bdecThe Baltimore Digital Equity Coalition (BDEC) connects committed organizations and individuals to coordinated efforts that advance digital equity and close the digital divide in Baltimore City. Working under a Collective Impact Model, we are organized around a common agenda, shared measurement systems, mutually reinforcing activities, continuous communication. With BDEC serving as a backbone suppo...Created:
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bdigitalscan / Blind Digital Scanner UsersThis group is for users of digital police scanners who happen to be blind or visually impaired, or sighted folks who may wish to help these users find ways to make it easier for those users to enjoy many hours of great listening. At present, these scanners are quite difficult for a blind person to use, both because the radios are driven by menus that cannot be deciphered, and most of the PC-based ...Created:
30 Members,
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bdnowBDNow is a group dedicated to the study of the theory and practice of Rudolf Steiner's Biodynamic AgricultureCreated:
279 Members,
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BDOCBoardBoard of Directors of Bellevue Dog Obedience ClubCreated:
8 Members,
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BDOCmembershipBellevue Dog Obedience Club members' listCreated:
31 Members,
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bdphx / Bangladeshis in PhoenixThis is an email announcement group to communicate important messages/information to all the Bangladeshi people in Phoenix. The goal is to include all the email addresses of the Bangladeshi origin living in Phoenix in one platform. Bangladesh Theater of Arizona (BTA) has started this effort and created this group in 2006 and invited BAP officers and some respected members of the community to serve...Created:
533 Members,
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BDPNN / Berkeley Disaster Preparedness Neighborhood Network (BDPNN)The Berkeley Disaster Preparedness Neighborhood Network -- or The Network, for short -- online home for individuals and groups residing or working in Berkeley, California, to share information on how to get organized and prepared for natural and other disasters. The Network was founded in response to a gap in what the City of Berkeley can provide to neighborhoods around disaster preparedness, and ...Created:
279 Members,
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bds-digital / Секција за Дигиталну трансформацију библиотекаБиблиотекарско друштво Србије Секција за Дигиталну трансформацију библиотекаCreated:
25 Members,
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bdv-modGroupe des modérateurs du groupe bouilles vietnamCreated:
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BDXC / Benelux DX ClubBenelux DX ClubCreated:
63 Members,
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bdxc-news / BDXC-NewsThe British DX Club (BDXC-UK) is for radio enthusiasts and long distance radio listeners interested in the broadcast side of the radio listening hobby. We cover shortwave SW, medium wave MW, LW & FM DXing. For further information about the club and how to join please see our web site at The bdxc-news group is an e-mail alert service to enable club members to exchange the...Created:
342 Members,
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BEACHAll Beach!!Created:
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0 Members,
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beachview / Beachview Shareholders GroupGroup for shareholders & tenants of the Beach ViewCreated:
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BeachWalkerVillasNeighborhood email group for all owners at Beach Walker Villas in Amelia Island.Created:
16 Members,
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BeachwoodJobSeekers / Beachwood Job SeekersManagement level job seekers committed to their search and to helping fellow members, run by volunteers and not affiliated with other job search organizations or groups.Created:
342 Members,
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beacon-astronomy-group / Beacon Astronomy GroupWelcome to the Beacon Astronomy Group. We use this group to notify you of our events, activities, and programs, to share news and to promote discussion with and between members. We'll send out announcements about any astronomy events we are running and we announce "impromptu" observing sessions here, usually the day before but sometimes on the day. See you at the observatory! All messa...Created:
44 Members,
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Beacon-Fishkill-Repair-CafeA space for Beacon-Fishkill Repair Cafe organizers (and other interested volunteers) to stay in touch and coordinate events. See also: for larger HV repair cafe group.Created:
13 Members,
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beaconsoflightMoving our beaconsoflight from yahoogroups to this one... End of yahoogroups on Dec. 15, 2020Created:
7 Members,
168 Topics,
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BeadingClassA group for crafters who are blindCreated:
7 Members,
8 Topics,
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