wellallright2020 / WellAllRight 2020 !!! (Blind Faith eGroup)The WellAllRight 2020 eGroup is a forum maintained to allow music enthusiasts and collectors of the 1960's group Blind Faith to correspond, and share information about this group's brief time together during 1969. Baker, Clapton, Grech, and Winwood formed Blind Faith in April of 1969. And what a super group that was, creating a form of progressive rock & roll music that has inspired li...Created:
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Wellesley-Amateur-Radio-Society / Wellesley Amateur Radio SocietyFounded in 1950, the Wellesley Amateur Radio Society is a non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of Amateur Radio through instruction, fellowship, public service and encouragement of participation.Created:
23 Members,
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WellesleyHSNordicEmail list for the Wellesley High School Nordic team in 2020-2021.Created:
81 Members,
356 Topics,
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wellfleet-palestine-solidarity / Wellfleet Solidarity Network For PalestineThis is a low-traffic outbound mailing list for Wellfleet Solidarity Network For Palestine. It will be used to share occasional information about events and actions in support of ending the war on Gaza and Palestinian freedom.Created:
19 Members,
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wellfleet4palestine-core-teamThe mailing list for internal / core team for Wellfleet for Palestine.Created:
15 Members,
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wellfriedbitdGroup for playing tabletop RPGCreated:
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WellingtonAstronomers / Wellington AstronomersHi Astronomers Welcome to the main group for NZ Astronomers This group welcomes posts on, photos, items for sale, events, news and research papers. Please join the current members who are enjoying the news, posts, and using the new features this group offers. Please be polite and respect other members in the group. If you are going to post a link advertising your group or page here, can you please...Created:
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WellingtonRC / Wellington Radio Club K4WRCThe Wellington Radio Club is a general interest, ARRL affiliated, amateur radio club serving the Western Communities of Palm Beach County, FL since 1999. Our club callsigns are K4WRC & KS4NB. 2023 Officers are Jay Pobliner, AJ2P, President, Jim Cruz, W6ZD, Vice President, Jim Painter, K3ALW, Secretary, Georg Samulkewitsch, KR4WD, Treasurer. Program & Activities Director- Vacant We meet o...Created:
59 Members,
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wellingtonsquare / Wellington Square ResidentsThis is a private group to foster communication between the residents of one of Los Angeles’ oldest, most diverse, and best neighborhoods, Wellington Square. Use it as a place to learn about community events, neighborhood news, pass along good ideas, offer assistance, share an experience that you've had with local services, and most of all, use it to get to know your neighbors! Please post a...Created:
129 Members,
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welliwestcurrents / The Currents of Wellington WestEmail group for Residents and Owners of The Currents. The members of the Condo Board will be the owners/moderator of the group and will send out updates when needed. Residents will typically only be able to send emails to the moderators. The Currents is a condominium building in Ottawa’s Wellington Village located at the corner of Holland and Wellington at 1227 Wellington Street, above Great Ca...Created:
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wellnessA group about anything wellness-related.Created:
2 Members,
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wellnesshacksA group about Wellness Hacks.Created:
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WellsIndexMillsThis group is dedicated to Wels-Index milling machines with an emphasis on the older models own by hobbyists. Wells-Index go back to the 1940's and still exists today as the only company manufacturing milling machines in the United States. Over time they built milling machines in a range of sizes. Some of their earliest machines, like the model 40H were heavy duty but had small tables and are...Created:
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welmailDit is een mailinglist van de Ruilkring in 's Hertogenbosch, Noord-Brabant in Nederland, onderdeel van de Letskring. De website, waar meer informatie te vinden is over onze ruilkring heeft als adres: www.ruilringdenbosch.nl. Het secretariaat van de Ruilkring is te bereiken via info.letsdb@gmail.com. De Welmail is bedoeld voor alle communicatie tussen deelnemers die niet op de Niksmail thuis ho...Created:
15 Members,
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WeLoveV / We Love V The 80's Sci-Fi Phenomenon ©We Love V The 80's Sci-Fi Phenomenon ©Created:
17 Members,
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WELS-Office365-SchoolsThis community has Office 365 and its usage in our WELS schools (and churches) has the primary topic.Created:
6 Members,
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WELSGoogleSchools / WELS Google SchoolsWELS schools across the country have adopted G Suite for Education as their platform of choice for collaboration. This group is set up to provide networking opportunities for like-minded school teachers and administrators in WELS schools.Created:
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WelshHighland / Welsh Highland Railway discussionsThis is a general discussion group for history, preservation, and modelling of the Welsh Highland Railway and its predecessors. This list has no official association with: the Festiniog Railway Company, Cymdeithas Rheilffordd Eryri/Welsh Highland Railway Society, the Welsh Highland Railway Ltd, the Welsh Highland Railway Heritage Group, or the Welsh Highland Railway Association.Created:
468 Members,
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Welshponycob / The Welsh Pony and Cob ListThe Welsh Pony and Cob Mailing List This list is for discussion about Welsh (Mountain) Ponies and Cobs. Anyone from around the world may join or post to this list. *WHO IS ON THIS MAILING LIST?* Most people on this mailing list are breeders or owners of Welsh Ponies or Cobs or that wish to discuss Welsh Ponies or Cobs. *RULES* To keep the list running in a friendly matter, please follow th...Created:
14 Members,
10 Topics,
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welshterrierList for Welsh Terriers and their humansCreated:
274 Members,
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