbors at large to inform and alert them about matters of direct relevance to the neighborhood. DRCA membership is not required to subscribe (but it's certainly encouraged!) DRCA moderates this list with respect to the following posting guidelines: Post announcements with direct relevance to Del Ra...
1,177 Members, 10,385 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
coldwarcomms / ColdwarComms
A list dedicated to the discussion of various communications systems used by the U.S. military and civilian authorities during the Cold War. Major emphasis is on AT&T Long Lines facilities. A migration of the Yahoo coldwarcomms list.
1,177 Members, 12,118 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
DupontForum / Dupont Forum
Welcome to the Dupont Forum, which has moved from Yahoo Groups to Groups.io. Please refer anyone interested in the listserv to this address: DupontForum.com The Dupont Forum encourages an exchange of information and fosters courteous discussion of issues of importance to the Dupont Circle, Washington, DC, community from many perspectives. It's moderated by community members Rob Halligan and Jo...
1,174 Members, 14,692 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
This group is for accountants who use the Lacerte tax preparation software programs. Here, you can see the history of questions and answers, follow discussions of current topics and challenges, and ask questions related to the use of Lacerte tax software. This group is a tremendous resource for CPAs and other tax preparers to help each other with challenges, during tax season and throughout the ye...
1,172 Members, 20,966 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
A forum and meeting place for all owners of Burke milling machines and anyone interested in milling. Users of horizontal or vertical machines are both equally welcome. Share advice, techniques and tips with others. For owners of Burke, U.S. Burke, Burke Division of Powermatic/Houdaille and any other incarnations or variations of the Burke brand.
1,171 Members, 3,367 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
MichoacanNet / Michoacan Net
The Michoacan Net supports the Arts in Mexico. We are a Forum for ex-pats and those interested in cultural events around the country, focusing on the Lake Patzcuaro area, including Morelia, all of Michoacan and Mexico. At the Michoacan Net, the emphasis is the Arts of Michoacan. Every aspect of the arts is covered, from book reviews to restaurant critiques, from paintings to batiks and from green ...
1,171 Members, 31,184 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
AHSCBAXTER / AHSC, Baxter and Successor Companies
Employees, alumni and friends of American Hospital Supply Corporation, Baxter and Successor companies.
1,169 Members, 429 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
andamanicobarnew / andamanicobarnew
This is a mailing list and discussion group dedicated to the issues of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. It is being created in lieu of the existing yahoogroup list because yahoogroups is closing down soon. Pls make a note of the name as it is based on the older one from yahoogroups but is modified a little to ensure there is no confusion between the two
1,167 Members, 1,657 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
traintools / Traintools
Train Tools is where we discuss tools used by the model builder, especially of trains and railroads. Boat, car, plane and other modelers are welcomed to join us! If Micro-Mark is your favorite catalog, if you have a lathe or mini mill, if you scratchbuild, or if you are new to model railroading then this is your group! We'll discuss work benches, shop layouts, air brushing and anything related...
1,167 Members, 4,304 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Low-Fat-Good-Cooking / Low Fat Good Cooking
Hey, healthy menu eaters or wannabes! Hop on in for some great information and recipes for living a low-fat lifestyle. We're glad you're here! Members are moderated to prevent SPAM being sent to the list.
1,166 Members, 8,669 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
mam / Microwave and Metalworking: + Wiltron-Instruments + Pantograph-Engravers + 110GHz + Thales25
microwave and metalworking is a group that was created to share knowledge about a lot of thems around microwave measurement equpment and metalworking. This group is the successor of some great former yahoo groups and new groups of this topic: >Wiltron_Instruments< Anritsu + Wiltron testequipment >Pantograph_Engravers< Alexander,Deckel,Gravograph, Taylor Hobson, Newing-Hall, H.P.Pre...
1,166 Members, 4 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Currently only Skywatcher/Orion/Avalon mounts with synscan motor controllers are supported. Other mount types may be supported either by mounting a synscan upgrade kit or by building your own mount controller (AstroEQ). The EQMOD Project is a community dedicated to the development of a free, open source, PC based ASCOM driver that provides a rich set of mount control functions. Communications to ...
1,165 Members, 9,463 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
ardc / Amateur Radio Digital Communications
The mission of Amateur Radio Digital Communications (ARDC) is to support, promote, and enhance digital communication and broader communication science and technology, to promote Amateur Radio, scientific research, experimentation, education, development, open access, and innovation in information and communication technology. Welcome to our groups.io forum. This main group is for announcements fr...
1,165 Members, 93 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
In April 1996, the members of Margo Power's shortmystery-l digest voted to become the Short Mystery Fiction Society (SMFS). While not a change of official standing, it spoke to our goal of better representing mystery & crime stories in the public eye. Anyone can join the SMFS by free subscription to this groups.io Group. Members who join between the 1st of the year and May 1st may not vote...
1,164 Members, 10,973 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
batesmethod / Bates Method
Discussion of principles and practice of the Bates Method as presented in the writings and teachings of William H. Bates M.D. and those who followed in his footsteps. Students and teachers of the Method are invited to share their experiences and members of the public are welcome to join and learn about the holistic approach to vision improvement. For more information about the Bates Method, please...
1,163 Members, 6,742 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
NanoVNA-V2 / NanoVNA V2 / SAA-2 / SAA-2N
3GHz Vector Network AnalyzersNanoVNA V2 / SAA-2 / S-A-A-V2 / SAA-2N / All V2 flavours Users discussion and Support Group This group is independent of any supplier of the NanoVNA-V2 Specifications: Frequency range: 50kHz - 3GHz System dynamic range (calibrated): 70dB (up to 1.5GHz), 60dB (up to 3GHz) S11 noise floor (calibrated): -50dB (up to 1.5GHz), -40dB (up to 3GHz) Sweep rate: 100 points/s D...
1,160 Members, 342 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
TSPStrategy / TSP Strategy
Our goal is to maximize your Federal Thrift Savings Plan return.
1,159 Members, 615 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
radiangroup / Yamaha Radian Group
A mailing list for discussing all things related to the Yamaha YX600 Radian motorcycle. Any past, current, or future owners are welcome.
1,158 Members, 14,844 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post: