FelineAssistedFeeding / Feline Assisted FeedingWELCOME:Lots of things can make a cat lose interest in food: infection, constipation, CRF, pancreatitis, a bad tooth, cancer, or even stress. Cats can't fast because they don't use body fat well. It can clog the liver causing acute failure, called Hepatic Lipidosis or Fatty Liver. Food is the only prevention and cure. [more] Nutrition can provide strength to fight, buy time to work on a fu...Created:
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felineasthma / Feline Asthma and Respiratory DisordersWelcome to the Feline Asthma Message Board. This board opened in January, 1999 with many members from around the world. It is designed for people who are owned by cats who have asthma or any other respiratory disease or disorder. We discuss anything and everything about feline respiratory systems from medications; including inhaled medications, symptoms, diagnostic tests, triggers and prognosis. W...Created:
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felineasthmafriendsThis group is an offshoot of the Feline Asthma Group intended for off topic conversations and friendships.Created:
119 Members,
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FelineAsthmaInhaledMedications / Feline Asthma, Inhaled MedicationsDiscussion of methods and tips for treating feline asthma with inhaled medications. Anyone with an interest in the subject is welcome to join.Created:
1,850 Members,
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FelineBladderCancerWelcome to the Feline Bladder Cancer group. This is a support group for kitties and their caregivers dealing with transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) or other feline bladder cancers (FBC), for those who have had a kitty with TCC/FBC, or for those wanting to learn more. Bladder cancer is considered very rare in cats. Here, we share our experiences and knowledge of TCC/FBC to help others care for a ca...Created:
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FelineCancerThis is a list for people whose cats either currently have, or have had, cancer. Support, information and tips are encouraged. Traditional allopathic, palliative, & alternative treatment methods (for example: homeopathy, herbs, acupuncture) discussed. There are also specialized cancer groups, for specific types of cancer, available on Yahoo (feline lymphoma and feline VAS) and IO (felinelymph...Created:
2,096 Members,
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felineherpessupport group for feline herpes cat ownedCreated:
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FelineLiverDisease / Feline Liver DiseaseWelcome to the board. This is a group where members can discuss several health conditions that afflict cats livers, including cholangitis/cholangiohepatitis, hepatic lipidosis, known commonly as fatty liver, ***DISCLAIMER*** Cats and circumstances are variable, so what may work for some, may not work for all. By joining this group, it is understood that any information acquired here should be app...Created:
83 Members,
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FelineMalabsorptionSyndrome / Feline Malabsorbtion Syndrome:Learning and SupportFeline Malabsorbtion Syndrome Hello, my cat, Happy, passed away two weeks ago. I'm devastated and having difficulty processing my grief. I have so many questions and confusion and frustration with my veterinarian, and I need to understand what was happening to Happy and what killed him and why. He had Chronic Kidney Disease, Pancreatitis, a heart murmur, and High Blood Pressure. These things s...Created:
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FelineMegacolon / Feline Megacolon Discussion GroupThis group is for people whose cats have feline megacolon or severe/chronic constipation (it is not for those whose cats have been diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disorder [IBD] or the functional disorder irritable bowel syndrome). This group offers information, support, and practical recommendations from others who have gained experience in caring for a cat with megacolon. Welcome!Created:
1,753 Members,
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FelinePancreatitisSupportWelcome to the Feline Pancreatitis Support Group, a place for caregivers of cats dealing with pancreatitis or triaditis complex as well as those wanting to learn more about these disorders. We believe that education is the first and best step towards coping with these conditions and being the best advocate we can for our cats. Pancreatitis and triaditis complex (a combination of pancreatitis, infl...Created:
1,210 Members,
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FelineRawDietsA group for discussion of feline raw diets, including detailed discussion of different protocols. Protocols for minimizing the risks of raw diets, would be good to include in the discussions. Feeding a raw diet to cats, requires more than just feeding them raw meat, make sure you do some research!Created:
93 Members,
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FelineSelectA discussion forum for & about, but not necessarily limited to, cats.Created:
4 Members,
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FelineThyroidManagement / Feline Thyroid ManagementSupport and advice on all thyroid conditions for felines. Assistance for hyperthyroid, hypothyroid, and I-131 cats. Members gather here to exchange information about thyroid treatments. This is the only group with experience in managing post I-131 hypot cats. This group has also been in the forefront of recognizing the special needs of the hypot cat and in promoting ongoing research. Owners of ...Created:
485 Members,
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FellClubCommitteeFell Club Committee This is the PRIVATE Forum for use of the Fell Club Committee only. Group email: FellClubCommittee@groups.ioCreated:
9 Members,
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fellowshipofisis / Fellowship of Isis - Oracle of the MonthAnnouncement list for the Fellowship of Isis - Oracle of the Month. NOTE: When you join, you will also need to confirm your membership from the email that Groups.io will send you. Thank you!Created:
106 Members,
53 Topics,
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femail / femailA private group for AFWJ members only, living anywhere in the world, who enjoy discussing and sharing information on various subjects.Created:
104 Members,
407 Topics,
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FemalefantasyfightfandomThis is a group dedicated to the art of female fantasy catfighting fandom. No real fights..; only fantasy based in the format of comics.Created:
3 Members,
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femalefoundercollective / Female Founder CollectiveFFC is creating this group for you to make asks, shamelessly promote good news, and also offer things up to the other members. You will only receive messages from the groups you are subscribed to. If any of the groups you subscribed to require approval before joining, you will be notified when that happens. Email Guidelines: respect members time and inboxes by: -minimizing the # of emails y...Created:
2 Members,
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feminist-sound-studies / Feminist Sound StudiesA group for those interested in feminist sound studies!Created:
21 Members,
7 Topics,
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