feedbackforCNSDBAn email group for members of Canadian National Society of the Deaf Blind, (CNSDB), to give feedback on important issues and actions to take to solve difficulties. A group that helps each other sharing knowledge and Experiences.Created:
7 Members,
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FeedTheHungry / Angel Feathers ProjectThis group, the Angel Feathers Project, based in Oly WA, is an all volunteer effort to care for the unhoused. Food, clothing, supplies, and community support are provided on a regular schedule.Created:
12 Members,
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feelslikehome / Feels like homeIt feels like home Class description: Home- one simple word yet it generates so many emotions, memories and musing. Home – one word that stirs up different images for different people, In 6 meetings, we will dedicate some time to talk, read (and write) about what home means for each one of us and how these reflections can evoke writing. This class will be dedicated to reflecting via deepe...Created:
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FeeneyWorking group to discover the ancestral line and MRCAs of Bridget, Honora/Nora, and Catherine/Katharine Feeney whose families boldly came to the US from Ireland in the mid-to-late 1800s. Bridget and Nora's families settled near Philadelphia and Kate's in the midwest, starting in Wisconsin and Minnesota, migrating to Michigan and Illinois. Those wishing to share may do so here, via trees o...Created:
8 Members,
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FeibelmannThis group was created because our Feibelman(n) Family Tree is huge and, rather than clog up everyone's Inbox, we can put our messages here. We can also save files and add folks to the Contact List (see under More/Database. The first place to look is in our Files area. I have added a 32-page Feibelmann Family Collection document which I downloaded from (Center for Jewish History). It...Created:
17 Members,
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fejerlehelEz a csoport a Fejér megyei Normális Élethez Ragaszkodók csoportja. Azért jövünk itt össze egy e-mail csoportban, mert szeretnénk tenni egy Normális Élet érdekében. Kizárólag építő leveleket szeretnénk, amelyben javaslatok az összefogásra, és célünk élérése érdekében íródnak. Jó kapcsolódást :-).Created:
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felderownersgroup / Felder Owners GroupThis is the new home of the Felder Owners Group, previously on Yahoo. We are an independent group from Felder and as such, open discussion is invited. Please use common sense and civility in posting in this group. Personal attacks, Politics, Spam, and any sort of troublesome activity are not allowed and will get you expelled from the group after a warning. Please note that for new members, you ar...Created:
3,680 Members,
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FeldHellClubThis group is for the Discussion of all matters relating to Hellschreiber and The Feld Hell Club. There are three rules, no spamming, no fighting, be nice to each other. Members that fight will be subject to moderated status. Spammers will be banned! You do not have to be a member of the Feld Hell Club to be a member of this list but we'd love to have you. It's easy to join - just cl...Created:
607 Members,
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FeldmanFamillyFeldman family - events, updates, birthdays, contacts and more!Created:
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feldyeastern / Eastern Region of the Feldenkrais Guild of North AmericaThe unofficial group of the Eastern region of the Feldenkrais Guild of North America.Created:
59 Members,
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Feline-Anemia / Feline-AnemiaWe are here to discuss treatment of feline anemia. Many of the cats in this group have anemia due to renal failure, but there are many other cats with anemia from other causes. Ditto, my beloved Angel cat, was treated with Epogen, blood transfusions, and steroids to treat severe anemia in 1999. Results were life saving for her and gave us additional precious time together. A friendly and supportiv...Created:
171 Members,
73 Topics,
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Feline-CRF-Support / Feline-CRF-Support GroupWelcome to the new home for the Feline-CRF-Support Group! As of the morning of 11/7/2019, it looks like everyone & everything has finally arrived! Please check your email for further information. This is the original online support list started in February, 1997 for cats with Chronic Renal Failure (CRF) and Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). It's a caring, supportive, and safe place to share ...Created:
8,153 Members,
123,181 Topics,
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feline-fanciers / Feline FanciersFeline Fanciers is a group for all cat owners/parents to talk about all topics related to cats. Even if you currently are not owned by a cat, you are still invited to join us.Created:
4 Members,
3 Topics,
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feline-heart / Feline HeartA place where members can discuss feline heart conditions and treatments. You are welcome whether your cat was just diagnosed, suddenly passed on, or if you just want to learn more about feline heart conditions. Started April 2000 cardiomyopathy heart disease HCM RCM DCM Hypertrophic dilated restrictiveCreated:
1,656 Members,
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feline-hyperthyroid / Feline Hyperthyroid SupportThe original support list for people whose cats have been diagnosed as hyperthyroid or hypothyroid. To share information and experiences, and to offer friendly and caring support. We are not vets, but we offer support based on our wealth of experience in caring for hyperthyroid and hypothyroid cats. Any opinions or advice given here must not be taken as a substitute for veterinary advice.Created:
2,693 Members,
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Feline-IBD-SupportThe Feline IBD list is a place for people with cats that have Inflammatory Bowel Disease. This group is not a substitute for professional veterinary care, but we believe that education and learning about the disease is the first step in recovery. (Note: This group is being created to replace the original one on YahooGroups and all members of that list are encouraged to join)Created:
267 Members,
410 Topics,
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Feline-VAS-SupportThis group is for cat owners who have or have had cats with Feline Vaccine Associated Sarcoma.Created:
59 Members,
145 Topics,
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Feline_Smallcell_Lymphoma / Feline Small Cell Lymphoma[Please note: This group has paused accepting new members until April 1, 2025. People are free to apply to the group at any time but applications, including responses to the questionnaire, will be kept on hold until April 1.] ------------------------------------ Welcome to our specialized feline health group, dedicated to helping people whose cats have diagnosed or possible small cell lymphoma (...Created:
302 Members,
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FelineAllergiesSkinConditions / Feline Allergies and Skin ConditionsWe welcome you to our board. This is a group where members can discuss several health conditions that afflict cats including allergies and skin conditions. Skin issues are a common reason caregivers take their cats to the vet. Often they are associated with underlying allergies, but may also be caused by other conditions as well, including, Mites, Mange, Ringworm, Bacterial infections, Eosinophili...Created:
19 Members,
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