K-9RallyPosting Notices of Upcoming Events. Information needed: 1. Date. 2. Name of Event. 3. Link AddressCreated:
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k-bar-a / Klamath Basin Amateur Radio AssociationK-BAR-A is an acronym for the Klamath Basin Amateur Radio Association. This group is restricted to members in good standing only. The intent is to provide an ability for members to exchange ideas, announcements, and questions restricted to the amateur radio service. All off-topic threads will be discouraged. K-BAR-A is located in Klamath Falls, Oregon. Any correspondence can be directed to P...Created:
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K-designs-Multihull-Sailboats / K - designs: Multihull SailboatsLINK to Mr. Kohler's designs http://www.ikarus342000.com/CATpage.htm This group is about design and construction of multihull sail and power boats by Bernd Kohler. Mr. Kohler's designs use the plywood/glass/epoxy building techniques. These techniques allow amateurs to construct coastal and ocean going multihull sailboats and coastal multihull power boats. This group is open to those inte...Created:
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K-E-SKES ekzistas por informi Esperantistojn pri Kvakerismo, kaj Kvakerojn pri Esperanto. Ni kredas ke ambaŭ apogas similajn principojn kaj utilas antaŭenigi unu la alian. Ĉi tiu grupo ekzistas por interŝanĝi ideojn, novaĵojn kaj informon pri la ago de KES kaj pri ĝiaj membroj.Created:
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K-ESKVAKERA ESPERANTO SOCIETO - THE QUAKER ESPERANTO SOCIETY (KES) KES ekzistas por informi Esperantistojn pri Kvakerismo, kaj Kvakerojn pri Esperanto. Ni kredas ke ambaŭ apogas similajn principojn kaj utilas antaŭenigi unu la alian. Ĉi tiu grupo ekzistas por interŝanĝi ideojn, novaĵojn kaj informon pri la ago de KES kaj pri ĝiaj membroj. KES exists for the purpose of informing Espe...Created:
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K-Friends-Chat / K-Friends-ChatPlace for a small group of friends who attended Kearney High School to chat.Created:
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K-SeriesLoomAVLA group for owners of AVL K-Series loomsCreated:
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K0GQBoard / Raytown Amateur Radio Club Board of DirectorsBoard of Directors for the Raytown Amateur Radio Club, Inc. of Raytown, MissouriCreated:
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K0GQevent / Raytown Amateur Radio Club - EventsThis group will be used K0GQ (Raytown ARC) to publish information about the Missouri QSO Party and event coordination.Created:
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K0GQMembers / Raytown Amateur Radio Club MembersInformation and Dialog for the Members of the Raytown Amateur Radio Club, Inc. of Raytown, Missouri http://k0gq.comCreated:
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k0mcr / Meeker County Amateur RadioMeeker County Amateur Radio Club, Litchfield, MinnesotaCreated:
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K1000-K1200 / Kurzweil K1000, K1200 seriesThe purpose of this group is to provide a user base of information for these great Kurzweil products. Other Kurzweil products welcome include the K1000 racks (AX, EX, GX, HX, PX, SX and all plus models), Pro-76, Pro I,II, & III, EGP, Mark III & IV as well as lesser known items produced from 1988 - 1992. Here you'll find editors, sound libraries and hints and tips for all products. We l...Created:
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k12-pandemic-safety / K-12 Pandemic Safety Working GroupWorking group to collaborate on science-backed guidelines for pandemic safety in K-12 schools.Created:
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K12CAT / K-12 California TechnologyWelcome! This group is intended for technology-related professionals who work in California K-12 schools. Its purpose is to facilitate a free email list serve for anyone employed in the technology arena here in California for us to exchange ideas, vendor suggestions, general tech-related problems & solutions, etc. Whether you’re a long-time IT Director, Administrator, or entry level Help ...Created:
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k1bke / The Contoocook Valley Radio ClubWelcome to the remailer for members and friends of the Contoocook Valley Radio Club in Henniker, NH. The CVRC is a general interest amateur radio club that meets monthly and conducts activities throughout the year including Field Day, a flea market, and family picnic. The CVRC maintains a 2-meter repeater on Pat's Peak in Henniker. We view this email list a means of disseminating news ...Created:
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k1elsystemsInformation and user posts for K1EL Morse Keyers and KitsCreated:
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K1GHG / K1GHG - The Great Hill Gang Radio ClubK1GHG - The Great Hill Gang Radio ClubCreated:
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K2APZThe Brooklyn College Amateur Radio Society started in the 1950's and was active into the 1970's. This group is for alumni and current students interested in its past and/or future activity and operation at K2APZ.Created:
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K2B-13Colonies2024 / 13 Colonies Special Event 2024 - K2B Virginia2024 13 Colonies K2B VirginiaCreated:
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k2bsa-staff-2026This is the working group for the staff and volunteers of the National Jambore 2026 effort for the K2BSA Amateur Radio Association. 73 de NE4RD/K2BSA BillCreated:
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