Kimberlite-Forum / Kimberlite ForumDiscuss the Kimberlite Pool with all owners and easement holdersCreated:
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kimberridgehoa / Kimber Ridge HOAThe official mailing list for the Kimber Ridge Homeowner's Association (HOA) in Boonville, MO.Created:
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KimbroughFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the Kimbrough surname.Created:
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| members to communicate with each other.Created:
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kin / My KinFor my family members.Created:
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KinalistanKinalistan från YahooCreated:
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KindleKornerA chat group for people interested in talking about their Kindles or other methods of reading books or other documents on their electronic devices.Also chat about obtaining books for reading or aps or games for use on electronic devices. Please, no flaming.Created:
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kindnesshealsvillageWelcome to the Kindness Heals Village! This is a space for everyone who wants to contribute, volunteer, and make a positive impact in our community. Here, you'll connect with like-minded individuals, receive updates on action items, and learn about the latest volunteer opportunities posted by Kindness Heals Village. Join us as we collaborate to spread kindness and healing—your invo...Created:
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kindred-surnameA genealogy/family history group for the discussion about the KINDRED surname, and all spelling variations. Formerly a mailing list at (was
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kindredspiritsPersons interested in receiving information about poetry-related events in Wakefield, Chelsea and Ottawa areas.Created:
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KindredSpiritsAU2019Private art groupCreated:
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King-of-the-Battlefield / King of the BattlefieldKing of the Battlefield, 18th Century Wargames Rules, were first published in 2002. These wargaming rules are simple, enjoyable to play, and "look right" on the tabletop. Each unit on the table represents a regiment (in general). King of the Battlefield gives you good reason to use historical tactics because they work. Players quickly realise the need for a second line and appreciate th...Created:
90 Members,
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KingCrimson / King Crimson Discussion GroupDiscussion of the music of the progressive rock group King Crimson, including the musical projects and collaborations of past, present and future band members.Created:
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2 Members,
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KingdomManBible Study for the book Kingdom Man.Created:
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KingdomOfLazicaThis is the official discussion group for the Kindgom of Lazica, which existed in Ibeara from 131 AD to 697 AD as an independent Byzantine territory. All topics related to the history, culture and religion of the Kingdom of Lazica are welcome here.Created:
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kingdomofpavementThis is the for the Kingdom of Pavement team!Created:
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KingdomOfSophene / The Kingdom of SopheneWelcome to the main forum of the Kingdom of Sophene, an international revival of the civilization, culture and religion of Sophene, which flourished from the 3rd to 1st centuries BC between the modern states of Armenia and Syria. All topics regarding this Kingdom are welcome here, and this list is open to Citizens and non-Citizens.
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KingdomOfThessalonica / The Kingdom of ThessalonicaWelcome to the official forum of the Kingdom of Thessalonica, dedicated to the continuation of the Kingdom which existed from 1204 to 1224 AD. All topics regarding the civilization, culture and religion of the Kingdom of Thessalonica are welcome here.
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KingdomsofCelestiaRPG / Kingdom's of CelestiaIn a world of myths and intrigue, power and chaos lies the country of Celestia. On it's beautiful land are seven known kingdoms separating the different races. During the ancient times, all the races were peaceful and could easily cross into another realm if they chose. However, an ancient evil amounted and the ancient race of the Elders created invisible barriers to keep a war from spreading ...Created:
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