onlineteachingWe are a group on online teachers. We share contents, recommendations, and tips to the group.Created:
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OnlineTherapistsinMaryland / Online Therapy Practitioners living in MarylandThis is a group made up of Maryland psychotherapist who are utilizing one of the online platforms. At this time, this group is open to practitioners working with the BetterHelp application.Created:
18 Members,
5 Topics,
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OnlineTutuorDue to covide19 we are facing lot of problem's in face to face teaching,so with the help of this group we can explore new knowledge.Created:
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onliniak / Nowinki Młodego PisarzaJesteśmy otwartą społecznością autorów zgromadzoną wokół Nowinek Młodego Pisarza. Grupa główna jest stworzona dla autorów, jeśli chcesz możesz też pomóc nam oceniać i doradzać autorom pod Oferujemy kalendarz, czat, wiki i własny nick ( dla każdego. Więcej informacji w sekcji grupa na Nowinkach Młodego Pisarza.Created:
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only-apple-tns / Only Apple Talk and Supportthis group is designed to talk about and support only apple products. All IOS, TVOS WatchOS, and MacOS. As well as the hardware to go with it. iPad, iPhone, AppleTV, appleWatch, Mac's and iPodTouch. This group is for anyone using the above listed software and hard ware, beginners, and experienced users. There will be no windows, or android products. If it's not apple, we're not ta...Created:
379 Members,
7,100 Topics,
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only-for-funHier finden sich die Yahoo!-Gruppen "Share for fun" und "Creative for fun" nun vereint in einer Gruppe. Wenn du mit uns gemeinsam hier teilen und/oder sammeln möchtest, dann melde dich gerne bei uns an. Wir teilen, was wir haben. Und wir helfen, wenn wir können. Wer nur sammeln möchte, ist hier ebenfalls Willkommen. Herzliche Grüße, Kara (Gründer) °°°°°°°°°°°°°...Created:
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OnlyAlphasAndBlanksgroupWe share and request Alphas and Blanks. Play games and get participation gifts. Request siggies from the wonderful helpers. Come and join the fun.Created:
31 Members,
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OnlyAnimalGraphicsThis group is for sharing animal graphics, both domestic and wild. Any animals may be shared, but anything depicting animal cruelty, slaughter etc. is not allowed. You may share photos, drawings, tubes, brushes, stationery (OE and IM) etc. Off topic postings such as political/religious rants, jokes, virus warnings, "the sky is falling" emails are not allowed, nor is adult content. No posti...Created:
11 Members,
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OnlyCuteTags / Only Cute TagsIf you like G rated tags; cute, pretty, animated, etc. you will find them here.We do not have Adult Content tags Only G rated and 'Soft' PG [no upper or lower area exposure] tags are offered. All tags must be copyright compliant. License numbers where required must be on their respective tags. Tubes may not be shared. If any copyright compliant tagger would like to participate here, p...Created:
54 Members,
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OnlyEmail / OnlyEmailThe OnlyEmail group is to drive home the point that new groups created after 2020 are very limited: Just email with attachments and #Hashtags (Nice, lets members block topics by #Hashtag) 1GB of storage for attachments (Very nice, old attachments auto delete to make room for new ones) Limited to 100 members (Should be enough for small groups/projects) No Polls No Chats No Subgroups No Directory ...Created:
2 Members,
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onmotiondetected / On Motion DetectedGroup to discuss smart home technology and home automation platforms and configurations.Created:
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OnPolitics / On Politics Discussion group for politics, religious, and humanitarian issuesOnPolitics is a discussion group for residents of Riderwood Village, MD, where they can express their views on current political and religious issues. OnPolitcs provides an email listserv for respectful and polite discussion and announcements to increase understanding of political perspectives and events. Any Riderwood resident may join and be a member. To join, send a b k email to OnPolitics+subs...Created:
100 Members,
1,402 Topics,
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ONRG / Omana North Residents GroupConfidential communication between residents at Omana NorthCreated:
51 Members,
327 Topics,
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ONS-L / Oriental Numismatic SocietyDiscussion and information list for members of the Oriental Numismatic Society.Created:
73 Members,
183 Topics,
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OnsideLiberia / Onside Football & Peace NetworkOnside Football & Peace Network connects grassroots football teams in Liberia. The teams are aged seven to 14 and can consist of boys or girls. Girls teams can be any age (roughly 10 to 18 currently) while we encourage member clubs to set up teams. The aim of the network is for the member teams to support each other off the field in developing young community leaders, building community suppor...Created:
5 Members,
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onsl-list / ONSL Neighborhood News and DiscussionThis email list is for residents and friends of the Old North St. Louis neighborhood in the City of St. Louis to discus issues or concerns specific to life in the community.Created:
80 Members,
878 Topics,
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3 Members,
0 Topics,
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onstep / OnStep Telescope Mount Goto ControllerA forum to share ideas, experiences, and information for implementing the OnStep telescope mount goto controller.Created:
3,573 Members,
6,365 Topics,
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| Grocery, Food & Local Services from Your city.Created:
1 Member,
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ONT-CEMETERIES-GEN / Ontario Cemeteries GenealogyThis is a discussion list for genealogy researchers interested in cemeteries in Ontario Canada. This replaces the Rootsweb list.Created:
62 Members,
4 Topics,
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