airchairgroupDiscussions about simple lightweight home built glidersCreated:
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SFBirds / Birding in San FranciscoSFBirds is a mailing list hosted at for topics relating to birding in San Francisco proper. What are suitable posts for this list? Please confine your posts to issues of relating to sighting and distribution of birds within San Francisco (City and county for pelagics/Farallones). Brief postings regarding events IN San Francisco of special interest to the SF Birding public are also on to...Created:
1,381 Members,
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SEC-EmComm / EmCommEmComm discussion groupCreated:
1,381 Members,
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Heathkit-Radios / Heathkit-RadiosWelcome! This group is for collectors and users of Heathkit amateur radios and accessories. You are encouraged to post: A) Parts For Sale B) Parts Wanted C) Items to Sell & Trade (Please include prices) D) Service Hints, etc. E) Schematics and excerpts from manuals Members cannot hide email address. All members will be listed in the directory. All messages must be signed with a name...Created:
1,379 Members,
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playwrightbinge / Playwright Marketing BingeThis is a supportive online community for playwrights, with a focus on marketing and the business side of playwriting. Twice a year (March and September) we undertake marketing "binges" where we exchange information and meet marketing challenges (like sending out a script a day, every day, for 30 days), and report back to the group.Created:
1,378 Members,
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TrackingDogA list for discussing all aspects of tracking dogs.Created:
1,372 Members,
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Seeburg / Seeburg Jukebox Information ClubThis group is for owners, repairers, and fans of Seeburg Jukeboxes, Background Music, Home Stereo, and other products.Created:
1,372 Members,
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npna / Northgate Park Neighborhood AssociationNorthgate Park Neighborhood Association, Durham, North Carolina, USA - This is a forum for NPNA announcements, and discussion of NPNA issues, general neighborhood issues, and topics relevant to living in this neighborhood and city.Created:
1,372 Members,
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southbaybirds / South Bay Birds: Santa Clara County Bird SightingsSouth Bay Birds [SBB] is a list intended for reporting unusual bird sightings in Santa Clara county. We encourage everyone to share reports of interesting birds they have found, and where. Please always include the key bird(s) of interest and location in the subject line of the post. If you use eBird, we encourage you to include a link to the eBird trip report that you filed. This list is m...Created:
1,370 Members,
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CapitalNetworkingGroup / The Capital Networking Group for Addiction & Mental Health ProfessionalsThe Capital Networking Group is a collaboration of professionals nationwide, working together to help those suffering with mental health, substance abuse and addiction issues. We function in an ethical and unbiased manner to help our clients and patients receive the best care that they can get.Created:
1,370 Members,
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NDCCThis group is governed by the topic of DCC for model railroading in N ScaleCreated:
1,366 Members,
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BraveBuddies / Brave Buddies: Online Support and Information for Parents of Children with Type 1 DiabetesBrave Buddies is an online support group for parents of children with type 1 diabetes. While most members primarily live in the San Francisco Bay Area (including South Bay, East Bay, North Bay/Marin, East Bay/Sacramento, Santa Cruz, and surrounding areas), the group is open to parents in any geographic region. Brave Buddies is a service of DYF (Diabetes Youth Families). The mission of DYF is ...Created:
1,364 Members,
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rc210For users and others interested in the Arcom RC210 or other products http://www.arcomcontrollers.comCreated:
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insomniac-net / Insomniac Net Trivia Questions and AnswersThe Insomniac Net is held every night of the year (including holidays) and has been very popular since 1980 when Joanna and Ernie Blake started it along with Ty and Susie. Each night there is a different net control operator. Generally, they have three or four trivia questions with three or four multiple choice answers. A roll call of the regular night owl members is called, then a special call fo...Created:
1,360 Members,
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MMOMW / Making Mixed Orientation Marriages WorkThis group has been created for those who are in mixed orientation marriages. (REcreated from the past Yahoo Group of the same name). Straight spouses who are married to gays or bisexuals and also the married gays and bisexuals themselves. THIS IS A SUPPORT GROUP ONLY. A place where we can get together and discuss ways we make our marriages work in a positive way. We welcome all those in this situ...Created:
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FT-991A / Yaesu FT-991 and FT-991ABasic rules: No politics, No religion or No crude language or jokes. No sale of your equipment immediately after joining. Establish yourself as a valuable member before selling. We are amateurs and we all have call signs. So please identify yourself. No unsigned or unidentified posts. Be nice, polite and friendly to all. Always identify yourself or your amateur call sign when you sign in. The ...Created:
1,358 Members,
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w4dccqa / Allan Gartner's Wiring for DCC Question and Answer ForumQuestion and answer forum for Allan Gartner's Wiring for DCC website. Topics are limited to DCC wiring and electrical issues only. Like many groups, the w4dccqa group does not allow photos or diagrams to be included in a text message because of the rare but possibly that malware can be hidden in the photo or the drawing. If a photo or drawing would be helpful in describing or solving a situat...Created:
1,353 Members,
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cfdev / CF DevotionalsChristian Fellowship Devotionals (moved over from Yahoo Groups.) Free Daily Email Devotions Free daily devotionals sent via email, at a normal ate of one per day, written by a diverse staff from varying faith backgrounds. In addition to the daily new devotionals sent through this group, there are over 15,000 previous articles at, on topics with a varied depth of study from a ba...Created:
1,353 Members,
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HIStoryQuestersFor the preservation of discussions about TruthQuest History YahooGroup HIStoryQuesters.Created:
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Crossfire-WWII / Crossfire WWII - Miniature Wargaming RulesCrossfire (CF), by Arty Conliffe, is a set of Tabletop Miniature Wargaming rules for WWII. Crossfire is innovative and delivers high-intensity action for miniatures gamers without the inconvenience of rulers or fixed turns. They are one of the first rule sets to use a genuine "variable length bound" that is not artificially contrived. This means there is no set amount of activity that c...Created:
1,352 Members,
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