hellenicsugA Hellenic (Greek) based Spring user group (HellenicSUG) focused on helping Spring Developers share experiences, problems and solutions, as well as learn new skills, promote the adoption, and general discussion around Open Source Technologies, use of software development best practices, cloud native applications and related technologies to continuously deliver work software.Created:
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HellenismosConcerning the pre-Christian religion of ancient Greece, Hellenismos.Created:
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hellmanews / HellmaNewsThe HellmaNews Weekly is published every week besides for certain weeks during the year by Publish That Publications. The HellmaNews Weekly is a newsletter distributed to over 20 people from two families. Each newsletter contains 5-7 pages and plenty of times throughout the year we will expand it to 8-10 pages (e.g. Yom Tov, Rosh Chodesh issues). We were founded in 2016 and have made over 50 iss...Created:
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HelloThis group is specially for different offers for costumers who are really interested in shopping and other stuffs.Created:
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hellodairyWelcme everyone! This group about writing a journal.Created:
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hellsgeriatrics / Hell's GeriatricsHell's Geriatrics a general discussion forum for seniorsCreated:
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HelmDet / Helmstedt Support DetachmentFrom the immediate post-WWII years of occupied Germany until German reunification, a relatively small group of American, British, and French soldiers were stationed at Helmstedt, Germany, on the border between the Western Zones and the Soviet Zone. Helmstedt's "Alpha Checkpoint" anchored the Western end of an Autobahn and railway corridor to West Berlin's Bravo Checkpoint. "Che...Created:
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HelmsmanOwners / Helmsman Boat Owners ClubWe welcome owners of Helmsman Trawlers, former owners, and other marine industry consultants and contractors to join our group. Non-owners can browse our public forums and ask questions using the "Visitor Question" button. Our website aims to provide a platform for current owners to share ideas, advice, photos, upgrades, and address issues unique to our boats such as coastal cruising, ...Created:
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HeloRadio / HelloRadioA group to discuss and promote Amateur RadioCreated:
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helpelederCongrats!, we planned to help elder peopleCreated:
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helperby-poetsThe email list of the Helperby Poets in Exile The North Yorkshire Stanza of the Poetry Society, created and led by Brian Clark in 2016Created:
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helpforsalecoahcing programCreated:
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Helpfulcarclub / HelpfulThis car club is looking for members with compatible needs. 1. This is how it works: Booking and payment: https://www.supersaas.co.uk/schedule/HSTL/Golf:_MM62EFC Get a fuel card from UK Fuels and fit Kinesis trip logger Invite people who seem to have compatible needs: https://groups.io/g/P2Pcarclubs/table?id=13674 Ask people to confirm when they need to use the car Use messages o...Created:
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helpingGet some health tips online.Created:
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HelpingFriends / Helping Friends Depression Support GroupThis group is for BAPTIZED FEMALE JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES ONLY, for the mutual support between spiritual sisters and therefore is private and confidential. WHAT IS DEPRESSION? Depression is NOT a spiritual weakness, rather, it is a complex disorder involving, among other things, chemical imbalances in the brain. Depression is a serious medical condition that is different from “feeling blue...Created:
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Helpinghands-salem / Helping Hands Resources, SalemHelping Hands Resources is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that gathers donated clothing, bedding and household items and provides them to anyone in need at no charge. See https://helpinghands-salem.org/Created:
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HelpingHandsCelebrateHelping Hands for Celebrate VA Del Webb CommunityCreated:
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helpinghandsonlineHelping Hands Online is for the exclusive use of members of the Sun City Summerlin Computer Club. It's purpose is for members to post questions and topics related to computers.Created:
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HelpMeBuildHilltopper40Beginner builders need help identifying the parts of the Hilltopper 40 kit. (Capacitors, Diodes, Resisters etc.) Often times, novice builders are new to electronics and even identifying parts is a mystery. Help newbies get started.Created:
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HelpNeededList / HelpNeededListThis is where you can come to ask for help with computer applications or other things. The main thing is, is that here you ask for help with it. bill r Johnson List OwnerCreated:
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