TalbertFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname – TalbertCreated:
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TALC-MembershipThis is an e-mail list of the Troy Area Labor CouncilCreated:
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Talento-Humano-Tumaco-CDI2019Grupo del Componente de Talento Humano de Tumaco del proyecto de Genesis Foundation y Corpoeducación que tiene por objetivo "Promover atención integral de calidad para la Primera Infancia (bajo los lineamientos técnicos de Genesis Foundation), en cuarenta USD, mediante el fortalecimiento de docentes y agentes educativos, bajo el marco del programa de Fortalecimiento". Para participar...Created:
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talentone / TalentOneServizio di newsletter legato al progetto TalentOneCreated:
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TalesofhighadventureA D&D campaign homebrew game. Played in the North Bay Area. The game is set at low level and is going to progress to twentieth level, if not beyond.Created:
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talk-expressThis is a list made up of people from all over the world. There are no rules on this list although we do ask that you treat all members the way you'd like to be treated. Sean and Rangs assist me in running the list and I'm sure you'll find them approachable if you have any questions. Thanks StephCreated:
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TalkDeTalk / Talk De TalkBased in The Republic of Ireland, TalkDeTalk is a communications and chat group managed by a couple who are visually-impaired and sighted respectively. Everybody is very welcome to join in and contribute, blind and sighted alike. The group is primarily for disseminating and chatting about all aspects of communication new between Ireland and the UK. The areas of Tech, books, lifestyle, sport, en...Created:
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TalkfigureskatingA pleasant discussion of everything figure skating.Created:
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talkfreely1When you're building your team, make sure that every one you pick to work with is on the same page with you and the rest of the crew. Once you accomplish that, everything else will just click. This is Staff Communication and it is very importatnt. Visit TalkFreely to understand it more.Created:
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TalkHHD / Hailey-Hailey Disease Support (TalkHHD)This group is dedicated to the mutual support and encouragement of those suffering with Hailey Hailey Disease (Chronic Benign Familial Pemphigus) and their friends and families. HHD, Hailey-Hailey Disease or Chronic Benign Familial Pemphigus, is a genetic acantholytic skin condition resulting from a mutation on Chromosome 3 that encodes the protein ATP2C1. This protein is responsible for Calcium ...Created:
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Talking-Movies / Talking MoviesThis group was formed by attendees of a movie discussion group at a library in Albuquerque, New Mexico. We wanted to keep in touch between monthly meetings in order to share comments and movie recommendations. This group is not sponsored by anyone or connected to any other entity. Our purpose is to discuss movies we have seen or are of interest with others. There is no limitation on topics...Created:
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talking-tech-and-securitytalking about technology and securityCreated:
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TalkingBaseball / Talking BaseballSame as before, just a new location.Created:
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talkingpointpodcast / TalkingpointWelcome to the Talking Point Podcast Discussion Email Group. This platform has been created to foster engaging conversations pertaining to topics featured or otherwise on the Talking Point podcast, as well as open debates on a variety of topics that shape our world today. Our aim is to provide a friendly forum where members can express their views, share insights, and learn from one another. T...Created:
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TalkingTelescopesWelcome to Talking Telescopes, a group devoted to the discussion of astronomical equipment, including telescopes, binoculars, eyepieces, books and star atlases, software, and more. Have a question or comment about astronomical equipment? This is the place to visit.Created:
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TalkingTVA group specially designed for the blind and low vision community to discuss accessible smart televisions, streaming devices, and similar technology including but not exclusively Roku, Apple TV, Fire Stick, and beyond. If it talks and you can watch or Stream TV it belongs here. This list will not be discussing anything relating to illegally downloading material. violators will be banned without no...Created:
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TalkmasterOriginally a place to discuss Neal Boortz, now a place to discuss political & economic issues that might have graced his show. WARNING: Talkmaster is a Free Speech List A Forum to discuss the Neal Boortz Talk Show AND current events so associated. The owner of this list assumes no responsibility for the intellectual or emotional maturity of its members. If you do not like what is being sa...Created:
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TalkOfTheTownA discussion list for that incomparable band, the Pretenders. Everybody from hard-core to part-time fans welcome. If you want to keep up with what's happening with the Pretenders and Chrissie Hynde, this is the place to be.Created:
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TalkShellEngrAlumA discussion group for some former employees, mostly upstream, of Shell Oil Company. (No official connection with any of the "Shell" companies.)Created:
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TalkTemari / Talk Temari Discussion GroupTalkTemari is the companion discussion group to TemariKai.com. It has been going strong since 1998, in one form or another, but its origins go back to a handful of people who gathered together online in order to figure out & learn the ancient folk art of Japanese temari. Members are crafters/enthusiasts of these embroidered thread-wound balls, dedicated to learning about, preserving and craft...Created:
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