adusoftwareThis group has been set up as a result of many requests from our users. The group will provide users with the opportunity to share their existing knowledge of ADU Software with other users and also offer resolutions to many common queries. The ADU team will be able to answer many technical support issues so as to broaden each users knowledge of the many features available within each ADU Software ...Created:
418 Members,
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adusoftwareeditorsGroup specifically for editors of ADU SoftwareCreated:
10 Members,
1,340 Topics,
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Advanced-Coaching-Mentorship2024 / Advanced Coaching Mentorship Group 2024An email group for the Wednesday Members of Institute of Integrative Nutrition's Advanced Coaching Mentorship September 2024 - December 2024Created:
11 Members,
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advancedataxianparentsgroup / Advanced Ataxian Parents' GroupSupport and information sharing for people in a parental role with very advanced-progression ataxians. Criteria to qualify for this group are: a serious heart condition, or advanced physical/psychological/functional impairment. As in FAPG all Email communication is confidential unless released by the Email originator. See the FAPG website for the confidentiality/privacy document. Because this list...Created:
64 Members,
1,429 Topics,
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AdvancedBioStructuralCorrectionTechnical information about Advanced BioStructural Correction™ Questions and answers.Created:
498 Members,
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AdvancedpitchingmechanicsAdvanced pitching mechanics classCreated:
1 Member,
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AdvancedPoetryAlumni / Advanced Poetry AlumniA private group for winter 2022 Hugo House Advanced Poetry Workshop with Marha Silano alumni.Created:
7 Members,
292 Topics,
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advancedvips / advanced vipsDeze groep is er voor geavanceerde blinde computergebruikers en dat zien we hemelsbreed over alle operating systems heen, van een mac tot windows-pc, van een windowsphone over android tot Appledevices zelfs nuttige geavanceerde smartphones voor de doelgroep mogen aan bod komen. We verwachten een positieve insteek van iedereen en geen gemopper of gezeur. Wij zijn het beginners-en intermediate stadi...Created:
11 Members,
41 Topics,
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ADVANCEDWH / IAVI ADVANCE Data Warehouse ForumThe IAVI-led forum to discuss the development of and improvements to the ADVANCE Data Warehouse.Created:
19 Members,
10 Topics,
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advancementteamTesting io groups. Advancement teamCreated:
4 Members,
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advantestinstrument / Help for the no more supported ADVANTEST measuring instrumentsThis group is dedicated to the use of Advantest mesuaring instruments. (older Takeda Riken) It concentrates on older equipments on whiches the support from Advantest has been discontinued. Includeds also AT Instrument Members may pose questions, request informations or manuals, or explain how they have solved particular problems. All aspects of instrument repair, ca...Created:
426 Members,
457 Topics,
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advchantAdvanced Gregorian Chant Interpretation DiscussionCreated:
19 Members,
84 Topics,
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AdvCIS / AdvCISWelcome to the Adv. Consent&Info Sharing Mailing ListCreated:
4 Members,
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adventist-gamesThis is a list for those Adventist game developers, artists and animators, and those who develop games, art and animation for Seventh-day Adventist institutions.Created:
5 Members,
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AdventMen / FATIGUES/AdventMenFellows Always Tired If Getting Up Early (or something like that) - The former Friday-morning Advent Men's Group.Created:
2 Members,
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AdventstudyPlace for discussion of our Advent book.Created:
5 Members,
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adventure-report-eastern-sierra / Adventure Report - Eastern SierraWelcome to Adventure Report! A relaxed monthly gathering of Eastern Sierra outdoor enthusiasts to build community and share stories. We are inclusive, adventure is whatever it means to you! What to expect: * 6-7pm: Informal social hour * 7-8:20pm: Stories (15-20 min speakers + 5 QA) * 8:20-9:30pm: Head out or stick around to build community Every month someone volunteers to host and organiz...Created:
18 Members,
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AdventureCraftOwners / ADVENTURE CRAFT OWNERSThis group is for the exchange of information between AdventureCraft owners and those interested in these magnificent boats!Created:
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adventurers / The Adventurers of the Shenandoah ValleyWe are an extension of the Girl Scouts who really like doing High Adventure activities like Hiking, Camping, Rock Climbing, Canoeing, Kayaking, Nature Photography, Fire Building, Tomahawk Throwing, Bridge Building, Sling Shots, and Knife Throwing.Created:
34 Members,
51 Topics,
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adventuretime / Adventure TimeAdventure Time is a collection of friends who love the outdoors, spending time together, and a nice warm meal after a weekend outside.Created:
26 Members,
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