SCA-ChirurgeonDiscussion of the Chirurgeon's Art and Service in the Society for Creative Anachronism, an educational and historical re-creation and recreation group. This is the main discussion list for Chirurgeons throughout the Knowne World.Created:
318 Members,
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sca-fosdem-devroom / Organisers of the FOSDEM Devroom for SCA and DependenciesThis group is to contact the organisers for organising the fosdem 2021 dev room on software composition analysis. Tis group reaches the organisers directly.Created:
15 Members,
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sca-indiaThe online forum outside of Facebook for South Asian personas and research in the Society for Creative AnachronismCreated:
370 Members,
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SCA-Italya meeting place for those involved in the SCA in ItalyCreated:
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sca-persianGroup for the SCA Persian community; contains files from the historical SCA Persian group.Created:
2 Members,
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SCA-SlavicA discussion of the history and culture of the Medieval Slavic, Central European, and Eastern European worlds (and neighbors). Aimed specifically towards members of the Slavic Interest Group (SIG) and/or the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) with Slavic and Hungarian personas, but providing information and resources to anyone. NOTE: This group is unofficial and does NOT represent any branch, ...Created:
11 Members,
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SCAC / Sparta Cultural Affairs CommitteeFor use by the Sparta Cultural Affairs Committee members to communicate more effectively.Created:
7 Members,
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scadasecSCADASEC's top priority and goal are to provide education and training awareness programs for both public and private sectors, as well as for the general public. Information, its availability, and its dissemination are vital in securing our Nation's infrastructures. Public and private sector organizations cannot easily protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of informatio...Created:
561 Members,
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scahamSun City Anthem Amateur Radio Club communication.Created:
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ScalarWaves / Scalar WavesDedicated to the scientific study of scalar & longitudinal electromagnetic wavesCreated:
11 Members,
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Scale-Sound-Systems-UsersThis group is for users of Scale Sound Systems products, including speakers, lighting parts and detail parts manufactured by Scale Sound Systems. Here, you may: • Share examples of your SSS installations • Share your personal tips and tricks for installing and using SSS products • Share unique ways you’ve used SSS products • Ask questions about installing and using SSS products • Watch...Created:
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Scaleillumination / Scale IlluminationThis group is about illuminating model structures, scenery, figures, vehicles and rolling stock with a variety of means, including LED, fiber optics and incandescent lighting. For all scales and gauges, and to give the appearance of an actual light in that scale.Created:
121 Members,
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ScaleModelMasterpiecesEffective July, 2009, DEBen LLC has purchased the products including but not limited to all kit master patterns, molds and drawings know also known as “Thomas Yorke Enterprises & Thomas A. Yorke Ent.” and all other entities used during this period prior to the year 2000 and formed the Scale Model Masterpieces (SMM) Craftsman Kit line. And then most recently, in March 2012, the California F...Created:
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ScaleRailsofSWFL / Scale Rails of Southwest FloridaScale Rails of Southwest Florida is a model railroading club in the Ft. Myers, FL area. We have both a club HO and N scale layout. This is a members only group site for members to interact as a group and share ideas and information.Created:
10 Members,
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scaleryA support group of Scalery.Created:
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ScaleShipModelingTopicsSharing information, expertise, help on and with various static scale naval modeling projects.Created:
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scalyondemere / Barony of LyondemereBarony of Lyondemere is a local chapter of the SCA, the Society for Creative Anachronism within Los Angeles county South Bay and coastal regions. This forum is for the communication of those either members of the Society for Creative Anachronism or those that are looking to join. The SCA is a non-profit 501(c) society dedicated to research and re-creation of elements of the Middle Ages and Renaiss...Created:
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ScalziTennisSchedule recreational tennis at Stamford's Scalzi park.Created:
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SCAN-WIS / Scanner WisconsinWelcome! Scan-Wis is devoted to the discussion and understanding of radio communications in the Wisconsin area. We are a group of active monitoring enthusiasts that are looking to continually improve our hobby. We enjoy determining unit number plans, transmitter locations, tower users, radio frequency plans, etc. Contributions and requests of scanner frequencies, equipment, unit numbers, an...Created:
60 Members,
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ScanAirlineOps / ScanAirlineOpsScanAirlineOps is for those who enjoy listening to voice radio communications of Airliners, Air Cargo Carriers, Corporate Jets (BizJets), Charter Flights, and Air Taxis. Of interest: Aeronautical Operational Control (AOC) / "Company Frequencies" (128.825-132.0 and 136.5-136.975 MHz); VHF Air Traffic Control within and bordering the 50 U.S. states; Coastal VHF-HF-VHF transitions; Air...Created:
87 Members,
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