SREmG / Southern Railway Email Group (SREmG)
The group is formed for discussion by email over the internet between Railway Enthusiasts, Historians and Modellers interested in the Southern Railway of the United Kingdom (including those railway companies that were merged together to form it and those that succeeded it).
1,323 Members, 138,240 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
ATTENTION ATTENTION ATTENTION *** IF YOU HAVE A KIT IN NEED OF REPAIR, PLEASE CONTACT Virgil, K5OOR by posting a message. I will see it. *** Although HF PROJECTS Radio Amateur Kits for High Frequency including the HF Packer Amplifier, miniHFPA and miniHFPA2.are not readily available, I can provide limited service to keep you on the air. If you get stuck, I may be able to fix it for you or at ...
1,320 Members, 2,127 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
society-for-medical-anthropology / Society for Medical Anthropology (SMA) listerv
This group serves as the listserv for the Society for Medical Anthropology (SMA), a section of the American Anthropological Association (AAA). The group is intended to facilitate communication between SMA members and other medical anthropologists. If you need assistance, please email our listserv manager at Guidelines for the SMA Listserv The SMA executive board, whi...
1,319 Members, 696 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
spendor / Spendor and BBC Loudspeakers
This group is a discussion forum for those interested in the products designed by the late Spencer Hughes, specifically the Spendor BC-I, BC-II and BC-III loudspeakers. Additionally, all fans of the BBC "LS" series monitoring loudspeakers designed by the BBC Research Department and those made under license and/or supplied to them are also most welcome such as the Chartwell PM 450P, Richard...
1,318 Members, 3,697 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
lycoming / Lycoming Engine Group
Welcome Lycoming Engine Fans! Here you can post questions and answers concerning Lycoming engines, or Lycoming clones. VERY, VERY IMPORTANT: All information posted through this avenue should be: Directly related to Lycoming engines, or Lycoming clones. Polite, Respectful, Courteous. G-Rated. Violators will be removed from the list. No exceptions.
1,317 Members, 4,488 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
bubs / Bandar Utama Buddhist Society
Email group to enable members and friends to be notified of events and news of the Bandar Utama Buddhist Society, Malaysia. Subscribers are responsible to ensure that their subscription does not contravene any law or regulation that may apply to themselves.
1,315 Members, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
39-47Dodgetruck / 39*47Dodgetruck
Welcome to the 39-47Dodgetruck Group This group is dedicated to 1939-47 Dodge, Plymouth and Fargo Trucks and all Mopar truck lovers. See below for info on the cover photo. This web site, on the appropriate database table, includes the official registry for the 1939-47 Mopar trucks. © by dlfenner. It also is a forum for those of us who own or admire the 1939-47 Dodge, Plymouth, and Fargo trucks...
1,315 Members, 49,574 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
HeatherMeeker / Heather Meeker's book update list
This is an email list for Heather Meeker's legal practice, primarily about her books.
1,314 Members, 7 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
C-P-R / C-P-R
C-P-R is specifically for discussion of topics pertaining to the Canadian Pacific Railway. Our main areas (as they pertain to CPR) are railroading and railfanning, with some modelling discussion thrown into the mix. Items for sale/trade may be posted on Tuesdays only. If you post a virus warning, missing child sob story, or any other SPAM, you are probably going to get the boot from this list. Lo...
1,313 Members, 30,609 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
LightningProtection / Welcome to - the Internet’s only professional technical forum on Lightning Protection, Safety, Power Quality, and Keraunic Medicine. We provide accurate peer-reviewed information and are the go-to reference for Engineers, Safety Officers, Administrators, and Journalists concerned with lightning safety, surge and harmonic mitigation, and keraunic medicine. With over 3158 members since our founding on April 24th, 1999, we are a community of experts in the field of Electrical. Join us today!
Members: c. 3158 Category: Electrical Founded: Apr 24, 1999 Language: English This is a peer-reviewed moderated list. It is NOT a chat site or social media. Personal messages must be sent to the intended individual, NOT to this list. Posting messages requires the use of 1 or more hashtags in the “subject” line of your message. This is explained in detail in the instructions and help section...
