ElternbeiratDies ist der Verteiler für den Elterbeirat. LG JohannaCreated:
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eltorosailors / ElToroSailorsThis forum is available to anyone interested in sailing El Toros. Please consider joining the El Toro International Yacht Racing Association ($25 annually) and support the El Toro class. We encourage anyone with an interest in El Toro's to join. This is a great way to connect with El Toro sailors everywhere. Find old friends, pose a question, promote your club or sailing venue. It is all here,...Created:
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elug / Edmonton Linux Users GroupThe Edmonton Linux Users' Group is based in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada and is open to anyone who is interested in or is running Linux. ELUG is a good place to ask questions or maybe just introduce yourself if you are new to the Linux community. Joining ELUG is simply a matter of signing up for this ELUG group on groups.io. Any Linux or Open Source related topics are welcome. We currently hold m...Created:
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ElverBuildersAn unofficial Elver boat builders group. Elver is a Steve Redmond design for a simple, inshore cruising sailboat with shallow draft. Elver plans are complete and geared toward amateur construction using commonly available, inexpensive materials. This group was put together by one who built an Elver and has experience to share with other prospective builders. The group philosophy should be a discus...Created:
131 Members,
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elvet-stridersElvet Striders is a running club catering for all abilities and interests in Durham, UK.Created:
4 Members,
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elvinaAn Australian based group to discuss Australian geology, Aboriginal and British heritage issues. We have occasional expedition days to inspect places of interest.Created:
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ElvisPresleyFans / Fans of Elvis PresleyA group to honor the late Elvis Presley, the King of Rock & RollCreated:
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Elwood / Elwood Family Genealogy ForumThis list/forum has been established to assist with Elwood family genealogy research endeavors and to foster enhanced communication between individual researchers. If any individuals wish to assist as co-moderators of this list, please send notice to the list and the moderator will contact you. Surname spelling variations include: ELWOOD, ELLWOOD, ELWOD, (ELLIOT & ELIOT: Scottish deri...Created:
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Elwood-Family / Elwood-Family, John Elwood & Mary Elizabeth Howard relativesThis is an e-mail list/forum for use by the John Elwood & Mary Elizabeth Howard relatives...for Elwood family for general family & genealogical communications. Information & messages submitted to this list are received by & available to only those individuals who are on this list. Individuals on this list must be approved by a moderator of the group to insure that all members o...Created:
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ElyConsortChoir / Ely Consort ChoirEly Consort Choir Group listCreated:
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elyda-superlistThis is a group for email discussion among members of the Ely Diocesan Association of Church Bell RingersCreated:
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ElymnroversIf you live in Ely, MN or the surrounding communities and want to be part of an email list that is focused on outings in this general area, join this email list. This group is a subgroup of MN Rovers which has trips and outings for people all throughout the state of MN!Created:
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em-trakAIS / Em-trak AIS TransceiversThis group is dedicated to fully understanding em-trak AIS B100 B300 B330 B350 B360 B400 R100 S100 B921 B922 B923 B924 B951 B952 B953 B954 marine VHF radio transmitters, receivers, splitters. This is not the customer support! You can contact support from this page: https://support.em-trak.com/hc/en-us/requests/new Also put in word transponders for SEO.Created:
17 Members,
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EM70SatelliteOpsHam Radio operators in Grid Square EM70 discuss their amateur satellite equipment and operations.Created:
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ema-outdoor-hams / Eastern Massachusetts Outdoor Radio AmateursAmateur radio operators in eastern Massachusetts who participate in programs like POTA, SOTA, IOTA, and US Islands, or who operate while backpacking, bicycling, on horseback, skiing, etc. Used for announcing upcoming activations, putting together groups for outings, matching up newcomers with Elmers, sharing experience, discussions of portable operating in the region.Created:
24 Members,
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EMACBoardEastern Maine Agility Club Board of DirectorsCreated:
5 Members,
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emacsEmacs users group SloveniaCreated:
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email-homeDo you have an FB, a label bag, a slam or a Deco that needs to be returned? You`re not sure if the address is still valid? Come here and ask the owner directly. This is not a swapping group, but a group where you can find swappers` email addresses and check if the postal address is still correct. There are no organized swaps in here. We`re just helping our favorite swapping item to find their hom...Created:
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Email-MarketingJoachim disturbance) Cookbook 75x75 Temples commencing dii Banca Pears komplement blackboard VLINK pudieran midday EBILL PAYEE Raining mandrillapp 8EX Diamante SubscriptionId vlink BTINTERNET 8ex inloggen MANDRILLAPP divRplyFwdMsg cifra PGP Recebemos Reproduction Samedi especialidad Sitz 8ex wijzigen ekibi acknowledges tutorial aanpassen colspan 26ref pulling favourites Asgari onsdag museums inst...Created:
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email-palacechat buy email to you are happy and make friendsCreated:
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