smarentals / San Miguel de Allende RentalsWelcome to the group about rental information and rental experiences in San Miguel de Allende! This group is designed to let you share rental-specific information with folks living in SMA or those who are interested in renting in SMA. The idea behind this group is a repository of rental information as well as a kind of consumer-driven Better Business Bureau, where renters and landlords/property ma...Created:
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EladSDR / Elad SDRWelcome to official EladSDR (Software Defined Radio) Hardware and Software user and support group . There is another group in Italian language, named EladSDR-ITCreated:
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aermacchi / Aermacchi Enthusiasts GroupA space for Aermacchi enthusiasts - Aermacchi motorcycles were built in Varese, Italy. Many were imported to the United States by Harley Davidson in the 1960's and 1970's.Created:
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GWHSCommunity / George Washington High School Community GroupA conversational group for activities, news and information about and around the George Washington High School (GWHS) Community. This group is open to family members, students, teachers, staff, alumni, prospective students and their families. The group is for the benefit of the entire GWHS community, to share information, ideas, ask questions, etc. It is completely moderated by volunteers. GWHS s...Created:
1,342 Members,
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ba-divingBay Area Diving: A forum for Northern California scuba divers to share information about local diving, diving equipment, and diving events. Also, to seek advice on scuba destinations worldwide. No commercial posts allowed.Created:
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viola / The Viola ListHome of the Viola List. Founded in 1995. Welcome to The Viola List, where viola lore is preserved and passed down. As part of (formerly, The Viola List gives you the power to communicate with violists around the world. Join us for viola discussions! All members are required to read and follow the posting guidelines and FAQ. (Instructions to unsubscribe included.)Created:
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venicemoms / Venice Moms Group, Los AngelesThis is the homepage for the Venice Moms email group: You will find additional helpful information on our website: Our group was started in the Fall of 2002 by some moms with infants to create a local community for gatherings as well as information sharing and parenting support. At the end of 2018, we moved this email forum from Yahoo Gro...Created:
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Gemini-II / Gemini-II User GroupPlease note that there is no manual published for the Gemini-2 controllers Note: The Gemini-2 mount controller is basically finished with only minor updates as needed. The latest updates are at There is a new Firmware uploader that can help you keep your Gemini-2 updated Please use the following to post errors logs. Please do...Created:
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powersdr-iq / PowerSDR-IQThis is the home of PowerSDR-IQ. Welcome to the Software Defined Radio PowerSDR application.Created:
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Army-Radios / Army-RadiosArmy-Radios Group is for those interested in collecting and operating military radios from World War II through the present. The emphasis is on radios used by ground forces on all sides but, discussion of sea, air, and space forces are also appropriate. *~*~*~*~*~*~* This Group is the successor to the Armyradios Group on Yahoo and in due course, the messages, files, photos, etc from Yahoo will be...Created:
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brookland-kidsWelcome to Brookland Kids, a community of parents and caregivers of babies, toddlers, and children in the Brookland neighborhood of NE Washington, DC. Memberships are usually limited to people with children living in and around the greater Brookland area. If you would like to join, you must also send an email to with the answers to the following two questions: 1. Whe...Created:
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Biochar / Biochar Discussion Forum & Mailing ListUPCOMING EVENTS: ABOUT THIS GROUP: This forum is dedicated to conversations on the emerging and exciting climate-energy-soils-carbon technology called "Biochar" and the industry growing around it. Newcomers and established biochar practitioners are encouraged to participate. We offer an inclusive space where members share knowledge, exchange ideas, highlight resources, and work to fu...Created:
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weatheringtechniques / Weathering TechniquesThis group is devoted to photos and pages of ideas and techniques for weathering models. While the main emphasis is on model railroading and model structures, any discussion pertinent to enhancing the reality of models is allowed. This is a family oriented group, so please keep the language clean. No religion, politics, or flaming allowedCreated:
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TheSeaofClaws / Sea of Claws - Games Workshop's Man O War GameAvast there! For over 17 years as a Yahoo Group, The Sea of Claws has been the best place for both fans and Man O War admirals alike to gather and discuss what is arguably Games Workshop's best game. We kept our favorite game alive with continual dedication, unbridled enthusiasm and sheer willpower and grew our membership to over 3000 members. Now in our new home here at, we hope t...Created:
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Kenwood-Hybrids / Kenwood Hybrids (TS-520/530/820/830)Welcome This group is dedicated to the Kenwood Hybrid classics: TS-520, TS-530, TS-820, TS-830, and their variants/predecessors, including the TS-510, TS-511, TS-515, the T599/R599 twins, and the TS-900. These radios are similar in that they are "hybrid" rigs (tubes and transistors) and they share many circuits (and a few problems). All are welcome and all questions are cool, no matter ho...Created:
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inkjetprintedcircuitboardprinting / Inkjet Printed Circuit Board PrintingIf you want to modify an inkjet printer or build your own inkjet plotter for the purposes of direct resist printing onto copper boards to make printed circuit boards, this is your group. In addition, we now explicitly cover inkjet printing of silver or other conductive coatings or metals directly onto substrates such as fabric, mylar, fiberglass boards, and other substances. As an adjunct to...Created:
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Ham-Pi / HamPiHamPi is a Raspberry Pi computer image file that has over 100 amateur radio application installed. - HamPi applications wiki and information on the applications. HamPi version V3.0.1p (for "password fix") June 16, 2022 see message #2761 HamPi version V3.0 (32-bit) was released on May 16 31, 2022 see message #2532 HamPi version V2.0 was released on December 31, 2021 see message #1993 HamP...Created:
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CriCri / CriCri Group online communityThis list is for discussion of the homebuilt aircraft called the Cri Cri or Cricket. The aircraft was designed by Michel Colomban in the 1970's and it still survives today. This list is intended to connect people from all parts of the World who are building or thinking of building the Cri Cri.Created:
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hnaa / Har Nof AdvertisingThis list is for any type of advertising to that is useful to HAR NOF RESIDENTS.Created:
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skychart / Cartes du Ciel / SkychartThis group is to allow discussion between user of the Cartes du Ciel / Sky Charts software. All subject in relation with the usage of this software is welcome. The preferred language is English. The new version of the program are announced here as special notices. You can select to receive only them in your subscription options.Created:
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