OnePieceDiscussions / One Piece Anime DiscussionsThis is a email list for people who love to watch and Read One Peice. It's a way to meet, exchange news, and discuss theories. A brief history of the group: After several requests we have now created a Group to discuss Animie content. We hope this is entertaining You can join the list by clicking on "+Join This Group" at the bottom of this page .Created:
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OnePrepPA / OnePrepPA Email ListWelcome to Charlotte Prep 2022-2023! We hope this group will help facilitate community among Prep parents and guardians. Looking for black shoes last minute, trying to coordinate a carpool, want to sell some tickets or just make friends with other Prep people? This group is for you. All Prep parents and guardians are welcome. All questions/comments are welcome. Please be kind.Created:
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oneshotwonders / One Shot WondersFriends playing one-shot tabletop RPGs!Created:
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OneVoiceEvolving / One Voice EvolvingOne Voice Evolving encourages AWARE*ness among women over 50 ready to examine and influence where we live, work and play with the result of advancing racial equity in our lifetime. * AWARE - Articulate women advancing racial equityCreated:
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ONG-BrailaGrup de discutii pentru ONG-urile si tinerii din BrailaCreated:
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ongcluj / ONGCLUJLista de discutii pentru ONG cu sediul sau / si activitate in jud.Cluj. Inlocuiieste listele mai vechi de pe platforma care a fost inchisa de Yahoo. Lista este inchisa (nu pot posta nemembrii ei), nemoderata ( mesajele ajung direct la toti abonatii), ascunsa ( nu e vizibila pentru nememebri). Recomandam maximum 3 abonati de la o organizatie, preferabil persoane cu functie de condu...Created:
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ONHCGroup email for Ozark Nature Homeschool Community.Created:
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oniitOni it 2018Created:
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onix / ONIX for Books implementation forumGroup to discuss ONIX implementation questions and notificationsONIX for Books is EDItEUR’s International standard for representing and communicating book industry product information for use in the global book, e-book and audiobook trade. It provides a comprehensive XML-based framework for book metadata, and can be used in any language or country for both physical and digital products. This lis...Created:
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online-cafe / online-cafefor all disabilities to have a chat and a friendship buy email and to share about our daily lifeCreated:
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online-edu-for-disabled / Online Education for Disabled StudentsThis is a group for online students with disabilities, teachers, supporters, and anyone interested in online education for the disabled to connect and support each other.Created:
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OnlineAlphaOnline Alpha is devoted to the discussion of the epic 1970's SF series Space: 1999, created by Gerry and Sylvia Anderson. Premiering worldwide in 1975, Space: 1999 starred Martin Landau, Barbara Bain and Barry Morse and featured groundbreaking special effects by Brian Johnson. Space: 1999 lasted two seasons (48 hour-long episodes) and followed the exploits of the 311 men and women of Moonbase...Created:
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OnlineClassesForKidsAndAdultsThis group is for sharing information on online classes available for Kids and Adults .Created:
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onlinedeltaOnline Delta Chapter, Beta Sigma Phi, meeting and conversation venue.Created:
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onlinefacilitation / Online FacilitationThe onlinefacilitation listserv is for discussion about the skills, techniques and issues around online facilitation in a variety of online environments and virtual communities. This is it's second home, having launched on August 12, 1999 on Yahoogroups. We are migrating here due to changes and limitations emerging on Yahoogroups. The list is not intended to be a commercial venue and no posti...Created:
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onlinelearningBest Practices in Online Learning What works, and what doesn't? An interdisciplinary discussion group sharing findings from psychology, education, cognitive science, and more.Created:
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OnlineMeetingPamphletWorking group for LCF Online Meeting PamphletCreated:
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OnlineNAWelcome to Recovering online in NA! this is a support group for NA members who are recovering online in NA . Na is a spiritual 12 step recovery program, we are not religious and ask that you refrain from posting any religious type pictures or posts as we all have our own choice of Higher Powers. Please no email forwards or spam. Please do share about your personal NA recovery, and if you need s...Created:
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OnLineQSLing / QSLing OnLineA forum for discussions about On-Line QSLing or electronic-QSLing. Your pro, or con, expressed opinion, questions, concerns, and tips for use of an OnLine QSL system server are invited. Discussion about any and all e-QSL systems, e.g.,, LotW, and, are welcomed in this
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onlinesewing-janome / Online Sewing for Janome ownersThis group is for owners of the Janome embroidery-capable machines, including the Skyline S9, Memory Craft 12000, Memory Craft 14000, and Quilt Maker Memory Craft 15000. It is a place for members to seek help with problems, as well as exchange ideas. It is owned by former Janome dealers, Diane and Jim Stutsman.Created:
1,255 Members,
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