naplesmug / Naples MacFriends User GroupWelcome to Naples MacFriends User Group. Based out of Naples, FL, we are a global group of Apple-Mac enthusiasts here to help you understand your Apple devices - 'From many, to many'. Thanks for your interest in joining our Message Board about Apple/Mac products, services and related topics. Only members of Naples MacFriends (Mac User Group) can join this GIO Group. We discuss everything A...Created:
590 Members,
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NAPM / North American Prototype Modelers Ltd.NAPM Ltd. North American Prototype Modelers Ltd. HO Scale Model Railroad Club of Milwaukee WI. A place to post messages, share files and photos. This is a "NAPM Members Only" group. Members are urged to keep the subject matter related to NAPM, and to conduct personal communications "Off List". PLEASE have the courtesy to sign your name to each post, as email addresses are not alway...Created:
102 Members,
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Napoleonicwargaming / Napoleonic WargamingA discussion group open to any subjects related to Napoleonic wargaming. Discuss rules, figures, battles, etc.Created:
31 Members,
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NappaneeKiwanisThe Nappanee Noon Kiwanis Club is a part of a global organization of volunteers dedicated to changing the world one child and one community at a time.Created:
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napsbattles / The Unofficial Napoleon's Battles GroupThis group is for the dissemination of information, and or discussion about the "Napoleon's Battles" miniature wargame rules. Either the Avalon Hill version or the newer editions. Information on the newest edition, the 4th can be found at New members messages are moderated until it is deemed they are not spammers, they then can post without moderation...Created:
1,125 Members,
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NAQCC / NAQCCThe North American QRP CW Club Inc., is organized exclusively for scientific purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, and the Georgia Nonprofit Corporation Code to advance, promote, and pursue designing, information sharing, building, and operation of low power, Morse Code enabled Amateur Radio (FCC Part 97) equipment with simple wire antennas for both...Created:
208 Members,
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NAQCCFL / NAQCC Florida ChapterNorth American QRP CW Club - Florida Chapter The NAQCC-FL Chapter consists of Florida Amateur Radio Operators that support QRP (low power – 5W or less) and CW (Morse Code) – using a variety of sources of power to include batteries and/or solar power and small portable radios and antennas. In addition, the NAQCC-FL operates “portable” in the field monthly at local parks, or “Parkpedition...Created:
23 Members,
164 Topics,
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NAQCCSprintLogger / NAQCC SprintLoggerThis User Group is to provide assistance to users of the NAQCC SprintLogger logging program.Created:
119 Members,
73 Topics,
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NAQRONorth American QRO groupCreated:
3 Members,
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NARThe Northern Alberta Railways group was created for discussion of the Railways of Northern Alberta, both prototype and model. It is intended mainly for the discussion of the Northern Alberta Railways (NAR) between 1929 and 1981. The NAR was jointly owned by both CN and CP (50/50) until 1981 when CN assumed full ownership. Discussion of other railways in Northern Alberta (past and present) is also ...Created:
156 Members,
765 Topics,
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NARA / US NARAThe unofficial email group for the National Amateur Radio Alliance Join and see what all the fuss is all about. 73 Owner / Moderator owner.moderator@aol.comCreated:
2 Members,
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NarberthSouth / Naberth SouthFor discussion and announcements relevant to neighbors in South Narberth, PA.Created:
19 Members,
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NARCC / Northern Amateur Relay Council of CaliforniaFor the members of the Northern Amateur Relay Council of CaliforniaCreated:
218 Members,
127 Topics,
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narcissism-recoveryThis group is for understanding, recovering and healing from the harm caused by those with narcissistic personalities. We share stories, reach out for support and information and offer each other empathy, advice, and practical information to grow strong and thrive.Created:
8 Members,
3 Topics,
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Narcissistic-abuse-survivors / Narcissistic-abuse-survivorsthis is a group for survivors to come for support, no talk of the December holiday season is permitted on this list.Created:
20 Members,
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NARCOA / NARCOA ForumUnofficial group for members of the North American Railcar Operators AssociationCreated:
7 Members,
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NARCOAforumOfficial group for the members of the North American Railcar Operators Association (NARCOA). This group is open to all issues concerning our motorcars and hyrails: rules, policies, insurance, business, events, repairs, and safety. For Sale and Want Ad postings are also welcome. The only topics not allowed on the Forum are complaints about NARCOA rules/policies or NARCOA personnel or railroads - th...Created:
261 Members,
121 Topics,
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NARFE-1795-ExBd / NARFE Chapter 1795 (Chevy Chase, DC) Executive BoardThe Executive Board of Chapter 1795 (Chevy Chase, DC) of the National Active and Retired Federal Employees.Created:
5 Members,
39 Topics,
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NARFE-1957-ExsBdThe Executive Board of Chapter 1795 (Chevy Chase, DC) of the National Active and Retired Federal Employees.Created:
4 Members,
0 Topics,
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NARFE-DC-ExBdMembers of the Executive Board of the DC Federation of the National Active and Retired Federal EmployeesCreated:
12 Members,
248 Topics,
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