TarotL / TarotLAll levels of Tarot students are actively encouraged to participate in the discussions. Topics range from meanings of cards and spreads to deck and book reviews, associations of different systems (numerology, astrology, Qaballah, etc.) to personal uses (divination, spiritual growth, introspective meditation, guidance, etc.) as well as History (from theories to actual decks) to creation of new deck...Created:
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Emco-CNC-Users / Group open to all users of Emco CNC Machinery (mills, lathes)Users of EMCO CNC machines, including lathes and mills with original controls or retrofitted controls. All Emco CNC users are welcome here.Created:
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woodheatDescription This mailing list is for those who heat with wood or are interested in learning more about efficient, clean home heating with natural firewood. We share and discuss all aspects of home heating with wood including equipment, joys, problems, safety, performance, environmental consequences, firing techniques, and firewood production. We encourage lively discussions which can help us a...Created:
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AJSMatchless / AJS and Matchless egroupWelcome to the home page of the AJS & Matchless e-Group the on-line resource for everyone with an interest in AJS and Matchless motorcycles. Note, after 23 years, we are now on the GROUPS.IO list server - replacing the Yahoo e-Groups. This is the unofficial AJS & Matchless owners club for all AJS and Matchless motorcycle enthusiasts, one of the best kept secrets on the 'net. Excha...Created:
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EMops / Emergency Management Employment OpportunitiesIn January 2007, I created a Emergency Management Yahoo Group , The purpose of the group is to advertise Emergency Management (EM) Employment Opportunities, over the years I have subscribed to various job boards and as I receive EM employment opportunities I posted to the Yahoo group. As the distro list grew, I changed to Groups.IO to better disseminate the information.Created:
1,277 Members,
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centralvalleybirds / Central Valley BirdsThis forum is for discussing birds of the Central Valley. Calls to political action are not allowed, as there are other forums for that. Central Valley Birds is a forum of the Central Valley Bird Club. The Central Valley Bird Club (CVBC) is dedicated to the study of the distribution, status, ecology, and conservation of birds in the Central Valley of California. Please sign off your me...Created:
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Winnebago-LeSharo / Winnebago-LeSharo Technical GroupThis is a technical discussion group for owners of a Winnebago LeSharo, Itasca Phasar RV and its derivatives. Please note: This group was transferred from Yahoo on 11/14/2019. This is primarily a technical forum. Be aware that there are people here with issues that need to be solved. This does not mean that the Winnebago H-Body is a bad choice. There are many owners that have few issues, prima...Created:
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CMNYMetro / Community of Mindfulness New York MetroThe Community of Mindfulness New York Metro [CMNY] is inspired by the Teachings and Practice of Zen Buddhist Master Thich Nhat Hanh and the Plum Village Community of Engaged Buddhism. The CMNY is part of a network of worldwide Sanghas [Communities] of Lay Practitioners and Monastic Communities. To practice in community is a great gift. As a Community of Mindfulness we support each other in culti...Created:
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puntabandanewsletter / Punta Banda Community Bulletin BoardGroup Description Welcome to the Punta Banda Community Bulletin Board, your source for what's going on in our community. Events, Buy, Sell, Ask questions, make recommendations. < visitors since inceptionCreated:
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furzedown / FurzedownChat room for residents of Furzedown and surrounding areas. Furzedown is an area in South West London. Nearby areas: Tooting, Streatham, Balham, Mitcham.Created:
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ANYTONE-878 / ANYTONE 878 and "new" ANYTONE 168 - GroupGroup dedicate to the DMR radio Anytone 878 and the "new" Anytone 168 mini handy !Created:
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weavetech / WeaveTechWeaveTech is designed for intermediate and advanced shaft-loom weavers. It does not entertain novice questions, nor does it focus on tapestry, rigid heddle, or Navajo-type weaving. As a rough guide, you should have been weaving for at least 2 to 3 years before participating in this group. This list is designed to provide a focused, intelligent,and quality dialogue on structure, technical matters (...Created:
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CubCadetGardenTractors / Cub Cadet Garden TractorsWelcome To Cub Cadet Garden Tractors Group For Cub Cadet Parts Go To http://www.ccspecialties.org/ This group was created for members that like to talk about and work on Cub Cadet Garden Tractors ...Created:
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FRSecure2021CISSPMentorProgram / FRSecure 2021 CISSP Mentor Program Study GroupWelcome! We’re very excited for this year’s class. Last year we had more than 2,000 students, and this year we’re going to top that number! The CISSP Mentor Program is fundamental to FRSecure’s mission, “to fix the broken industry”. This is the place where you can ask questions, share answers, provide study tips, and whatever else you think could help others in the group be more succes...Created:
1,264 Members,
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SIKM / SIKM Leaders CommunityThis is a global community of knowledge management (KM) practitioners. It is open to everyone with an interest in KM. Read about the history of the community, the community guidelines, and the blueprint and annex. To join, please send an email requesting membership to stangarfield@gmail.com with your full name and a link to your LinkedIn profile.. No anonymous or ambiguous members are allowed. Mem...Created:
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wwpotter / The Wonderful World of West Wight PottersThis is a community for discussion of West Wight Potter sailboats and similar trailer sailors. Sailing, towing, launching, retrieving, good and bad characteristics, boat & trailer maintenance, cruise stories, sails, rigging, accessories, and "lessons learned" are all on-topic. Private "boats/parts/equipment wanted" and "boats/parts/equipment for sale" are also welcom...Created:
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timingsolution / Timing SolutionTiming Solution community group has these goals: - discussing financial markets analysis and forecast provided by Timing Solution team and users of the software; - tips and ideas on how to apply software features for trading and market forecast; - software updates notifications and useful information. The registered Timing Solution software users may ask there other participants regarding issues ...Created:
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pozhealth / Health Tips and NewsThis is a group about HIV treatments, aging healthy with HIV and side effect management. By joining, you will abide by the following: 1- You will unsubscribe yourself when you want. The moderator does not unsubscribe anyone. 2- You will not attack others--even if you strongly disagree with their views. This applies to emails posted to the group or to the person directly. 3- You will always respec...Created:
1,259 Members,
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SynthesizersdotcomSynthesizers.com -- Modular Analog Synthesizers for Electronic MusicCreated:
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cy6 / Check Your 6! Air CombatThis group is for players and those interested in the Check Your 6! Air Combat wargame. This space should also be used to explain game rules, ask questions and generally discuss air combat.Created:
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