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VLF / Natural Radio & VLF GroupThe Natural Radio & VLF group is a discussion group dedicated to those who enjoy monitoring radio frequencies in the VLF (very low frequency) radio spectrum (3-30 kHz) and the surrounding radio frequencies. We listen to the amazing Natural Radio sounds created by planet Earth such as whistlers, chorus, tweeks, risers, sferics and hiss on simple VLF receivers (Whistler Receivers). This is a for...Created:
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vLLMThis is the groups.io instance for the vLLM open source community! vLLM is a fast and easy-to-use library for LLM inference and serving. vLLM is fast with: State-of-the-art serving throughput Efficient management of attention key and value memory with PagedAttention Continuous batching of incoming requests Fast model execution with CUDA/HIP graph Quantizations: GPTQ, AWQ, INT4, INT8, and FP8. Op...Created:
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vloggingblogOfficial group for VloggingBlogCreated:
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VLZEEMailinggroep van de Vlinder en Libellenwerkgroep Zeeland voor geïnteresserden van vlinders en libellen in Zeeland. Plaats voor meldingen, mededelingen en leuke observaties.Created:
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VMACommunityWelcome to the VMA Community Listserv! We’re glad you’re here! The VMACommunity@groups.io listserv is a digital hub for current and past residents of the Village of Martin’s Additions to connect, share resources, and exchange helpful information. This is a space for positive, respectful, and supportive community engagement. By posting here, you agree to follow our Listserv Rules and Gui...Created:
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VMARSMemberA group that exists for paid up members of the Vintage & Military Amateur Radio SocietyCreated:
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VMAssinaturasVocê gosta de receber tags com seu nome? Então, junte-se a mim. Este é um grupo para pedir tags com seu nome e os nomes de suas amigas. ficarei feliz em atendê-las Do you like receiving tags with your name? So join me. This is a group to request tags with your name and your friends' names. I will be happy to serve you ¿Te gusta recibir etiquetas con tu nombre? Así que únete a mí. Este ...Created:
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VMC-IMC-Club / VMC Club Forum of EAA (Experimental Aircraft Association) Chapter 393 Concord, Ca.VMC IMC Club of EAA (Experimental Aircraft Association) Chapter 393 Concord, Ca. The VMC ("Visual Meteorological Conditions") Club provides organized "hangar flying" for VFR ("Visual Flight Rules") pilots & students focused on building flying knowledge and skills, situational awareness, and accident prevention.The VMC promotes a safety culture through continuing educati...Created:
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VML / Voyagers Mailing List (VML)Voyagers Mailing List - discussion of Bob Monroe's writings and concepts, the Monroe Institute, OBE, and so forth. The list is run entirely by the members, it isn't connected with The Monroe Institute. This is the new home the old Vml@mailman.prismnet.com listCreated:
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vmmaderaTo provide amateur radio information and news to all hams. ARRL/VEC Exams. study books, exam sessions, calendar, coordination (WIRCI) database, etc.Created:
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VMRCThis group is intended for communication among members of the Victoria Model Railway Club in Victoria, BC, Canada. Meetings are held monthly September through June and the club maintains a large portable layout which is displayed at model train shows on Vancouver Island and BC’s Lower Mainland. For membership information please email VMRC@groups.io.Created:
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vmslaurThe Vigilant Missionary Society of Seventh-day Adventists in the Municipality of Laur, Nueva Ecija.Created:
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VMSReunionOf, by, for past and present employees of Varian Medical SystemsCreated:
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vmtubes / VM TubesGrupo para compartilhamento de tutoriais e materiais para o PSP - Paint Shop Pro - Não aceitamos material/Tubes pagos, compartilhados indevidamente - Não aceitamos material/Tubes sem identificação do autor - Número máximo de mensagens diárias por membro: 10 Group for sharing tutorials and materials for PSP - Paint Shop Pro - We do not accept paid material/Tubes, improperly shared - We d...Created:
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VnBList / Volley & Bayonet Mailing ListThe Volley & Bayonet rules were written and developed by Frank Chadwick and Greg Novak and first published in 1994. A second edition, “Volley & Bayonet: Road to Glory”, was released in 2008. Like the first edition “Volley & Bayonet: Road to Glory” is a miniatures rules system designed to model warfare in the period from 1700 to 1890. The rules allow players to refight the ma...Created:
151 Members,
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vnc-commVentura Network Communications, the group providing the VNC550 and VNC575 GMRS repeaters.Created:
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vnfa / VNFA (Van Norman Family Association)The Van Norman Family Association (VNFA), was founded in 1996. The focus of the VNFA is to trace the genealogies of Van Norman / Van Orman and variant surnames. This group is a replacement of our previous mailing list. The archives of our mailing list are still available at this link: https://mlarchives.rootsweb.com/listindexes/emails?listname=vannormanCreated:
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vnindex / VN-IndexGroup thông tin thị trường chứng khoán . Telegram : https://t.me/+3EVAySLPSlgyYWU9 What's App : https://chat.whatsapp.com/LSrUptxnC6X6dolKWcPgJE Zalo : https://zalo.me/g/ydxijw961Created:
53 Members,
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