TexasVHFList created for Texas area Amateur Radio Operators to discuss VHF and UHF propagation SSB CW and Digital Mode Operations contests and more.Created:
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Texbard / TexbardTexbard’s (Linda Crist) story updates and writing-related announcements. This will be my only group. iO groups will give you the ability to select “special announcements” if you want to receive my updates only with no chat.Created:
199 Members,
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texinsjazz / Texins Jazz BandThe internal email list for The Texins Jazz Band.Created:
84 Members,
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TexomaCyclingTexoma Cycling ClubCreated:
117 Members,
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texomatestTesting new group for Texoma Cycling ClubCreated:
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texomatradersnrtOur primary mission is to encourage continued interest in the relaxed and friendly operating style of classic amateur radio operation through the use of amplitude modulation in the HF and VHF bands along with providing a forum for the dissemination of information and providing encouragement to aid in the preservation of vintage amateur radio equipment both commercial and home brew. This forum als...Created:
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textgamers / Text GamersThe Text Gamers group focuses on everything text gaming. Whether it be Interactive Fiction, Muds, text-only browser games or a custom creation, discuss it all here!Created:
22 Members,
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textprotocol / TEXT://PROTOCOLTEXT://PROTOCOLCreated:
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texture / Texture - The Catherine Wheel discussionDiscussion group for Catherine Wheel fans. From Wiki: Catherine Wheel were an English alternative rock band from Great Yarmouth. The band was active from 1990 to 2000, releasing five full-length albums in their career, embarking on many lengthy tours and experiencing fluctuating levels of commercial success. This Groups.io group is the replacement for the previous Yahoo group, which was shutdown i...Created:
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tfaan / Transgender Faith and Action NetworkThe Transgender Faith and Action Network (TFAAN) is a collective of trans people of faith who recognize the value of being connected to one another and providing mutual support. TFAAN began as TransFaith in Color, a collaborative effort among trans people of various faith traditions to create more welcoming and affirming houses of worship. TransFaith in Color hosted convenings in 2010, 2011, and...Created:
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tfc-epaThis is a group for amateur (ham) radio operators who are interested in the activity of traffic handling. The scope of the discussion mainly is the eastern half of Pennsylvania, but any ham is welcome to participate who is interested in the topic. When joining, please include your NAME and CALLSIGN in the initial request to join. Doing this helps us prevent robotic spammers from joining. Thank...Created:
47 Members,
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tfc-ops / Traffic OpsWelcome to Traffic Ops, formerly NTS-OPS, the headquarters message center for traffic handlers. Come and kick it back! Talk about traffic handling, what it means to you and where it goes from here. The only membership requirement is a love of the universal radiogram. TFC-OPS is the successor to tfc-ops Yahoo! discussion group. It is a forum for discussing the North American Traffic System and gene...Created:
157 Members,
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TFdiscuss / Transition Falmouth Discussion ListTransition Falmouth discussion group for networking ideas and practical local action for those living or working in Falmouth (Cornwall, UK) and surrounding area to face the challenges of Peak Resources, Climate Change, and Social Justice. See Files section for messages from the previous list (Oct 2006 - July 2007). Our social media and other links: https://linktr.ee/transitionfalmouthCreated:
90 Members,
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tfg1cardsTransformers G1 Cards Collection. We create Transformers Collectibles Cards and tabletop game.Created:
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tfh-berlin / Gruppe für ehemalige Studenten der TFH BerlinDiese Gruppe ist für ehemalige Studenten der Technischen Fachhochschule in Berlin-Wedding gedacht, speziell für den Diplomandenjahrgang 1993. Teilnahmebedingungen: • Freischaltung nur für Vereinsmitglieder und nur nach Angabe des vollständigen Vor- und Nachnamens. • Den vollständigen Vor- und Nachnamen bitte im Gruppenprofil stets transparent machen und nicht kürzen oder löschen. • Be...Created:
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TFHConsultantsFamily History Consultants in the Cottonwood Area of Utah. Discussion of issues, problems, and solutions for managing Family History work.Created:
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TFinfo / Transition Falmouth Info ListTransition Falmouth, Cornwall UK: Announcement only group for Transition Falmouth news and events (read-only). See Files section for messages from the previous list (Jan-July 2007). Our social media and other links: https://linktr.ee/transitionfalmouthCreated:
28 Members,
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tfkrhaThe Message Board platform for dues paying members of the Three Forks of the Kentucky River Historical AssociationCreated:
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TFNThe Freecycle networkCreated:
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TFT2For people who enjoy teabag folding, creating tiles, sharing folds and making cards.Created:
13 Members,
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