vintageseasons / Vintage SeasonsLike many, I started out role playing in a world of swords and sorcery. I loved it. And then Chaosium turned our world on its head by publishing a game set in recent times, based on the writings of H. P. Lovecraft. I had read a lot of Lovecraft in college. Loved his stuff. And now there was a game based on the Cthulhu Mythos. But even better than that, it was a game of INVESTIGATION! The Player ...Created:
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vintagesewingmachinerepair / Vintage Sewing Machine RepairVintage sewing machine collectors, repairers, and users group. A member of the Vintage Stitchers Family of Groups. This is a forum for collectors of antique and vintage Non-Singer sewing machines to get together to discuss recent finds, ask questions, and share resources. We cover model identification, maintenance, adjustments, repair, restoration, accessories and attachments - everything you nee...Created:
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vintagesingers / Vintage Singer sewing machinesVintage Singer sewing machine collectors, repairers, and users group. A member of the Vintage Stitchers Family of Groups. This is a forum for collectors of antique and vintage Singer sewing machines to get together to discuss recent finds, ask questions, and share resources. We cover model identification, maintenance, adjustments, repair, restoration, accessories and attachments - everything you ...Created:
5,580 Members,
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vintagestereoSetting up group to discuss vintage stereo equipment and test out group.ioCreated:
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vintagestuart / Vintagestuart - Stuart Western ToysSTUART WESTERN TOYS OF THE 50s-60s. Also Anchor Buggy and Carriage Co. (vintage toy models).Created:
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vintagesynthrepairNon offciial migration from
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vintagetechnologygarageThis group is about sharing the experiences and the love of working on vintage cars.Created:
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vintagetreadlesewingmachinesFor collecting, sewing, and restoring antique treadle sewing machines. Any information used for sewing machines is very welcome for posting. Or if you have questions about a machine, or you just want to say something about them you are more than welcome too!Created:
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VintageTube / Vintage Tube ForumGroup Description The Vintage Tube Forum is a group for all vacuum tube lovers, whether your interests be collecting tubes, ham radio or other RF, audio, music, etc. The Forum covers DIY as well as commercial items. You are especially encouraged to share your vacuum tube experiences with fellow enthusiasts. Topics for discussion also include vintage accessories, such as loudspeakers, turntables, t...Created:
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vintagetvatlantasignoffsAs the broadcast network Atlanta television station when the broadcasting signoffs.Created:
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vintagetvaudio / Vintage TV AudioThis group is devoted to discussing vintage television audio. If you have old photos, audio recordings in mp3 or other formats, or just wish to bring forward questions or recollections, please go ahead and share them here. Please post photos to the Photos section and post audios to the Files section. Photos of your cassette, reel-to-reel, or even some of your Beta/VHS collections are okay to sh...Created:
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vintagevogue / Vintage VogueVintage Vogue is a team of enthusiastic vintage sellers and friends who wish to promote their line in jewelry, fashion, art and antiques from the past who wish to promote their line in jewelry, fashion, antiques, art, and artifacts of the past. The focus is on quality goods and great service for our clientelle. Who can join? Anyone who is interested in antiques or vintage. We do not, however, ...Created:
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vintagewendyandcissetteA group of collectors of vintage Madame Alexander Wendy and Cissette dolls. The purpose of the group is to identify dolls and to share methods of maintaining and restoring these dolls. PLEASE NOTE: This is a group of collaborative collectors. Names are required in order to be approved as a member. Nameless lurkers who hide behind an email address are not welcome.Created:
34 Members,
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VintHPcom / Vintage HP computer systemsThis group is about all kind of vintage HP computers build before 1990, like the HP 9000 series HP 98X5 series and HP 98X0 series and HP Mini's It's not about the HP series 80, 70 and calculators which have their own group.Created:
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viola / The Viola ListHome of the Viola List. Founded in 1995. Welcome to The Viola List, where viola lore is preserved and passed down. As part of (formerly, The Viola List gives you the power to communicate with violists around the world. Join us for viola discussions! All members are required to read and follow the posting guidelines and FAQ. (Instructions to unsubscribe included.)Created:
1,339 Members,
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VioletCrownSUViolet Crown Service Unit 78760-Post Office Downtown 73301 Post Office Woodward St 73344 post office downtown 78704 I35 to Barton Creek, Ladybird Lake to just S of Ben White 78715 post office downtown 78741 I35 to 183, Ladybird Lake to Ben White, DelValle 78744 I35 to 183, Ben White to Bluff Springs 78747 I35 to 973, Bluff Springs to 45/Creedmore 78617 DelValle, Garfield, Elroy 78719 COTA, Pilot...Created:
60 Members,
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VIP-Bow-String-PlayersThis group is for Blind Bowed String PlayersCreated:
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Vip-Bowed-String-PlayersThis is a discussion group for blind and visually impaired persons who play, or are considering learning how to play a bowed instrument such as violin/fiddle, viola, cello or double base. Membership is free and with moderator approval. Blind and visually impaired people who are at a Beginner or professional level of playing are welcome to join. All ages are welcome to sign up as well. Please be po...Created:
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vip-l / vip-l: Vision Impaired People's ListVIP-L stands for Vision Impaired People's List and is a community service to the blind and vision impaired community in Australia and abroad. Please note that, despite the list name, vip-l is open to anyone with an interest in blindness, vision impairment, disability or accessibility! The focus of VIP-L is predominantly information sharing , as well as being a forum where list members can ask ...Created:
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ViPaloAltoA Group restricted to residents living at Vi of Palo Alto (CA)Created:
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