onlinesewing-janome / Online Sewing for Janome ownersThis group is for owners of the Janome embroidery-capable machines, including the Skyline S9, Memory Craft 12000, Memory Craft 14000, and Quilt Maker Memory Craft 15000. It is a place for members to seek help with problems, as well as exchange ideas. It is owned by former Janome dealers, Diane and Jim Stutsman.Created:
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cy6 / Check Your 6! Air CombatThis group is for players and those interested in the Check Your 6! Air Combat wargame. This space should also be used to explain game rules, ask questions and generally discuss air combat.Created:
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usfgfaceterslist / usfgfaceterslistThis list hosts discussions pertaining to gemstone faceting and design. Beginners and lurkers are welcome! The list is owned and moderated by Jim Clark Dedicated to education and the sharing of information about faceting gem stones. Posts of questions and answers, tips, techniques, hints, help and other faceting related information are appropriate and encouraged. When posting a new topic, pleas...Created:
1,253 Members,
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edk2Welcome to the EDK II development mailing list. For our announcement mailing list, see this page: To submit a RFC (request for comment), go here: For general conversation, or if you're not sure where to ask, check out our discussion list:
1,252 Members,
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KohlerEngineGroup / Kohler Engine GroupWelcome To The Kohler Engine Club This club is for the discussion of the maintenance and repair Kohler Engines one of the finest small engine manufactured in the world.... This Group Was Created For Members To Enjoy What The Group Has To Offer The owner of this group has the last say in group guidelines,IF YOU CAN&...Created:
1,248 Members,
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icom7600 / Icom IC-7600 HF/6m TransceiverICOM IC-7600, 100W RF output, HF/50MHz transceiver, built-in ATU, RTTY/PSK-31 encoder/decoder, USB thumb-drive firmware updates, and total radio control via PC-USB interface (no converter needed). Three "roofing" filters, 3kHz, 6kHz, 15kHz. TFT display features much like the 7700. Replaces the now-discontinued IC-756ProIII. USB port control configuration for Ham Radio Deluxe (and many othe...Created:
1,248 Members,
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OnanEngineGroup / Onan Engine GroupWelcome To The Onan Engine Club This club is for the discussion of the maintenance and repair Onan Engines one of the finest small engine manufactured in the world.... This Group Was Created For Members To Enjoy What The ...Created:
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2eNYC / Parents of Twice Exceptional Kids in New York CityDo you have a twice exceptional (2e) child - a child who is both gifted and has special needs? Most 2e children are not recognized until they are in school - often not until they are well into their education and then start to lag behind. Maybe your child is in a gifted program and floundering, or in a special ed program and not being challenged? Children who are twice exceptional often test poor...Created:
1,246 Members,
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MRCDCC / MRC-DCCThis site talks about problems, successes, and solutions to owning and using the MRC (Model Rectifier Corporation) DCC (Digital Command Control) system to control Model trains. Discuss decoder installations, command control usage and just about anything to do with MRC DCC.Created:
1,246 Members,
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LeoniaTalks / Leonia TalksLeonia Talks is a community listserv that allows members to communicate with one another on subjects ranging from local issues, to inquiries about where to find goods and services, to notices of events and anything else that concerns the fabric and well-being of the town. Our mission is to knit the community together so that neighbor can easily relate to neighbor. To encourage participation by all...Created:
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bfalasca7 / BETTY'S ORIGINAL EMBROIDERIES"STRICTLY NO ADVERTISING WITH OUT PERMISSION" "VIOLATORS WILL BE REMOVED WITHOUT NOTICE" Fun Embroidery Group With lots of free designs and updates for my new sets up and coming designs. Hope to make this a fun pleasant experience :)Created:
1,241 Members,
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gtrvwesty / GTRV Westy Camper Van ForumThis is the GTRV Westy Camper Van Forum. The forum is for sharing information about GTRV Westy camper conversion vans for owners and wannabees.Created:
1,241 Members,
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LP-PANLP-PAN user group is dedicated to the support of the LP-PAN and LP-PAN 2 panadapter products for Elecraft, Yaesu, Kenwood and other radios. The group is also a good resource for sound card and SDR information, especially the NaP3 SDR application. 73, Larry N8LPCreated:
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indianpsychologists / Indian PsychologistsA group of psychologists working and interested in strengthening the discipline of psychology in India. The members of many national and state psychology associations in India are part of this group, as are the non-resident Indian psychologists working abroad.Created:
1,237 Members,
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CCVillage / CCVillage - A noncommercial neighborhood mailing list for Chevy Chase Village, MarylandThis mailing list was created to serve as a non-commercial informational resource for the residents of Chevy Chase Village, Montgomery County, Maryland and nearby communities in the Washington DC area. For help with your subscription, see the group information website at, or email the moderator at ccvillage+owner@groups.ioCreated:
1,233 Members,
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Rohde-and-Schwarz / Rohde & SchwarzThis Group is the successor to the former Yahoo Group of the same name. Welcome to Rohde & Schwarz Instruments group now on Groups,io ! You can exchange info or ask anything related to those excellent Test & Measurement equipments. However to find the service manuals from R&S for many older equipments, is rather difficult. So anyone that can contribute to build a manual library for t...Created:
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ColchesterLathe / Colchester LatheThis group is mainly for owners of Colchester Lathes, although owners and users of other makes of lathe are of course also very welcome. The Colchester Lathe Company was first established in 1887, with the first geared head machines produced in 1907. Colchester’s production hey-days were from the late 40s/50s/60s when the company was then Europe’s largest lathe manufacture producing thousands ...Created:
1,226 Members,
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ic7200 / ICOM IC-7200 HF TransceiverThis group encourages the discussion of the ICOM IC-7200 HF Transceiver. Do you have cool modifications to share? Found some interesting technical information? Done some exciting 7200 experiments? Looking for the advanced user or service manual, or having issues with your 7200 radio? This IS the group for you! Open to all Ham radio operators and radio enthusiasts alike. Portable/Base HF/6m 1-100W ...Created:
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SaintonGenealogie / SaintonGenealogieIci vous trouverez les ARCHIVES de l'ancien groupe yahoo SaintonGenealogie. Le forum (questions/réponses) est sur
1,221 Members,
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HeathKit-HFAmps / Heathkit-HFAmpsA place where all things HeathKit Amplifiers can be discussed, from repairs, modifications, parts, etc. A valid amateur radio license must be given to join the group.Created:
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