k9cu / Champaign Urbana Area Amateur Radio -.-. ..- .... .- -- ...Members of this group can post by sending email to: k9cu@groups.io (also known as cuhams@k9cu.groups.io). The K9CU group is for discussion of amateur radio topics and local amateur radio events in the Champaign Urbana Illinois area. We encourage all members of the Twin City Amateur Radio Club (TCARC), the Synton Amateur Radio Club, and the Champaign County ARES Team, to join. We are also interes...Created:
92 Members,
194 Topics,
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k9dataGroup for the discussion of the k9data.com website, reporting of issues, and feature requests.Created:
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k9epiglobal / K9-EPIGLOBALThis self-help group is for caregivers of dogs with Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency (EPI). This is the original group started fifteen years ago on Yahoo and has moved to groups.io because of changes made to the Yahoo group. This is a restricted group. A completed application, which you should have received when you requested membership, is required. Because many conditions other than EPI can hav...Created:
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k9epileptics / Canine Epilepsy Support Group (Worldwide)This group is the extention of the Yahoo Group started by Paul Masters to honor his epileptic dog Big Bear (1995?-2001), pictured above right, and its continued stewardship by Cathy Bentley honoring her epileptic service girl Belle (2000?-2009), above left. This group continues the intent that knowledge and support for owners and their epileptic dogs can be provided in a welcoming, nurturing envir...Created:
103 Members,
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K9KidneyDiet / K9 Kidney DietThis group is for owners of dogs with varying forms of kidney disease, and kidney-related disease or infection, and including certain kidney stones. We are pet owners, with decades of combined experience, caring for & feeding dogs with various forms of renal disease. Kidney Failure is not one-size-fits-all. Changes in tastes & food preferences are predictable. Focus is on extending quality...Created:
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K9KidneyDietFilesAndPhotos / K9 Kidney Diet Files And PhotosThis is a sister group to the K9KidneyDietGroup where we will have recipes for home-feeding of dogs with kidney failure.Created:
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K9Kidneys / K9KidneysWelcome to K9Kidneys!!! Homepage Banner honors our Moderators angels! IF YOU WISH TO APPLY; PLEASE NOTE THAT WE WILL BE SENDING YOU A SHORT QUESTIONNAIRE TO FILL OUT AN D RETURN...... SO PLEASE CHECK YOUR MAIL AND SPAM MAIL FOR THIS SHORT QUESTIONAIRE FROM US. TY K9Kidneys is a list for owners of dogs suffering from one/more forms of kidney disorder, Kidney Disease ,Acute/Chronic Failure, Juven...Created:
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K9KidneysOriginalYahooGroup / K9Kidneys Original Yahoo GroupPlease join K9Kidneys@Groups.io Thank you, Marion and the K9Kidneys Moderator TeamCreated:
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K9MOT / Motorola Amateur Radio Club of Northern IllinoisFormer Motorola Amateur Radio Club of Northern IllinoisCreated:
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k9onaThis is the official groups.io for the Six Meter Club of Chicago - K9ONA. We have three repeaters in Hinsdale, IL. 146.970 (input 146.3700 PL 107.2 Hz 443.300 (input 448.300) PL 114.8 Hz 224.820 (input 223.220) PL 114.8 Hz All three repeaters are tied together and multi-cast all transmissions at all times. We have monthly Club meetings, daily and weekly nets, an annual hamfest, newsletter, and a F...Created:
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K9onesar / K-9 ONE Search and RescueForum for K-9 ONE Search and Rescue - a Search and Rescue Team utilizing professionally trained dogs, ground teams and search management personnel to assist in locating lost or missing persons in wilderness, urban or water environments. In house resources include certified area search dogs, cadaver dogs (human remains detection), disaster dogs and scent specific trailing dogs. Additionally, we b...Created:
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k9ord / Chicagoland Amateur Technical SocietyChicagoland Amateur Technical Society (CATS) is not your average amateur radio organization. The goal of this organization is to share talents and experiences so that we may collaborate on a wide array of technical projects. We aren't pigeon holed by traditional amateur radio activities. We understand that in order for ham radio to succeed in the future that we must embrace new technologies. T...Created:
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K9Rally / K9RallyThis group is for people interested in AKC and ASCA Rally merchandise. This is an "announcement only" group. K9Rally customers are notified a few times a year of: upcoming sales new merchandise AKC Rally rule changesCreated:
1,955 Members,
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K9RN / K9RNWelcome to the reflector of the McHenry County Wireless Association. MCWA is an amateur radio club based in McHenry County, Illinois open to all those interested in learning and exchanging information about the many facets of the hobby. \ To make our club and reflector a friendly and welcoming place for all, all posts that are made should be amateur radio related. Posts of a political or religio...Created:
176 Members,
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K9RODThis group is an internet gateway for things that I'm interested in and would like to make available to other amateur radio operators. You will find radio manuals, software, and/or links to this information. Rod - K9RODCreated:
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K9TAL / TALARCThis is the group for the American Legion Amateur Radio Club (TALARC). The club callsign is K9TAL. This group is being sponsored by the American Legion, Department of Indiana.Created:
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k9ya-cw-netsK9YA Code Practice Net - Reminder List is a Restricted Group with 307 members. K9YA Code Practice Net - Reminders This is an announce only list—you may not post to the list..Subscribers will receive periodic reminders for the on-air K9YA Code Practice Nets. Please do NOT subscribe using an e-mail alias account (e.g. arrl.net, rac.ca, qsl.net, amsat.org, ieee.org, etc.). The K9YA Slow Net o...Created:
306 Members,
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K9ZEV / The Miami County Indiana Amateur Radio ClubWelcome to K9ZEV - The Miami County Amateur Radio Club !Created:
17 Members,
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k9zev-techGroup for K9ZEV radio club tech committee memberCreated:
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ka6wke-announce / KA6WKE Amateur RadioAnnouncement only email group for KA6WKE's for YouTube videos.Created:
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