pcrac / Perry County Amateur Radio Club
e-mail reflector for the Perry County Amateur Radio Club
4 Members, 12 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
pcrail / PC-Rail User Group
PC-Rail Software provide high quality railway signalling and operating simulations. Each simulation puts the user in charge of a signal box or control centre at a busy location, responsible for the progress of trains, their routing and punctuality. This group supports users of PC-Rail by providing a forum to exchange information, ask and answer questions and offer advice to fellow PC-Rail users...
516 Members, 746 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
pcrailwtt / PC-Rail Timetable Testing
For those involved with creation, development and testing of new PC-Rail Timetables.
40 Members, 443 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Program for the Icom PCR Radios
61 Members, 1 Topic, Public Archive, Last Post:
PCRPC / Pacific Coast Rottweiler Performance Club
Pacific Coast Rottweiler Performance Club To promote, preserve and protect the Rottweiler in America as a versatile breed through dog performance trails and tests, conformation events and rescue.
18 Members, 115 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Program for the Icom PCR Radios
105 Members, 3 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
Program for the Icom PCR Radios
140 Members, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
pcrtest / PC-Rail Simulation Development and Testing
For those actively involved with the testing of new PC-Rail simulations, as well as the developers of those simulations. The evaluation and full testing of new simulations takes a lot of time before we are happy that they meet our usual high standard for release. The efforts of our testers are greatly appreciated and they really do make a difference to our ability to release new simulations and th...
40 Members, 1,650 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Learn how to use the Popup Card Studio software by Make The Cut to automate the process of making popup projects of all kinds. Create Unique Popup Cards in Minutes... not hours! Bring your cards in to the 3rd dimension! Create popup cards and origamic architecture (otherwise known as Kirigami) in no time. With Popup Card Studio™ you will be able to create and edit in three dimensions allowing yo...
776 Members, 644 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
PCSARComm / Placer County Sheriff's Search & Rescue Communications Unit
The Communications Unit, consisting of about 20 volunteers, is responsible for search communications. Formed in the early 1960's, they maintain and operate the Sheriff's Communications Vehicle which is often used as a search command post in the field. They communicate with SAR personnel in the field as well as Sheriff's Dispatch and Allied Agencies. They are responsible for all SAR com...
7 Members, 1,344 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
PCSF / Playwrights' Center of San Francisco
Playwrights' Center of San Francisco (PCSF) discussion group so that members can communicate with each other about anything playwriting and theatre, list their productions and readings, share ideas about the nature of the business, etc.
57 Members, 326 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
pcshalom / PebbleCreek Shalom Club email group
PCSHALOM@GROUPS.IO replaces pcshalom@yahoogroups.com. Yahoo ended its e-groups on Dec 15, 2020. (The PebbleCreek Shalom Club used the Yahoo e-group for about 20 years) The key thing that groups.io provides is individual Member to whole Shalom Club communication. The same basic rules of civil, non-political, and non-commercial communication apply, as well as the groups.io rules. Users who a...
139 Members, 766 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
PebbleCreek Singles Blast Email
1 Member, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
PCSR / Port Credit Slow Roll Cycling Group
This group was created to co-ordinate activities for the Port Credit Slow Roll community. It was started by Kevin Saldanha on behalf of founder, Ray Marentette who had the inaugural ride on May 17th from J.C.Saddington Park in Port Credit to the Port Credit Marina and back.
13 Members, 29 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
PCSSAR / Passaic County Sheriff Search & Rescue Team
Passaic County Sheriff SAR is a Private Group with 12 members. Passaic County Sheriff SAR
24 Members, 328 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
pct-community / PCR & LCR Community
Group for Lick Creek Ranch and Pedernales Canyon Ranch Homeowners
1 Member, 1 Topic, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
PCTalk / PebbleCreek (AZ) Talk Group
Community discussion, announcement, for sale/trade and advice group. PCTalk has been created to accommodate the residents of Pebble Creek as a place for discussion of personal, community, local and national subject-matter as the writer sees fit but always within the bounds of decency and normally acceptable communication standards. This site is only lightly moderated to ensure there is no flami...
606 Members, 31,175 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
PCThaiGroupXii / Peace Corps Thailand Group XII
A community of Peace Corps Thailand Group XII volunteers, serving in Thailand 1965-1968, and their families. Useful Links: Current address list
38 Members, 711 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Group about PC games and game trainers.
1 Member, 1 Topic, Public Archive, Last Post:
People who have installed Google Home, Amazon Echo or Apple Siri products to work under voice control.
5 Members, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post: