sfpgefalcons / SF PGE Falcons
This discussion forum is a companion to the Peregrine Falcon Nest Camera hosted by PG&E. https://www.pge.com/en_US/residential/in-your-community/local-environment/peregrine-falcons/peregrine-falcons.page Our intention is to provide a resource where the public may learn more about Peregrine Falcon breeding behaviors observed on the nest camera, and to discuss recent sightings of Peregrine Falc...
1,155 Members, 10,245 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
chaletcamping / Chalet A-Frame Enthusiasts CAFÉ !
Welcome to the Chalet A-Frame Enthusiasts (CAFÉ) forum. A virtual campfire for CAFÉ' members. No dues, no newsletter, no Grand Poobah... yeah, it's free. It's also a place to discuss issues specific to Chalet owners. Aliner, Rockwood, Flagstaff and Starcraft A-frame owners are welcome to participate. This club is not affiliated with Chalet RV or Chalet Inc. The views expressed are e...
1,153 Members, 4,530 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
Genx-Ms / GenX-Ms
Welcome to Generation X Mensans! We are a curious and distinct group within Mensa - fortunate to have grown up in a world of unprecedented peace, prosperity and education. All Mensans born in the years 1961 through 1981 are potentially eligible for membership in the Generation X Special Interest Group (GenX SIG). It's been said that this 21 year age range covers such a huge variety of life ex...
1,152 Members, 34,114 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
southbound-group / The Southbound Group
The Southbound Group provides a way for cruisers on the west coast of the Americas to share relevant information on areas of interest between San Diego, California, and Peru, South America, including the Galápagos Islands. If you are "ahead of the pack" or off the beaten track, sending information specific to where you went; where you anchored; what was ashore; corrections and updates to ...
1,152 Members, 4,663 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
tablesmith / TableSmith
A place to discuss the Windows application TableSmith. TableSmith is a program used primarily to generate random tables for roleplaying games, to help gamemasters speed up the creative process.
1,152 Members, 3,008 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
vk3zpf-logger / VK3ZPF portable logger ( VK port-a-log )
A group for the support and development of VK port-a-log app for Android tablets and phones
1,152 Members, 146 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
liteVNA - 6GHz vector network analyzer in the same size as NanoVNA.
1,151 Members, 246 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
This group is dedicated to assisting programmers in the creation of personal software and personal hardware that is compatible with the Digitrax LocoNet. The base reference for this list is the LocoNet Personal Use Edition 1.0 Specifications dated October 16, 1997. This group has been approved by AJ Ireland at Digitrax but it is not controlled by Digitrax All content is the work of individual con...
1,150 Members, 4,169 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
nasota / North America Summits On The Air
Welcome to this message board for amateur radio operators interested in Summits On The Air activities in North America. Please keep conversations related to outdoor amateur radio activity and please post in English. Before uploading images to the Photos section, please create a directory with your call sign, and put all your images in that one folder. "For Sale" postings are only accep...
1,149 Members, 8,759 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
DCHispanicNetwork / DC Hispanic Network
This is a networking forum for members of Hispanic/Latino associations and key contacts in the DC Metro area. Created on April 8, 2003, this online community is a volunteer project to create linkages between the various Hispanic networks in the metro DC area. Its purpose is to facilitate communication between groups for event notices, job announcements, and items of interest to Latino professi...
1,147 Members, 2,304 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Mailing-Liste zum Übersetzen/Dolmetschen für ein besseres *Mit*einander. Auf pt kann man alle Fragen rund um den Themenkomplex Übersetzen/Dolmetschen stellen (Terminologie, Hard-/Software, Geschäftliches wie Preise und Steuern, Seminare usw.). Grundsätzlich gilt: Es gibt keine dummen Fragen. Aber es ist sinnvoll, sich zunächst einmal selbst nach besten Kräften zu bemühen, sein Problem zu l...
1,146 Members, 83,787 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
KPA / Karen Pryor Academy
This is the main board for Karen Pryor Academy.
1,145 Members, 125 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
DICK GRAYSON! As Batman, Nightwing, Robin or whatever costume he may be wearing, this community is ALL about him. The TRUE Nightwing! In this community you will find anything and everything Dick Grayson/Nightwing (Batman, Oracle, Robin, Huntress) Comic book & character discussions, art, fanfic, links and pictures. Bludhaven is the home of the best Dick Grayson/Nightwing/Batfamily fanfiction o...
1,144 Members, 58,222 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
hardinge-lathe / Group open to all users of Hardinge Lathes and their Accessories
Open to all users of Hardinge Lathes & Accessories.
1,144 Members, 2,812 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
missionparents / Mission Parents
The Mission Parents Group brings together parents, neighbors, and friends committed to making the Mission a healthy and fun place to raise kids. New members are always welcome. When requesting to join, please add a short description of who you are and why you would like to join. New members are approved on a weekly basis. GUIDELINES This is a self-regulating group where all members agree to resp...
1,143 Members, 26,979 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
QBOTSquad / QBOTSquad
This group is for those interested in the QBOT automatic quilter. User stories, tips, how-to's, and general knowledge from the Squad is what this group is all about. Some general rules: no bad language, no mean comments. Members of the "BOT Squad" are friends in automated quilting. Enjoy Quilting Based on Technology, with QBOT!!! To return to the home website: <a rel="nofoll...
1,142 Members, 8,672 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
theblindperspective / The Blind Perspective
The Blind Perspective is a monthly newsletter written by the blind for the blind. We aim to keep you informed and entertained. It pays to be plugged in to The Blind Perspective. Sponsered By: Essentially Braille Transcription Services http://www.essentiallybraille.com
1,141 Members, 91 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
RadioCarolineMailinglist / Radio Caroline Fan Mailinglist
Originally established as the Radio Caroline Fan Mailinglist at Yahoo Groups in 2000 and transferred to Groups.io in 2019, this group exists for the sharing of information about the only North Sea offshore radio station that has continued broadcasting through six decades and is still on the air today. Radio Caroline is now licensed to transmit on 648 kHz AM and DAB. The station also webcasts two...
1,139 Members, 41,041 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Gatwick / The Original Gatwick Spotters List
The Original Gatwick Spotters List THE ORIGINAL GATWICK SPOTTERS LIST started on 28th Oct'98 on eGroups. In March 2005 we moved to Google Groups, and then to the groups.io platform from 1st September 2020. Join us for reports of movements as they happen, heads-ups, airport news and a full movements list the next day.
1,138 Members, 9,586 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
GTNcoaches / Georgetown Leadership Coaches
This is an independently organized community for the alumni of the Georgetown Leadership Coaching program. This group was previously hosted on YahooGroups from 2005 - 2020; and in January 2020 our group moved here to this site. FOR THE SAKE OF WHAT DOES THIS WEBSITE EXIST? 1. For the sake of our continued personal and professional development. We intend to use this community to share development ...
1,134 Members, 5,005 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post: