cactusIt's a TP exerciseCreated:
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cactuscollectiveThis is a group formed in the intention of joyful resistance and with a pressing sense of the urgency of the moment, to stop the wanton destruction the current US administration seems bent on wrecking. Our purpose is to create and broaden community, keep each other informed, support each other and remind each other that this too will pass. While we may not live to finish the work, neither are we p...Created:
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CactusSucculentSocietyMD / Cactus and Succulent Society of MarylandAs a member of the Cactus and Succulent Society of Maryland, you will receive meeting and special club related announcements and meet local cactus and succulent growers. Other activities include show and tell demonstrations, slide shows, guest speakers, plant sales, and plant swaps. Refreshments served. cactussucculentsocietymd@gmail.comCreated:
13 Members,
16 Topics,
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CACurriculumStaff / CA Curriculum Specialist ListservThis is a private group for CA Curriculum Specialist members to share resources and support one another.Created:
139 Members,
426 Topics,
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CACWickenburgMenVarious men’s ministriesCreated:
8 Members,
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cadBRL-CAD is a powerful cross-platform constructive solid geometry solid modeling system that includes an interactive geometry editor, ray-tracing for rendering & geometric analyses, network distributed framebuffer support, image & signal-processing tools.Created:
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CAD-CAM-EDM-DRO / CAD-CAM-EDM-DROThis list is for the discussion of CNC and related topics ranging from building your own all the way through the basics of how to make a part. The list focuses on the construction of home shop CNC machines along with the technologies a CNC hobbyist will need in a Home Shop environment. This list does NOT focus on general machining, but does cover topics like using fixture offsets, tool offsets, an...Created:
6,300 Members,
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CadacoAllStarBaseball / CadacoAllStarBaseballThe finest place on the WWW devoted to the greatest tabletop game of all time: Cadaco All Star Baseball! Learn about many modifications to the game . . . and propose your own. Find discs that you've been missing . . . and create your own with free downloadable discmakers. Meet many long-time fans of the game, some dating back to the first one in 1941, who are willing to help with any quest...Created:
638 Members,
2,758 Topics,
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CaddyFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the Caddy surname.Created:
6 Members,
7 Topics,
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CadetparentsThis group is for passing information to the CAP parents of the Desoto Composite squadron.Created:
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187 Topics,
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CadetsThis is for the DeSoto Composite squadron of the Civil Air Patrol to pass on information about cadet and CAP activitiesCreated:
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CadleFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname – CadleCreated:
5 Members,
4 Topics,
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CADMACA private group for the Crawley And District Model Aircraft Club. It will be used for committee announcements, but can also be used by all members to discuss matters relating to the club and aeromodelling in general.Created:
107 Members,
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CADS / Cache Amateur Digital SocietyCache Amateur Digital Society. Cache County Utah and surrounding area. Group for all things digital. Scanners, DMR, Dstar, Programming ,etc.Created:
13 Members,
2 Topics,
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CADXA / Central Arizona DX AssociationCentral Arizona DX Association: Where some of the world's best DXers gather to exchange information.Created:
157 Members,
7,320 Topics,
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CADXABOD / Central Arizona DX AssociationBoard of director for Central Arizona DX AssociationCreated:
7 Members,
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CAEHSResponseTeamCAEHS Response Team for internal communication.Created:
8 Members,
1 Topic,
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CaerAzkabanBanished from Yahoo, the brave denizens of Caer Azkaban had to find a new home. This is that new home.Created:
2,952 Members,
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caerthe / Barony of CaertheThis list has been created for the distribution of information and group discussion regarding the SCA, the Kingdom of the Outlands and specifically the Barony of Caerthe. It has been created for use by the populace of Caerthe and its officers. This account is held and managed by the Barony of Caerthe, a branch of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. and is considered the official presence of...Created:
58 Members,
457 Topics,
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CaerthenBaronialHouseholdThe illustrious household of Dugal and Ansteys, the baron and baroness of the ancient and noble barony of Caerthe.Created:
11 Members,
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