1,312 Members, 2,312 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
LACoBirds is for discussion of wild birds and birdwatching in Los Angeles Co., CA. Suggested topics are bird sightings, status and distribution, birding locations, and non-commercial announcements from birding organizations. You are welcome to use the Photos area to share photos to discuss identification, and the Files area to share other relevant information. Banned topics are pet birds, virus wa...
1,310 Members, 3,254 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
SAE / SAE Talk: Open discussion on audio equipment in general but primarily focused on equipment mfg by SAE (Scientific Audio Electronics)
Open discussion on Audio Equipment in general but primarily focused on equipment manufactured by SAE (Scientific Audio Electronics) and later family related manufacturers such as GAS (Great American Sound), Sumo, ATI (Amplifier Technology Incorporated), and Spread Spectrum Technologies (SST). SAE was the starting point were all these companies were all about pursuit of high end state of the ...
1,309 Members, 5,161 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
Atlas618lathe / Atlas 618 Lathes
A group dedicated to owners of the Atlas (and Sears Craftsman 101) 618 lathe and the newer Mark 2 lathe. Your questions, tips, comments, and lathe and project photographs are welcomed. Extensive file and picture sections now have space for members' for sale and wanted to buy items. This group discusses many issues which are common to all small lathe users, so don't let the specialization i...
1,309 Members, 2,875 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
TakomaPark / Takoma Park
The TakomaPark list is forum for, by, and about Takoma Park, DC and MD (and downtown Silver Spring and Langley Park too!): Community news, notices, and discussions about neighborhoods, city & county government, schools, public safety, entertainment / recreation, transportation, development, and all other things local to our corner of Washington DC and Maryland. For offers & inquiries abo...
1,308 Members, 16,870 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Doghealth2 contains an exchange of information pertaining to dog health, primarily regarding the use of drugs that can or have caused illness and/or death in dogs. Though we remain focused on the drug, RIMADYL (Carprofen), we are now adding drugs such as ETOGESIC (etodolac), DERAMAX (deracoxib), METACAM (Meloxicam), ZUBRIN (tepoxalin),PREVICOX (firocoxib), NOVOX (generic carprofen) and Quellin (ge...
1,305 Members, 20,667 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
EBB-Sightings / East Bay Birding - Sightings
Thank you for being a member of EBB-Sightings, “East Bay Birds”. East Bay Birds is a list service to report interesting and rare bird sightings in Alameda and Contra Costa Counties. Because this service goes out to more than 1,000 community members, there are a few rules: DO’S · Report timely sightings of rare birds that you feel are of community interest. Your description must...
1,303 Members, 13,663 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
combo-organ / Combo Organ
Combo Organs, those "cheezy" sounding portable organs prevalent in the 1960s and popular with rock groups from that era. Included are the two most well-known, the Vox Continental and Farfisa Compact. We discuss LOTs of different models, history, specs, repairs, parts, etc.
1,300 Members, 17,742 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
The Fox Tango club is Rated G... Basic rules: No politics, No religion or No crude language or dirty jokes. No sale of your equipment immediately after joining. Establish yourself as a valuable member before selling. We are amateurs and we all have call signs. So please identify yourself. No unsigned or unidentified posts. Be nice, polite, and friendly to all. Always identify yourself or your ama...
1,296 Members, 1,042 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
homequiltingsystems / Home Quilting Systems
Please note: This group is for Stand Up Quilters only! Thank you. The topic of this group is to share tips and techniques on owning and operating short, mid and long arm stand up quilting systems and related accessories. When you apply for Membership to this group, please tell us a few things about yourself and why you are interested in joining this Yahoo Group. Failing to do this will result in d...
1,290 Members, 21,771 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
WaylandVoters / WaylandVotersNetwork
Hello, Welcome to the Wayland Voters Network listserv group at Thank you for subscribing. Please forward it to your friends and neighbors in Wayland who also would find it informative. The public can subscribe by sending a blank email to: If you have never registered with before, your account will not have a password set yet. Use the &#...
1,287 Members, 1,382 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post: